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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Was McGregor maybe a bit slow going for it?
  2. It looks more and more likely that all of those whose contracts are running out end of season won’t be offered new deals. Thats a lot of players to replace. And it gets even more difficult when you try to get the quality we want on an unknown budget
  3. Today was difficult to take but let’s get things into perspective the game was relatively meaningless as the league’s been gone long ago. We should be more concerned about whether MB is up to the job as Rangers manager & what sort of squad we’ll have ready for next season. My concern about the current squad is that the structure is all wrong. We’re overloaded in some positions & short in others and have got a goalkeeping position which needed sorting last summer if not earlier.
  4. Or we can bring in loanees… Put simply, we don’t score enough goals( for the amount of possession we have) and concede too many we need to do something
  5. Kyogo only cost them something like £4m. surely we can afford that. what worries me is we continue to look in England for players. One of the most expensive markets. They get most of their players from elsewhere nowadays. We need to do likewise.
  6. As well as a new GK and at least one CB for next season we need someone up front who can score 25+ goals per season Say what you like about Celtic but when they build a team they firstly look at getting goalscorers who can get goals. We need to do the same for next season
  7. Sometimes these things happen in football. You dominate but don’t score then they score a fluke & build on it. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again: we lack penetration in wide areas to get behind defences & create good chances. That needs to be resolved.
  8. Dominating without scoring but always capable of a stupid mistake to allow them to score
  9. I’d offer Ryan Jack a years contract. We need Scottish players for Europe
  10. I’m sure Celtic’s wage bill is more than £21m shown.
  11. Regardless who we get for next season we need to hope Tom Lawrence is fully fit and ready. He’d have been our best player this season IMO. Badly missed
  12. Truth is it was THEM who didn’t want us to sign RC’s. Not us. My view is the policy was unsustainable and Rangers managers prior to Souness wanted it overturned
  13. Think we need to see who’s definitely going first before finalising anything. As things stand right now we’re still short at CB and will need to get at least one keeper for next season.
  14. The tempo of our game( particularly at home) is too slow and we lack players who can get behind defences in wide areas
  15. A good win in the end but we’re losing far too many goals. We’ll need a keeper & another CB in the summer And I think Sakala is more of a goal threat & usually has a better end product than Kent. Going to be an interesting summer transfer window
  16. Expect Sakala will replace Kent & Souttar will deputise for Goldson again. Wonder if Sakala a better option up front alongside the main striker than Kent? Scores more goals
  17. It was probably time for him to go. The two transfer windows prior to MB becoming manager were very disappointing & contributed to GvB’s departure. It’ll be interesting to see if we continue with a DoF. This role evolved whilst DK was chairman IIRC.
  18. I wouldn’t disagree with you. Colak is more of a Kris Boyd type to me. A poacher. Morelos contributes more to the team with his link up play (usually) My view is could we try to accommodate the 2 of them but if so who drops out?
  19. Davies at their second & Souttar at the third although I’ve sympathy for Souttar as it was a dreadful ball from Jack. And remember their second in the 2-2 game when Jack failed to clear & they scored
  20. We need to get defenders prepared to put the ball into rowZ of the stand when necessary
  21. That’s part of his job. FWIW I think does quite well in his media dealings
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