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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The UoF wanted to starve the club of funds via boycotts of ST's and merchandise.They claimed a success.

    Now the club is having to make people redundant and they're up in arms about it.

    You couldnt make this up could you.....

  2. what was said re Ashley at the Time AGM?


    Presume you mean the yahoos recent AGM. His influence at Rangers was raised and Liewell replied something along the lines that it would be for the SFA to consider.

    Almost every yahoos I've met( and my conversations with them are very limited to say the least) is terrified at the prospect of Ashley becoming more and more involved at Rangers.

    Mind you when you've got the likes of the UoF trying to report Ashley to the SFA for the same reason what hope is there ?

  3. Liewell doesnt fancy the idea of someone like Ashley pumping money into Rangers so he's getting his SFA puppet Rhegan to get his new compliance officer McGlennan(another yahoo?) to issue this notice of complaint. Ashley was of course raised at the yahoos latest AGM(quite remarkable. Not even intheir league yet & they're panicking already).

    Hilarious stuff but surely new compliance officer McGlennan should be investigating the yahoo's funding/loans/overdrafts from the basketcase Co-op bank? Was there political influence getting these loans at unheard of interst rates of 1 percent? Who and what security was arranged on these loans? Is the San GIro being used as security? Plenty there for new compliance officer McGleenan to lokk at too I'd have thought.

  4. You have no idea what he would do with that fee though. I actually think it would be worth it for us all to actually hear what really is going on at Ibrox.


    And what really went on with the SFA & SPL during summer 2012.

  5. The club and it's ongoing state of Omnishambles+, is the fault of the various incarnations of Executive management (board) that come to further their own interests, period.


    - Had we been run properly Ally McCoist would have been replaced some time ago.


    - Had we been run properly we would have seen investment in the footballing operation infrastructure and presently be in a better place with better prospects both on and off the field.


    really? The board were afraid to replace McCOIST for fear of protests from the UoF, SoS etc. Wrongly imo.

    Now we've got Llambias making cuts which were needed long ago all we're getting is squeals of protest.

  6. That isn't true GS.


    He could waive his right to compensation if he so desired.


    just think of the money Ally would make if he brought out a book all about these last three and a half years !!!!

    Not just inside RANGERS but the SPL & SFA too.

    Just think about letting everyone know what Rhegan & Doncaster really said. Or the SPL chairmen.

    Would be a must read...........

  7. This board are currently in a process that not only cuts costs but are taking some of the layers of 'traditional Rangers' from the club, which they probably regard as a negative from their POV. (I refer more to other areas of the club/ the manager of the football club can come from Mexico, if he's good enough)


    It is also a demonstration of ruthless power that warns any others that are left to 'behave'.


    As I said a month or two back, if Ashely comes out of this running 'Sports Direct Vehicle (Scotland)', I'm finished with it all as the club as I knew it will be dead.


    Costs do need to be cut especially in the non-playing side. If Llambias is starting to do that it's long overdue

  8. The raping of our club passes you by time and time and time and time again yet you take to the streets when Celtic fans light up a flare, fascinating.


    Many in our support are of the opinion that the yahoos seem to get off rather lightly for this sort of thing all too often.Indeed on occasions they've gone unpunished.

    Whenever the boot's on the other foot however and it's Rangers there is the inevitable mhedia campaign for maximum publicity in order to get the most severe punishment possible.

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