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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. We've two games thiis month away to QOS and Hibz. These could go a long way deciding our fate as I cant see hertz dropping many points over the festive period.If we dont win them both then I seriously believe we'll be relying on the play offs for promotion
  2. Scottish football simply cannot support 42 senior clubs. Someone has to grasp the nettle and have two leagues of 10 of 12. The rest of the clubs can join the amateur or junior leagues. P.s. I was hearing on Saturday night another SPL , sorry SPFL premiership club is heading towards administration. Listening to Liewell about 'Sporting Integrity' and booting Rangers out the SPL is proving fatal for some of these clubs and their gullible chairmen
  3. Is that his latest then? Will anyone take him seriously do you think? You've got to hand it to the likes of him, Spiers etc that regards Rangers over these past few years they have been consistent.Consistently WRONG that is. The oldco collapse was almost totally about Whyte's fraudulent takeover and running of Rangers as opposed to the BTC which they kept telling us Rangers would lose. How did the FTTT and UTTT go again ? Should the BTC finally disappear then it would be a fair assumption to make that the oldco was never insolvent. Now are they saying the stadium is falling down ? LOL. A bit like the asbestos nonsense in the main stand. How long did that one last before someone pointed out white asbestos wasn't used in construction when the main stand got built nearly 100 years ago. One thing though you do learn about these people is that when they accuse you of something it's because they're up to something similar themselves. When Rangers got accused of cheating by using EBT's and not paying the tax on them they were doing all sorts of dodgy land deals with their political chums to use them as security on ultra soft loans from the basketcase Co-op bank.Not to mention all the public money spent on the San Giro for the purpose of one evening for the CG opening ceremony which should have been held at Hampden anyway as it was the main athletics arena. No I suspect there may be another reason behind the claim. it is because there is problems at their stadium. I can recall reading at the time after it was built that it had been done on the cheap and would require extensive work in 20 years time. Those 20 years are nearly up now..... Lie, deflect, deny. Their tactics never change do they?
  4. I want the Easdales gone. They don't bring good publicity to Rangers. As for Sommers I tend to think he's a bit out of his depth at Rangers. Can't think of anything noteworthy he's done
  5. No typo whatsoever mate. Anyone who wants to inflict any damage on Rangers and goes around saying derogatory things about Rangers is a scumbag to me. That includes Rangers supporters
  6. You see there is a section of our support whose sole purpose is to get Dave King & co installed as owners and are prepared to go to extreme lengths to achieve this such as trying to force an administration. I, for one, do not believe that would work as tne club would never recover and am sceptical about anything involving King as I do not believe he has the wealth many claim he has.
  7. One wonders where Whyte got all the money to do this world tour.
  8. There are simply too many so-called Rangers supporters who want to inflict damage on the club for their own agenda. They must not be allowed to succeed
  9. Something has to be done about the youth set-up at MP. It simply isn't working.It isn't producing anywhere near enough young players capable of getting into the first team & staying there. We have a situation where clubs like Hertz and Dundee HIbs vastly out-perform us with significantly less resources. That is why it may need someone with the relevant background to come in in this DoF role and instigate change at the MP youth set-up for starters. After that making the first team worth watching again would be good.
  10. All I want to know is how this third-rate con artist managed to acquire Rangers at all. It didn't exactly take a Super Sleuth to uncover much of this - Jackson & traynor found out very soon after he moved in. He must have had individuals pulling the strings along the way for him. These are the people we need to see convicted too.
  11. Read again. It says convincing he had the funds 'induced' the board. That isn't true as I said. AJ and PM were opposed to the sale
  12. 'The fraud charge Mr Whyte faces spans from January 2010 to February 2012' Very interesting. Starts about a year and a half before he unfortunately got Rangers.
  13. The bit about Whyte convincing the board he had sufficient funds is not true. AJ &PM for starters didn't believe he had the funds he claimed to have
  14. I've always taken the view that FARE are a vile, corrupt organisation whose deliberately selective approach to its investigations renders it liable to the most blatant forms of bias possible in assisting its so-called friends against their opponents.
  15. Why would a court allow a business to go into an administration if someone had £16M to put in it? DK effectively closed off the administration option for the board. Now they've to find £8m.
  16. Was never going to get accepted. DK knew that too. It was a tactic by DK to effectively rule out administration.
  17. Not for long hopefully.................. He'll need to go into hiding somewhere.
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