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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It may not work. It may not even be tried.


    Most Rangers fans want a saviour to make Rangers right. They talk about fighting for the club but not only do they not know how to fight, they have hardly any tools and don't know who they should be fighting anyway.


    Rangers goes all the way back to 1872 but a large number of Rangers fans are fully aware that while the continuation of the club is real and legal, its spirit has long since ascended to another place.


    If it cannot be captured in this Rangers, a new one might have a purpose to serve.


    When you mention the word 'saviour' I believe that is the root of the problem we are in.Too many in our support have had their heads turned by the likes of McColl, Kennedy and King.If these men genuinely wanted Rangers then they should have gone about it in the only way possible by acquiring a shareholding.There is no other way. The fact they havent tells me all I need to know.

    A new Rangers is just plain laughable as far as I'm concerned.

  2. A new club - and it would be a new club - would be followed by people who want a club of integrity to support, but they would want Rangers to get through this period and become a recognisable and trusted entity again.


    If there were two clubs to follow and the big one cleared the poison from its system, the wee one might become a feeder club to it.


    If Rangers remained what it has become - a club that many diehard Rangers fans will not support any more, at least a new seed would have been planted to be whatever it wanted to be.


    Wouldnt work.Complete non starter but good luck anyway. Only one Rangers for me. Same one I started watching in the mid 70's

  3. If Rangers fans started a brand new club, it would attract my support - not because I have given up on Rangers - but because Rangers has given up on me.


    The fight to reclaim Rangers would continue, but while it remains in inappropriate ownership, fans who want to have a trusted club to support could have one, and they'd own it too.


    There has been talk of an FC Rangers before, and the idea remained on the back burner, but perhaps the time is coming where ideas like this need to be properly looked at.


    Good luck and Goodbye.

  4. There is no good option left for what is RIFC/TRFC

    Status quo is soulless austere mediocrity of Sports Direct FC leading to no-where or a slow death.


    I'd rather see a New Rangers built on a secure base and build from there in an honest and ambitious way. We'd eventually pass what is RIFC on their way down.


    New Rangers? LOL. Good luck with the funding.

  5. legal or illegal the police are already checking that


    frankly the result is the same either way the tens of millions are gone.


    Checking what? Checking who? Who is being investigated who has been involved Rangers since newco?

    The result is not the same. Tens of millions LOL.

    You just make things up to suit your agenda don't you ?

  6. Not like you to go down the wrong track, oh wait,....yes it is.


    You are the type of supporter who has unwittingly contributed to the state our club is in.


    Wrong track? do explain.

    We are where we are because too many had the wool pulled over their eyes by no-show messiahs like McColl, Kennedy and the inevitable DK?

  7. and they were relegated and lambias was hunted from the club by fans.


    They were relegated 2010 was it not? Llambias left Newcastle 2013 was it? Took a long time to hunt him then dont you think?

  8. Lowest Commercial revenue in the EPL by far.


    Think about that,......they have an average of 50,000 supporters turning up at home games.


    As you said earlier......not interested in Newcastle. Why the change?

  9. £129m in debt is good?


    That debt was acrued before Ashley got Newcastle. please get your facts correct.

    Ashley took that debt from a bank which was crippling Newcastle and they now owe him it

  10. he wasnt in the same stratosphere as the other ****s, your hatred is blinding you. indeed we can fully blame the board for everything that ally has been allowed to do.


    their is a difference between the man at the top stealing and an employee being given.


    If you have any evidence of 'stealing' why dont you go to the police? As per usual just making things up to suit your own agenda.

  11. Paul Murray and Bomber Brown standing together apparently.


    Paul 'I was born to be a Rangers director' Murray.

    In his time as a director he did little more than hold the toilet seat whilst SDM flushed the club down the pan.

  12. It is not just that players' contacts run out at the end of the season but, even more destabilising, their agents start taking to clubs re their futures in 10 days. By the time we pay the timz we could have most of the first team squad avoiding injury so they don't jeopardise their arranged moves.


    And who is going to come in for these out of contract players?

    Jig? Black? Daly?Boyd? Miller and so on. Sorry but judging by their performances this season there wont exactly be a queue for them stretching halfwaydown Edmiston Drive

  13. The appointment of McDowell shows that the Board are not serious about promotion.


    The way I look at this is that if a new manager came in & failed to get promotion would he then get binned too?

    Or would he be allowed a whole catalogue of failures the way McCoist was?

    A new manager will be in place for next season. If McDowall gets us promoted he may well be allowed to stay on, with consent of the new manager

  14. I'm no genius, but come January McDowell won't be in charge and some of our regular starters wont kick a ball for us ever again.


    Promotion is a must.


    What will be interesting is how much control McDowall actually gets. If we're serious about promotion then half a dozen or so signings will be needed in January who will probably all be loan signings from England. McDowall will no doubt be told all must be played, questioning his authority.I suspect the end is in sight for the likes of JIg following tonight's news

  15. If I was ally I would take every penny and use it against the ****s.


    Unfortunately Ally was the biggest s@@@ of all. He'd have jumped on any bandwagon just to keep his grossly overpaid job he couldnt do. If KingCo re-emerge they wont touch Ally with a bargepole if they've any sense.

  16. I am surpised that Ashley is prepared to countenance and effectively pay for a year's gardening leave but he has softened the blow on the share offer and the Club financially by promoting McDowall, which is a clever move out of left field that none (probabaly McCoist and McDowall included) might have anticipated.


    However, anyone who sees what happens in front of the dug out week in and week out will not be surprised.


    It has been obvious in recent days that McCoist had lost the support of the Boardroom and appeared to have successfully called their bluff by giving notice. However, I think that what might have happened is that he was made an offer to work till the end of the season or perhaps as I suggested in the earlier thread, £200,000 - £250,000 to go now and refused, perhaps thinking that they would then make a better offer. But in this game of bluff and counter bluff, the Board/Ashley have been too clever.


    In putting him on gardening leave for a year, they have called Ally's bluff. This means that if he wants his £750,000 plus the £350,000 -£400,000 deferred he has to stay on the books for the 12 months. If gets an offer he wants to accept to go back into TV, then he will have to resign immediately and Rangers won't owe him a penny. Also if he says a word out of place then he will be in breach of contract and they'll sack him for gross misconduct and let him sue if he wants to pursue it.


    Whatever was said today, obviously they were not going to take the chance of him disrupting the AGM, nor in reality could they really justify his non-attendance as Manager, which is why they have acted tonight.


    It is another embarrassing moment in a long list of embarrassing moments but Ally should have resigned with immediate effect (not given notice) after Alloa or if not Alloa, certainly after it was clear last Friday night that he was no longer able to motivate the players (if indeed he has ever been capable of that).


    Let's be honest BH he should have gone long ago. This board failed miserably in their duties by allowing him to stay as long as he did. And what's he left behind? An antiquated squad with little or no resale value although thankfully most are out of contract at the end of this season.All things considered perhaps it wasnt possible to bring in a new manager right now.What if he failed to get promotion? Where would that leave him? would he get binned too?

    The big question now is how to get promoted back to the top division. Unless half a dozen or so signings arrive in january(probably loan signings from england)then we've no chance.I've no idea if money would get made available for that though.

    Saturday's game against Hibz is a must win for McDowall. He must make an immediate impact on the team and get rid off some of McCoist's dreadful trademarks i.e. Low tempo, no creativity, poor delivery at set pieces, players played constantly out of position etc, etc. If he doesnt then I think the knives will soon be out for him too.

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