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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. don't think so. Wasn't Crichton voted off the board?
  2. Their 40k ST holder claim was worst of all though. I've heard it's around half that figure. Maybe even less.Absolute disgrace no one in the mhedia preapred to challenge Liewell over this
  3. Will this rhag of a newspaper now ask Liewell to do likewise with the attendances at the San Giro? Or admit has nowhere near 40k ST holders which he claimed at their AGM? Will we ever see the day when we cut all ties with this rhag and its anti-Rangers agenda. Radio Cattolica too.
  4. should we waive the fee and take a Dundee Hibs player if they cant afford the fee? who would we take?

    Who then?

    We need someone with a proven management record with decent contacts in the game. I'm not saying Davies the ideal or outstanding choice but we're not likely to attract much better IMO.

    Who then?

    Why not Billy Davies? has proved he can manage in a superior league to ours and genuinely wants the job. He'd have contacts too down south for players which the incumbents don't seem to have

    Who then?

    My understanding is that due to their rolling contracts the incumbents get a year's salary if asked to leave immediately or can be put on a year's notice at the end of which they walk out with nothing. At the very least they should be put on notice immediately
  8. I stopped listening to RC long ago becuse of their blatant bias. They dont even attempt to hide it do they? Whatever possessed them to employ McAvennie other than the obvious? He sounds like an illiterate jakey on the rare occasion I've heard him
  9. LOL you dont think anyone would seriously trust Ally to get in the CL do you? Three attempt at the League Challenge Cup remember.
  10. There certainly is. Who's the guy who owns Livingston, has a controlling interest in East Fife and has links wuth Dumbarton too?
  11. I'm not saying he's not allowed. I'm merely asking the question. There are many issues involving DK which too many on here simply overlook. And see DK's co-investors and their £8m? Why didnt they buy or at least bid for Rangers during administration/liquidation?
  12. No i dont know that. Neither do you. And anyway would DK be deemed a fit & proper person to become Rangers owner under AIM and SFA regulations? Answer that one
  13. When did I say he was a liar? I was & remain cynical of him but I do realise he has much support within Rangers although some of it is misguided IMO
  14. I know Merlin's blog isnt the most reliable but a poster did provide a SA link which did appear to show DK getting monies paid to him from Rangers. This was produced at the time of DK's court proceedings. He did say he was going to pursue SDM for the £20m. How's that going?
  15. An excellent evening last night. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks to all involved. Here's to next one. At least some of you now know I really do exist and am not a closet yahoo....
  16. I do not believe I've ever called DK a liar. I am however extremely critical of what he's done until now. All he's done is rant 'n' rave from the sidelines, attempt half-baked boycotts and come up with excuses for not acquiring a shareholding. I do not believe he has the available wealth some would have you believe either you are correct there but if ( and its a big IF) his offer has to be taken seriously if Ashley wont invest(as opposed to loans) and wants out
  17. If DK's offer is genuine and Ashley has no interest in investing and wants out then NO I dont think we're in a mess. DK would be able to call the shots then wouldnt he?
  18. If DK's offer is genuine and Ashley has no interest in investing and wants out then NO I dont think we're in a mess. DK would be able to call the shots then wouldnt he?
  19. I dont see Ashley hanging around for long if he doesnt think the whole thing worthwhile
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