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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. People on this forum need to stop attacking the board and myself and get a reality check as to really did happen to Rangers before and after Whyte took over and to what is now going on at the Scottish football authorities.Until that happens we're going nowhere. Love him or not Somers was bang on what he said at the AGM.

  2. Because right now the Club is already having to pay one manager for the next 12 months and can't afford another.


    I can only assume that in the judgement of the Ashley & the Directors KMcD can take us up to the SPFL after that it's a whole new team and a whole new ball game; especially if Ally is off the books by then.


    Also which manager could he bring in that would guarantee the first step of getting to the SPFL with the current squad?


    No manager could guarantee to get us promoted this season with this squad unless new players arrive in January(probably loan signings) but MA would need to arrange that

  3. He would have hung himself with whatever he said. Once again, the flak is being directed in the wrong direction.


    Is McDowall getting flak? Who from? Surely not the SoS, UoF etc? Or are they getting started early on McDowall because by the time they realised McCoist was useless they'd wasted so much time attacking the board they'd forgotten about the football side of things

  4. its one man stop acting like he is an unstoppable force, he is not. As already said not giving him cash will not in anyway shape or form hurt him. It only hurts us,those who care.


    I understand you see starting a new team as being the only way. That's fine go do it, just don't kid on in any fashion that it is Rangers or an acceptable substitute for the vast majority. Even if the club died and shut it's doors i still wouldn't see a new club as anything else than a gimmick. You might as well pick a small already existing team and just follow them than start anew. Plenty of teams in Scotland already no need whatsoever for another.


    his ilk represent a small insignificant band of our support. Just ignore them

  5. You do realize that D&P are under investigation for the part they played in the Rangers administration right Rab ? How about you let the chips fall in that particular incident before assuming that they didn't put in reputable bids.


    D&P are under investigation for their dealings with Whyte not Green.

    My guess has always been Whyte wanted his own administrators so as he could get Rangers back post admin debt free but that was never going to happen after they found out what he'd been up to. I suspect the fraud charges lead to the acquisition and running of Rangers up to & including administration

  6. MCR were selling to Green, no matter what. They are up to their necks in this.


    At the start of administration there were four bidders: Bill Ng, Bill Miller, Kennedy and TBK. Kennedy's bid got thrown out for being too low, TBK didnt have sufficient funding and Ng withdrew. Miller got preferred bidder status but got cold feet(no doubt the Yankee go home nonsense from FF didn't help).

    Green's consortium came in with offers of £8.5m if the CVA got approved & £5.5m for newco. McColl co appeared at the eleventh hour trying to hijack proceedings. One might ask why they waited so late in the day to bid. The rest is history as Green's consortium won.

    Were Kennedy and MCColl serious bidders? Not in my book. The messiah DK of course had SARS issues in SA so couldnt bid at that time.

  7. Who is? me? where i post has nothing to do with this crap you spout, GS, Zappa, Trueblue1982 and others know me from RM and they know i am not a Board lover, far from it, but if you want to support a new rangers, then good luck, probably one of them ones i mentioned who came on the scene during the nine in a row years.


    They want a Rangers run by DK, PM, MM etc. Graham,Houstoun and Dingwall would probably get roles too. It aint gonna happen though.

  8. The money wouldn't go to Rangers but to the people who owned the shares and we would still need funding , DK has always stated he would never buy out existing shareholders , dont know that I agree 100% with that stance , but he seems prepared to play the long game


    That's going to be one hell of a long game if Ashley increases his stake to just under 30percent.

    The more astute amongst us should ask if he genuinely wants to own Rangers

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