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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Yes, but does it have to be that way? Remember the golden generation of ManU (Beckham, Scholes, Giggs etc?) That surely wasn't just down to luck but to a conscious decision to invest in youth. RFC should be looking to take promising talent from the lower Scottish leagues or grab players like Kenny McLean from St Mirren before big guns like Fleetwood and Brentford beat us to the punch. We can then build a transfer budget by selling on the best types for reasonable fees. Look at Southampton; they sold an entire team but have been enabled to buy good quality replacements.


    Is Kenny McLean of the standard we want? I mean if the mighty Fleetwood are after him then that says it all does it not?

    I think this only reinforces my point about producing players from a youth set up good enough to play at the level we want to be at. And that level is Premiership champions and in Europe beyond Christmas. Getting players for that level is easier IMO who have played for another club and whose level can be easier assessed. An untried youth is different and much harder although not impossible

  2. A Youth Set Up is ultimately a gamble.There are always a couple of issues as I see it-


    1) It may not produces players good enough for the first team at the level we want to be at i.e.Premiership champions and doing well in Europe

    2) How can you be sure were signing the best youths and those at other clubs arent betterthan ours ?


    D'Art mentioned Steven Pressley. He came thro at Rangers but was never of the standard we'd hoped for.And if the lad Urquhart is so good why is he in the third tier of Scottish football?

    So often nowadays a manager will want to recruit players who have gained experience elsewhere. Introducing youth into a first team is dificult at the best of times which is why I think putting the likes of McKay and Gallagher out on loan will be beneficial to Rangers in the longer term.Very few youths will get into the first team. We need to remember that.

  3. If I were Blue Pitch / Margerita, I'd seriously consider heading for the exit sooner than later.


    They are probably still sitting on a tidy profit now, but there's not a cat in hells chance of a dividend in the foreseeable future. Moreover, If the good guys get to 50% without them, then they (BPH / Marg) will be an irrelevance and there will be no need to buy them out.


    How are they sitting on a tidy profit? The share price has gone from 70p to 20p.

    I'd be more interested to find out who the people are behind BPH & Margerita.Could it be Ashley?

  4. I have noted in the last few hours, that Phil McStupidnames, Ms Haggerty, and Brian McNally have all seen fit to comment on share action at Rangers. Combined with Chris McLaughlin NOT receiving the required answers from Doncaster and Jum Spence presenting several Sports Bulletins in a row this afternoon on BBC Radio Scotland and leading with MacLeod's transfer cash going straight to the role of working capital ....................... There will be NO positives today for Bears.


    Funny that, I am increasingly filled with a sense of immense well-being.


    Get it right up the lot of you.


    What answers was McLaughlin looking for from Doncaster?

  5. Oh Angie Babe how I sense your hurt.....

    As you like to think of yourself as an Investigative Journalist (stop laughing at the back.....)why don't you investigate the club that used political connections to secure ultra soft loans from a now basket case bank ?

    Or you could investigate the appointment of the SFA chief exec? Surely he wasn't recruited (for the last time stop laughing at the back..) by a recruitment agency in which your team's chairman's son was employed? And was anyone else interviewed for this position?

    Plenty others too. Or do you only do Rangers stuff ????

  6. obviously

    but they're smart enough to know what'll be necessery in the future

    In my view the supporters have laid down a marker

    we don't like, we don't buy

    that's where the power lies


    And there needs to be an improvement on the park as a top priority for them.Otherwise people won't turn up to support the team.

    I agree - their work is cut out for them

  7. they are capitalist bastards but they know they'll make nothing from us

    they're doing it because they are the people

    they can afford the luxury of saving us


    King might be a capitalist who has our interest at heart, but others don't.

    Ashley for example....what if he bought us outright !


    Fan ownership is the only way forward for all our teams........and you know what, I reckon our new custodians know that fine well


    You mention fan ownership. Wouldn't you consider Park, Letham, Taylor and King as fans?

  8. thank you Capitalist bastards who are 'Gers men

    thank you Lawell and the SFA for actually caring about our club


    There is a god...(even though I'm an atheist !)


    And to Dumbcaster for confirming what we all inew anyway that we're the same club...

    If the timz keep posting on social media about this at the rate they're currently doing they'll burn out a satellite

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