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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Most of the problems at Ibrox Sadium are cosmetic by looks of things. Not structural
  2. If they had refused him those resources you'd still have slaughtered the board. Be honest
  3. I think Ally has had hardly any criticism from certain quarters over these past two and a half years. Notably the UOF, SOS and the usual suspects.Far too busy attacking a board who gave him many times more resources than he should have needed to win three successive promotions.
  4. He got unbelievable financial resources given to him for three successive promotions & has screwed up big time. The ongoing sideshow throughout by the UoF, SoS & the usual suspects attacking the board diverted supporters attention from the sub-standard dross on the park which allowed Ally to escape much scrutiny. Now these people are all crawling out the woodwork telling us they thought Ally should have been sacked long ago. I never heard them that's for sure
  5. By choosing to remain Rangers manager & draw his increased salary, McCoist is incrasingly looking like a man without a friend in the world.........
  6. This the guy who slaughtered Naismith, McGregor, Laffferty etc when they did not TUPE over to the newco as they went for more lucrative contracts elsewhere. Now what's he doing? Lining his pockets with as much of our much-needed cash(by way of an undeserved but entitled rise) as he can before he departs his first and last football manager's job he'll ever get. He's been a dreadful Rangers manager. His signings have been mostly poor.The team is awful to watch. There's little or no evidence of tactics, a gameplan or any sort of preparation in any game I've seen. But I must be honest my biggest criticism of all is for the board for allowing this under-achiever to have spent so long as Rangers manager. Why doesn't he give his pal Bain a call at Macabbi Tel Aviv and see if he can get him a job. Save us the bother and expense of enduring another 12months of dross in front of a empty stadium. Cheerio Ally. The sooner the better for us all.
  7. There must be no room for sentiment here. McCoist must leave tomorrow whatever it takes. As for McDowall and Durrant it will be for the new manager to decide whether they stay or go after he is appointed. Both may likely remain though until such an appointment is made. Maybe a new manager may wish to retain McDowall even if temporarily especially if he's from outside Scottish football but Durrant adds nothing of value for me.Unlikely he'll be kept on. Change in the football management in Rangers is long overdue and nothing must impede that change.It is also imperative we get the best available candidate given our current situation so I'd maybe suggest advertising the vacancy and invite applicants. No more giving the job to someone just because he's a 'rangers man' . That to me is just nepotism.
  8. If they do have a claim then surely it just proves it's the same club.The club is the link between oldco &newco If it was a newco AND a new club then they'd have no claim whatsoever.
  9. It's a tax on companies profits. Nope. Mhedia won't ask these questions though. They've not paid it for over 10 years now IIRC
  10. we may consider the playing staff salaries budget too high but non-playing staff salaries are by far the worst excessive. Like it or not they need cut
  11. Didn't Andrew Smith say this in his Scotland on Sunday column yesterday?
  12. As Ive said earlier he needs to explain his position. Interesting article just appeared in the Telegraph by Roddy Forsyth. Reckons Ashley could own Rangers within weeks
  13. Not up yet by looks of things. He was at MP today
  14. As I said we do not know yet. Quite frankly I'm uneasy about a billionaire being chased away from our club should that arise. We need funding and he can provide it.
  15. Surely he wont be in charge on saturday?
  16. I think we have to wait. No one is going to pump serious money in whilst we're out of the top division and not competing in Europe.
  17. How long would that £16m last? Believe me if we're to assemble a squad capable of winning the top division(whenever we get there) and back into europe it will need a lot more than that
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