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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This drove me up the wall at the time as well. However, the good news is that, on this front at least, Rangers fans have fought back and fought back well. Many other fans took to Twitter etc to decry the award, and the blog I did on it some two years ago - http://andypendek.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/shaming-orwell.html - stands at over 3,000 views. I think the Orwell judges misfired badly with this award: I know it is supposed to be given to blogs who dig up stuff the MSM won't print, but given the illegal nature of information acquisition and given the subsequent judicial decisions which have made the whole point of the blog just plain inaccurate, both RTC and the Orwell Prize look rather ridiculous.


    The suspicion that they were led up the garden path by someone who follows a team based not a million miles away from the Velodrome lurketh persistently.


    Was the arrest of a 45 year old two or three months ago not significant regards this blog? Not heard anything since

  2. In an ideal world maybe, but we are in a much more difficult place which means a realistic and viable approach. There is also a time issue/constraint regards the transfer window.


    Our squad is good enough to get promotion but we need the club to start to believe in itself again and for a real change in management that inspires the current squad to play better football and earn better results.


    I do not agree that our squad is good enough with our current caretaker manager who doesn't seem to want to be there. He's simply an over-promoted coach IMO.

    At present I'd say it more likely we won't get promoted. The financial implications of that need to be understood.

    What concerns me about all the interested parties hoping to get control is that they might all be reliant on getting 40k plus crowds for every home game. Unless there's a far better product on the park that isn't going to happen without serious funding.

  3. Much of the damage is already done and realistically we can only hope to reach the 'play-offs' in better form, with a more coherent and effective way of playing football/getting results. To this end, the one variable that would need to be addressed immediately, is the first team management and coaching set-up.


    We need better players too. That will require funding

  4. You would have to ask them, but I doubt they'd be able to form any precise plans until they were to find out exactly how bad a situation they were going into and thereafter tweak/confirm plans of financing the way forward.


    At the moment, the priority is to get executive control.


    I'd say at the moment the top priority should be promotion otherwise a rather large hole will be blown in the financial plans of whoever is in control.

  5. The next moves for Park, Letham and Taylor seem to be looking like........


    1. Funding


    2. Board Representation


    3. EGM called


    Can we at last dare to hope for 'cleansing the boardroom'.

    It would be the start of another difficult and challenging journey but it would give us a chance.


    Would they have sufficient funding for at least one more season in the championship?

  6. looks like kj expects an announcement soon - possibly tomorrow morning.

    Funding needed by early next week.


    @tedermeatballs: This is why a decision is imminent. The funding has to be in place by start of next week.


    @tedermeatballs: If you recall when ashley's loan was chosen ahead of kennedy's it was finalised on saturday morning.


    @tedermeatballs: I think it's 6.5m loan for two seats on the board.


    @tedermeatballs: Or turn down both and take big mike's cash instead!!


    @tedermeatballs: Because they are out of cash early next week.


    KJ ....lol.

  7. I've never hidden my SNP colours, I'm very proud of many aspects of Scots history (not so, others) and I think our country could be a beacon of progressiveness in a world increasingly retreating into reactionary practices.


    But you'll never sell me on the 'major Scottish institution' line. I think that's wishful thinking because (a) even if we were once we're not anymore and (b) that's really not a very good reason to give the club over to someone. It's like selling great swathes of the country to absentee landlords: they fancy a bit of the Lord of the Manor rubbish but many soon lose interest.


    We've got to be run by Bears. Even if it's fan led, God help us. Even if Mr Sarver goes on to invest successfully in several European club and we're left clicking our fingers and wondering what 'might have been' - at this critical stage in the club's existence were we to welcome in yet another unknown with a history in the financial/business sector....well, I'm just exasperated that anyone is even considering it.


    In an ideal world we'd be owned & run by 'Rangers men' but these are not normal times are they? Our situation is desperate & we need help and fast. We're also facing the prospect of not getting promotion this season and who knows the financial implications of that.

    I applaud messrs King, Park, Letham & Taylor for getting these shares last week. I wish they'd done it a lot sooner. Then We might not be where we are at the moment. Had they got these shares sooner they'd have got board representation. That would have helped no end. The current board would have voted off their representative(s) at their peril. Then we would have had a better chance of avoiding the impending financial meltdown as attendances wouldnt have fallen as they have for starters.People on the board who were both Rangers men and knew something about football which the current board do not.

    That is why I think Sarver's bid has to be considered very seriously indeed once he fully outlines his plans. For example who would he get to run Rangers? Perhaps PM as CEO & MM as chairman? That would be popular amongst a large section of our support. Surely he'd getrid off the entire board we currently have? Easdales 'investment at rhe press of a button' now has a very hollow ring to it does it not? But I believe in Sarver we have someone who has the financial clout and genuinely wants Rangers to succeed as we all must surely do

  8. a couple of things in reply. at the younger age groups (generally from 11,s to 15's Rangers youth teams are excellent and would indicate that they have been able to get their hands on among the best youngsters . after that teams like Dundee united, Aberdeen , Hamilton etc seem to get these lads good enough for first team football.

    next up is this idea that very few youngsters will play for Rangers. Times have changed. Until the last few years that was probably the case although it didn't have to be more to do with the type of managers we had who could only work with finished pros as development was not in their skill set. we have been lower than these teams I mentioned earlier but still think we are big league big spenders.. unfortunately we kept the manager with the limited skill set and as a result completely missed the boat. the problems are so deep rooted at the club that only massive changes will remedy the situation.


    Unless they can prove they are good enough for the standard we want these youngsters serve no purpose to us. Harsh but that is the way things are at Rangers.

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