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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. And just when you think things can't get any more mental, somebody goes and does something like this. Completely hatstand. Surely there must be Celtic fans cringing with embarrassment or pudding themselves laughing at this drivel?


    Don't think so. I've yet to meet one who thinks we're the same club no matter how many times they get proved otherwise.

  2. You have to wonder if LIEWELL stoked the fires for this at their AGM when this arose(for whatever reason) and he made his Rory Bremner joke.

    Let's hope this comes back to haunt him.

    Surely they are not going to surrender to their hate-driven supporters and call Rangers a new club? Now that would incur the wrath of Rhegan's SFA would it not??? Especially after Doncaster quite categorically stated last week Rangers aren't a new club

  3. You dont need to MB - there is plenty of evidence to suggest there has been serious' date=' perhaps even gross negligence by this investigative body during the course of their enquiry into our club.


    I hopefully manage to run a blog later today which attempts to provide some insight into this latest denial from them of information[/quote']


    I've heard the same story and the same names several times about who were behind all of this. And not just from Rangers supporters too.

    HMRC will prolong this as far as they can hoping they can win at some point in order to prevent all of this coming out. But they will not win and they know it

  4. 7 weeks. And there is still no call for an EGM so that will be 7 weeks +. They are only offering the 3 bears an olive branch with 1 olive on it their meaning is to keep control of the board. I can't see the optimism yet I am afraid.


    Hopefully they'll come to their senses and realise they won't survive an EGM. The shareholder numbers is against them.The writing is on the wall for the board. They should do the honourable thing and go now

  5. This mob don't give a shit so I believe they would dare. Ashely does not have 2 men on the board for nothing. they can in fact push anything through they want. With the help of the other board members of course.


    They can only go on for so long whilst the shareholders numbers are stacked against them.

  6. The position ashley is in with the SFA is a precarious one. I expect him to be found guilty throwing his position into doubt. dont think the bad guys expected McCoist to fail so badly either. chuck in goldy locks and the three bears all buying shares and all of a sudden whatever shady plans the had for Rangers have gone up in smoke.


    they havent quite grasped the fact that the fans will not accept Ashley and co under any terms and still try to hang on for dear life.


    They are in no position to bargain at the moment. They have nothing to offer. Judgement day will come when the SFA threaten to relieve us of the privilage to play football and take away our licence.


    Are they though really that stupid that they will take things that far? I fear the answer to that question will be yes.


    FWIW I don't see Ashley turning up for the SFA hearing on Jan27

  7. gillivan hasnt had a thing right in years


    You may well be correct but that's not his objective.

    What he's doing is 'headline grabbing' where he puts out a story regardless of whether factually correct or not. His intention is to capture people's attention and hope enough will accept its validity often to suit their own agenda.

    An example was the BTC and Rangers cheated using EBTs to get players they couldn't otherwise afford. That was and is still being peddled constantly despite the BTC being won & LNS declaring 'no sporting advantage'

  8. One for the Audit Commission. The fact HMRC don't know how much they've spent on one of their highest profile cases is at least as significant as the total cost (assuming of course that it's true...).


    I dont believe for one minute they dont know how much this has cost.Costs are not relevant unfortunately to those behind all of this.

    It is all about trying to justify this HMRC pursuit of Rangers instigated by politicians from the dark side who sought to cause as much financial damage to Rangers as possible. Their problems began when WS returned as manager in 2007. The 9 in a row Rangers manager was back so they had to do something. And they did.

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