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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Is McDowall getting flak? Who from? Surely not the SoS, UoF etc? Or are they getting started early on McDowall because by the time they realised McCoist was useless they'd wasted so much time attacking the board they'd forgotten about the football side of things
  2. Probably the ones you think should be allowed to take over Rangers but won't buy shares in it
  3. if the truth be told too many put their faith in so-called networth 'Rangers Men' who aren't/weren't prepared to buy the club
  4. No retraction whatsoever. Both full of their own self-importance. Both DK patsys hoping for a role should he ever get Rangers by spending his kids inheritence. Won't happen
  5. Malky looking for his old job back maybe? But wants to inflict as much damage on Rangers in order to do so. Be careful what you wish for Malky.
  6. How I look forward to the day Graham and Houston realise they are not the representatives of ALL Rangers supporters but only the small groups they represent
  7. D&P are under investigation for their dealings with Whyte not Green. My guess has always been Whyte wanted his own administrators so as he could get Rangers back post admin debt free but that was never going to happen after they found out what he'd been up to. I suspect the fraud charges lead to the acquisition and running of Rangers up to & including administration
  8. At the start of administration there were four bidders: Bill Ng, Bill Miller, Kennedy and TBK. Kennedy's bid got thrown out for being too low, TBK didnt have sufficient funding and Ng withdrew. Miller got preferred bidder status but got cold feet(no doubt the Yankee go home nonsense from FF didn't help). Green's consortium came in with offers of £8.5m if the CVA got approved & £5.5m for newco. McColl co appeared at the eleventh hour trying to hijack proceedings. One might ask why they waited so late in the day to bid. The rest is history as Green's consortium won. Were Kennedy and MCColl serious bidders? Not in my book. The messiah DK of course had SARS issues in SA so couldnt bid at that time.
  9. They want a Rangers run by DK, PM, MM etc. Graham,Houstoun and Dingwall would probably get roles too. It aint gonna happen though.
  10. During administration/liquidation McColl and Kennedy could easily have got Rangers had the put in reputable bids at the right time.They didnt. As for the messiah DK I'll let people mind their own minds up. I know I certainly have
  11. Face facts. In our darkest hour the networth Rangers men never showed up.
  12. That's going to be one hell of a long game if Ashley increases his stake to just under 30percent. The more astute amongst us should ask if he genuinely wants to own Rangers
  13. If he was genuinely interested in owning/controlling Rangers then he'd buy from existing shareholders. Like Laxey did. like Prior did. like Ashley did.As they all increased their stakes. He wont be able t buy in the forthcoming share issue as I dont think he's a shareholder.
  14. Doing their bit to what? Trying to ensure Rangers cease to exist? Thankfully you lot are small in numbers. Crowds will return when the product on the park improves. Start a new club? On you go. Good idea. Why not see if DK will fund it?
  15. When you mention the word 'saviour' I believe that is the root of the problem we are in.Too many in our support have had their heads turned by the likes of McColl, Kennedy and King.If these men genuinely wanted Rangers then they should have gone about it in the only way possible by acquiring a shareholding.There is no other way. The fact they havent tells me all I need to know. A new Rangers is just plain laughable as far as I'm concerned.
  16. Wouldnt work.Complete non starter but good luck anyway. Only one Rangers for me. Same one I started watching in the mid 70's
  17. On you go. Form your new club. I may even come and watch sometimes when the big Rangers are away from home
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