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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Graeme Bailey @GraemeBailey · 1h1 hour ago

    Understand a Yorkshire battle is ready to ensue for Rangers midfielder Nicky Law with Leeds, Huddersfield, Rotherham and Sheff Wed all keen.


    Goal UK correspondent


    McLeod & Peralta gone.If Law goes we have just Black & Hutton left for MF places unless we use untried teenagers.

    Surely (I repeat surely) the buffoons running the place won't let virtually an entire MF leave days before we play the yahoos and risk an absolute hiding. Are they that stupid or do they intend bringing in new faces(loan signings?) before the end of the month?

  2. I think there were a few players brought in early doors that Ally had nothing to do with


    I'd be very surprised indeed if that were the case.I think almost all would have been his choice.

  3. Perhaps this website should set up a new prediction league - who is going to be the manager from game to game until the end of the season.


    As previously suggested, the bus driver should be included as one of the runners and riders.


    likewise Broxi Bear

  4. Well, we'll wait 24 or so hours and will sure get some answer.


    I'd like to think so but don't bank on it.

    What I don't understand is why KMcD agreed to take on the caretaker role in the first place. He's resigned for 'personal reasons'. What are these 'personal reasons' ?

  5. No he's stepped down as caretaker I think and will just resume his original duties though it's clear as mud on that.


    Are you saying he's stepped down as caretaker ? So who's in charge then?

    Not how I understood things.

  6. This isn't a huge surprise as McDowall didn't look comfortable with the position at any point.


    As for his replacement, well, it could be anyone but I doubt there will be an external appointment.


    Will there be a replacement ? Or will KMcD see out his 12 months are caretaker?

    No one currently at the club would take the job unless someone like Jig or KM which would be too big a risk IMO

  7. McDowell never wanted the job and seems to be saying he's unable to do it. We should respect that.


    Gordon Durie stepped down as East Fife manager because the of the toll it was taking on his health, there's no way he's capable of taking the Rangers job, even short term.


    If Jig does get the job on a temporary basis I hope we all support him. It's worth remembering that the mess the club is in is not the fault of any of the three men named above.


    It's imperative now someone is appointed who genuinely wants the job and should be brought in ASAP. That person is going to have the responsibility of recruiting virtually a whole new first team squad for next season regardless of what division we're in

  8. indeed. though as we proved they have to adhere to their own regs fairly.


    on your first point about the aim and king i don't imagine he has been anywhere near the aim but maybe.


    the truth is 4 off and john gilligan on will suffice..


    The truth is DK doesn't need to sit on the Rangers board to have control. He would simply appoint others such as GIlligan ,PM and others to carry out whatever he wanted done.The SFA couldn't do anything about that.

    Farmer does something like that at HIVS does he not?

  9. the sfa need to stay within the law. that can't possibly include banning a guy who wasn't a director when whyte destroyed rangers and fought against him.


    paul shakelton decides if dave king meets aim regs. think on that.


    The SFA have their own rules some of which wouldn't stand up in a court of law as McBride QC once infamously stated

  10. the sfa can happily decide this either way. it may come down to the courts again for a proper judgement.


    stopping p murray would simply be ridiculous. zero commonsense or out and out prejudice would have to be applied.


    Surely if DK satisfies the AIM regs there would be nothing the SFA to prevent him sitting on the Rangers board?

    PM is another matter altogether. The SFA may not wish him to return in case he started asking them awkward questions about Whyte's tenure

  11. i am talking about the previous jim mccoll one.


    I know that. The 2013 AGM.If that 30 percent supports the reqs got backs DK it's a formality at the EGM

  12. Well cant be pressure be brought to bear on the NOMAD ....or can he not be called to account for not operating in the best interests of Rangers


    Surely the NOMAD will now be trying to find out how much support each side has?

    I still think the result is pretty much a foregone conclusion if the 10percent of RIFC shareholders who are Rangers supporters back DK.

  13. Better to wait and know that you're going to win than go off half cocked and lose (again).


    If everyone votes as expected then isn't the EGM result a formality?

    Will the incumbent directors resign before then ? If that happened would there be any need for an EGM?

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