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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I would have thought over-inflating transfer fees was more common place than Juventus & serieA A club from Glasgow’s east end springs to mind. Does anyone really think Brentford paid £17.5m for Ajer?
  2. The referee didn’t blow for a foul. Always play to the whistle
  3. He got 2 years left on his contract with hertz I think. They’d want a lot more than we’d be prepared to pay I’d think
  4. The biggest challenge for next season will be to get a front 3 who can score a lot more than what we’ve currently got. And it might be best to look at more experienced players than going for younger players & hoping to sell them for profit I’ll throw a name in…Sory Kaba. He’s 28. Played against us for FC Midyjtland in the EL a few seasons ago. Has fallen out with them & been shipped out on loan to OH Leuven in Belgium & now he’s at Cardiff City. Scored goals at both of them. He’s got one year left on his contract at FC Midyjtland so wouldn’t cost that much
  5. A new striker with a proven record could make all the difference
  6. But what’s the solution? Another new manager?
  7. So what’s the solution then? Sack the manager again? We’ve already got shot off one manager & also the DoF which a positive step IMO. Reality is we’ve no serious money to spend and are looking for Bosmans as usual. Things are what they are unless a serious investor comes but would no doubt meet opposition from the usual suspects in our support
  8. I don’t think we’ve fallen further behind since MB took over but up front were no match for them. They’ve got a front 3 who can ball score. We don’t
  9. We were disappointing in the 1st half but played a lot better 2nd half today. MB has closed the gap but a gap still exists.At least the 3-0 and 4-0 defeats are a thing of the past now. Assuming Morelos leaves we need to get a striker who can get goals in this fixture. 3 goals in 6 years against them isn’t a lot from Alfie. A very important summer lies ahead. Our recruitment must be a lot better than it’s been these past few years
  10. Can only our FB’s take corner kicks?
  11. Find it incredible we’re chasing this game & we’ve not got a recognised number9 on the park
  12. We’re not creating anything up front. MB needs to sort that out at HT otherwise this game’s finished for us
  13. I despair. I genuinely despair. Another dreadful goal to lose
  14. Stripping titles would destroy the credibility of the EPL. And what would happen with sponsors & TV companies who’d put their money in only to discover a few years later the league campaigns were now null & void?
  15. Ours is done & dusted. They won’t revisit as the east end mob have much worse covering up CSA however down south can’t help feeling knives are out for Man City, Chelsea and now Newcastle
  16. Does the EPL have the authority to remove Man City’s titles if they’re found guilty following investigation? or is that solely for the English FA?
  17. Rumours are he failed the Millwall medical in January. If he did the yahoos will know about it & steer well clear of him. whereas us…..😵‍💫
  18. Think you can add Kevin Nisbet to RUMOURS IN Hes got one year left on his contract at hibz and they’ll probably need to sell him this summer
  19. Only issue I’ve got signing Jack Butland is he doesn’t seem to have played many games over the past couple of seasons but if this is true it’s good to see at long last we’re beginning to address the goalkeeper situation
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