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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It is indeed GS.


    The only people squirming in their armchairs whilst reading it will be the mainstream Celtic supporters who regularly read the Sunday Herald anyway.


    The only emotions it stirs in me are mirth and pity.


    Mainstream Celtic supporters who read the Sunday herald? LOL

    Most of the 'mainstream Celtic supporters' I've met would probably need to get somebody to read it to them.


    The are a sad, dysfunctional,inadequate group within our society whose lives revolve around Rangers. It has been told to them countless times by the individuals and organisations whose opinions matter that Rangers are the same club. Their aim is to perpetuate the lie so often in the hope it will become a truth.They must not succeed and must be dealt with regards this article. Their club too if they have any input

  2. These people are social misfits suffering from inadequency at being excluded from our great club. As a result they know them & their like will never be welcome at the country's most successful football club and will do almost anything to show their frustrations at such.

    I've studied these people for years.They crave the limelight to try & put their points of view across which are mostly unfounded and intended to provoke and grab the attention of anyone foolish enough who is prepared to listen to them. Their sad,obsessive lives are spent in vain like this latest 'new club' nonsense clearly shows.

    Will a national newspaper in this country be foolish enough to print these blatant lies which have been disproved time & time again by those whose opinions matter? If they did then I'd be extremely disappointed indeed if the Rangers board took no action against them. The views of their football club should be sought too in order to clarify matters once & for all.

    Go after these people. They are a vindictive underclass who have no place in our society. The sooner they are eradicated by legal means the better.

  3. While the future of the club is at stake I'm hoping we don't fill the role permanently; I'd rather that happened after a takeover and an injection of cash together with a proper medium term plan that includes scouting and youth development.


    The last thing we need is another mediocre assignment on a long term contract that will need paying off. It's also difficult to sack a manager who is pretty average and unexceptional without actually having really poor results - which is what I think we can expect from the usual suspects of Calderwood, Nichol, Williamson et al.


    I'd rather wait for the takeover and then take time to find a reasonably exceptional coaching team - that obviously we can attract at our current level but also befits our aspirations and potential. While many baulk at the wages of McCoist and his back-room staff, it's the kind of level of wage we need to offer - presuming we can increase our revenues back to previous (but non CL) levels.


    I'd tend to disagree about wages for any new manager. I believe the manager should be on a basic of say £300k and the rest made up in bonuses of say £300k for winning title and £100k each for winning LC & SC. Another bonus may be added for being in Europe beyond Christmas too.

    I think the days of paying a manager's salary regardless of performance needs to end immediately. I would suggest much less generous termination benefits to what McCoist got too.

  4. Imagine if Lemon was still in charge of them and Rino was our boss, more chance of a fight on the sidelines than on the pitch! haha

    Would love him as a coach, but he's nowhere near earned his stripes to take on the big job yet.


    McCoist hadn't 'earned his stripes' either IMO but he was given the job. Not only that but on the most ridiculous contract ever given to someone who'd never managed before.

    We may well need to take a gamble with someone like Gattuso for manager. At least in Serie A he should have got a tactical knowledge of the game which is sadly lacking at present. I dread to think what will happen if we go into the yahoos game with that vulnerable 4-4-2 system where teams flood the MF and dictate the game to us.

  5. but what are our outgoings what are our incomings. it is impossible to say how much we need invested.


    the 50 million king talked of is probably a low end estimate now.


    I still think King's investment figures are on the high side. The yahoos have been downsizing we must remember. Those figures may have been required,say, three years ago.

  6. They have to get a look at the contracts and see how much Ashley will be taking out. If they invest how much needs spent on maintenance, wages, buying strips off Ashley that hasn't sold etc. etc.


    I would think transfer fees would be way down the list this season and perhaps next as well.


    The first thing they'd need to do is appoint a team manager who has a proven record & genuinely wants the job.

  7. There is no way they can know how much there will be in the bank, coming in, going out. The ones on the board now should know and tell us. . . if they cared.


    If King, Park or whoever took over tomorrow I think they know exactly what is in the bank - NOTHING.........

  8. how on earth can dave king etc. give plans for transfer business when they don't know what carnage awaits in the accounts assuming they can get control?


    They will need to somehow. One of the main reasons people have stopped going to games is because of the poor product on the park.I'm sure DK etc are fully aware of that

  9. Do you still believe this nonsense?


    He has just ten days to prove otherwise. Not long.

    Can you be sure we wouldn't be replacing one lot who won't invest in the squad with another whose only defence is that they're 'Rangers men'

  10. were you not bumming Ashley up, saying he wants his brand in the Champion's League?


    Not unless he proves his intent by funding signings from somewhere before the end of the month.

    But I want all parties to come out and say how they'll improve the first team. The silence is deafening

  11. don't worry Mike Ashley will pump millions in to get us into the Champions League to showcase his brand,


    Regardless of who gets Rangers serious money is needed to improve the first team squad.

    I've yet to hear either side acknowledge that or make any sort of statement of intent as to how they'll resolve this

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