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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I certainly hope you're correct Andy that people are now starting to ask questions.Not before time.


    I had to laugh at an article in the Daily Mail online this morning about the the tax avoidance schemes used by the likes of Gary Lineker, David Beckhametc which have now been sent 90day notices to settle. HMRC commented that these individuals tax affairs were 'private & confidential'

    Just a pity Rangers EBT's werent 'private & confidential' to prevent a slimeball like Mark Daly accessing them with apparent ease and making a fictitious documentary for which he won a now discrdited BAFTA.

  2. Who is Jim Harra?

    He is talking nonsense when he says the EBT's werent the reason oldco went into liquidation. By including the alleged EBT debt it allowed HMRC to become the main oldco creditor which allowed them to reject the CVA. HMRC subsequently lost both appeals on this and are now pursuing this thro the CoS.The main oldco creditor would then have been ticketus who would have approved the CVA.

    Im not kidding when I say this whole damn thing was a set up. LBG too

  3. Yep, they're deliberately stirring up controversy in order to try to sell more papers.


    The Record and other papers did the same when we went into administration and were probably as much to blame as anyone else for our SPL share transfer request being voted against by the other member Clubs.


    The chairmen of those 10 clubs should be now asked why they voted Rangers out of the then SPL. A phantom EBTtax bill ? Which Rangers eventually won? Surely not. Maybe Killie did the right thing abstaining.

    Cant be a newco though. Celt@c did that in 1994 &2001 and didn't get thrown out

  4. LOL....Tom Boyd. Is he the latest nonce to throw his 'new club' tuppence worth into the ring ? What does he base his assessment on then?


    Look, if you want concrete evidence Rangers arent a new club go to UEFA club rankings on their website. You'll see Rangers total from season 2010/11 to current season. UEFA dont see Rangers as a new club. Is there real any arguement after that? Seriously?

  5. I don't know exactly. Perhaps he had to bow to the pressure from his own, and other clubs', fans who threatened to withhold their custom if their teams did not vote us out.

    Just because he voted us out, does not mean that he did not have the foresight to see how the lack of our presence in the SPL would adversely affect his clubs finances.


    Liewell is about the biggest Rangers-hater you could meet.

  6. was Lawell not part of the group that wanted us put in to Division 1?


    When we got voted out the SPL and had to apply to the SFL the only place we were ever going was SFL3.

    Without us in the SPL it gave the yahoos a free run at tne CL every year. Liewell wasnt daft. He couldnt miss that opportunity could he?

  7. No, I wouldn't go that far, the possibilities could blow your mind. However, I have oft though that Liewell did not want us in Div. 3. Probably he wanted us in the SPL, but with points reductions and some sort of fine structure for a few seasons.

    He was never daft enough to assume he could prosper without the blue pound.


    If he didnt want us in SFL3 why did he vote us out the SPL?

  8. James Easdale ..... who is this bloke, what does he stand for and represent .... can we get an interrogative tv interview with him where he is asked searching questions ?[/quote


    They sooner the easdales are gone the better. They are driving supporters away because supporters simply do not want them there as they are not perceived to be acting in the best interests of Rangers.

  9. Yet again our directors have tried to directly blame the fans for the Club's horrific financial situation when the truth of the matter is that even if they'd managed to sell 35,000 season tickets and get 40k+ attendances at Ibrox all season, the Club would STILL have been short of something like £5m in working capital to see out the season.


    With the salaries being paid to the manager(on gardening leave) and over-the-hill players with no resale value thats no surprise to me.

  10. Walter frequently played 4-5-1 or even 5-4-1 (as at Manchester); we may need to go with that on Sunday.


    I am fairly sure that Smith will start and I think there's a good chance that Black will be brought back in in place of a striker.


    I don't fancy Aird and Smith as our wide men either, well not Smith anyway; but I've a feeling that we might see something like a back five of Foster, McCulloch, McGregor, Wallace and Smith. Aird, Black, Hutton and Law, across the middle and Miller on his tod up front? Or Black or Hutton in front of the back four, with Aird, Hutton/Black, Law and Smith across the middle.


    Or even a five man midfield with Black in for a striker.


    Personally I think we are in trouble in this game and the only chance we have of doing anything is to attack, so I'd have Templeton instead of Smith and otherwise stay with last week's team. I'd rather go down fighting, having given it a real go; than play ultra defensive and lose anyway.


    WOW do you think McDowall would understand all that?????

    Nothing against the guy but he's simply a cones & bibs coach to me.

    I cant see him going anything other than 4-4-2 as it's all he knows and we risk a hammering

  11. no but what law allows you to buy two football clubs.


    we sign up to association rules and volunteer to abide by them. they cant make us commit a crime but they can do anything else.


    What law doesnt? Giampaolo Pozzo owns three: Udinese, Watford & Grenada

    I would have thought UEFA would have wanted this sort of ruling harmonised throughout.

    Why did the SFA introduce it anyway?

  12. the courts have nothing to do with sfa rules. all a court can do is rule on whether the sfa have followed their own rules.


    if the sfa rules are clear then ashleys lawyers will be spiting in the rain.


    Football's governing bodies aren't above the law.The Bosman ruling was the classic example of that. The 4 foreigner rule another

  13. 1. Would I give him a go ? Absolutely, if his wages are low enough and his notice period short enough. McDowall doesn't want the job so better Rino who knows what the Club is all about and what the fans are all about - but, for me, a short term appointment only. We complained about McCoist being given the job with no managerial credentials, yet here we are fawning over a guy who has failed at two clubs in less than two years and walked away from another.


    I wouldn't employ him, as you say his record is awful. I'd rather have someone like Jimmy Calderwood, he knows the Scottish game and has had some success. Give him the job until the end of the season on a relatively low wage.


    Either Calderwood or Gattuso would be better than what we've got at present I.e. A guy who doesn't want to be there

  14. That could be true in the long term of things, however in the short term, this team need to buck up their ideas. I get sick of the likes of McCulloch and co saying "we haven't played our best, we owe the fans, we owe the manager etc. Maybe it needs someone like Gattuso with his passion & his work rate to whip this mob into some sort of shape and get things moving again!


    First of all we need someone in the dugout who genuinely wants the job.

    McDowall doesn't. Let him work his notice as a coach.

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