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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. what really matters is for us to be rid of the board and Ashley's control and fix any onerous contracts. for me football on the pitch is secondary at the moment.


    I would totally disagree with that.

    Unless the team is sorted people will not turn up to watch and revenues will plummet.

  2. The first team and manager is priority. King stated so this week. So that's that one settled.

    What will it achieve? It's one of the least expensive ways open to a football Club to maximise their corporate hospitality opportunities etc. Punters love to meet and chat to their heroes of the past while being wined and dined etc. Why do you think that mob over the road started it again in a big way? It's a money spinner and also brings back a huge feelgood factor having the corridors filled with legends.

    It's a 'no-brainer' unless unless it isn't of course. :whistling:


    We already have past players in corporate hospitality.

  3. I imagine nothing, it will be a voluntary, labour of love Ambassadorial role (probably with expenses covered, which is fair enough); representing the club at official functions, in the community, and generally presenting a respectable face rather than the well skelped arse cheeks that are the Easdales; Rangers fans, though I'm not sure where the educating part comes from, it's more a symbolic role both of gratitude for their past endeavours, and the continuation of their link with the club and fans after their playing/managing days are over.


    I'm a little surprised you want this explained, it doesn't seem greatly taxing to my admittedly aging mind.


    What will this achieve? Seems pointless to me and not exactly a high priority.

    The first team should be no1 priority. Especially after today

  4. The first thing that needs addressing whoever wins this EGM is getting a team on the park that Rangers supporters will pay to watch. That will require serious funding. I've yet to hear either side acknowledge this. Supporters will not turn up to watch dross as we saw today

  5. Did Pacific Shelf 595 Fc issue any sort of statement on this incident? if not why not?

    I was also expecting some sort of condemnation by the likes of Nil by Mouth but maybe that is asking too much.They do seem to be very much a one-sided organisation do they not? A bit like FARE

    I hope wee Kieran makes a quick recovery & enjoys tomorrow as Rangers mascot but the cynic in me believes had this been a young Celt@c supporter who had been the victim things would have been rather different with the mhedia going into overdrive and the two Bob politicians who inhabit this country getting their anti-Rangers tuppence worth in too

  6. Oddly enough, that was one of the reasons I was worried about him becoming manager in the first place. He never seemed very knowledgeable or insightful when has was doing his tv football stuff.


    When WS was there and Ally took the team for domestic cup games he seemed to struggle more often than not. And WS had to intervene.

    Perhaps that was a sign of things to come

  7. I know they won't be back, imo they are still there to stick two fingers up at the current board and not to line their pockets, that's why I suspect a deal will be done when the new board comes in.


    Some sort of deal needs to be struck. It was reported after he'd resigned McCoist was looking for around a £300k pay-off.

  8. The Board could have given them their year's notice at any time and then said to them, we want you to stay (if they did) but we need to negotiate a more realistic salary. They didn't and seemed to prefer to keep them in place to distract our attention from other issues.


    LOL. Do you think they'd have accepted 'a more realistic salary' ? They're lining their pockets before they go (as they're entitled to do)

  9. Since when have the Board (in any of it's incarnations) cared what Graham and Houston said?. If they only kept the management team in place because they were worried about a backlash from the fans, then why did they refuse the various offers of finance from sources other than Ashley? That has caused an almighty backlash and they don't seem too worried about it.


    I don't think the board had the balls to get rid off McCoist and his staff. I think they were hoping he'd get us back to the top division and then leave voluntarily as a hero for taking us back up there. It hasn't worked out though has it?

  10. If the board are not happy with his performance then they should replace him, as would happen at any normal football club. Forcing half a team to play is just an absurd situation. If Sandy Easdale had been of any use for us, we would have had a decent manager in place some time ago.


    We can't afford to hire a new manager(and his staff too presumably) whilst the present incumbents still drawing their lucrative salaries whilst working their notices

  11. McCoist and/or McDowall obtaining promotion for us has been looking increasingly unlikely. The Board should have dealt with it professionally if they had any real desire to get promoted.


    We don't/didn't have the money to pay them off due to the onerous contracts they are on. That's why McCoist is on gardening leave & McDowall is hanging around the dug-out

  12. Very true. But you, MB and Rab seem to be laying all the blame at the management team, with none at the Board's feet. Likewise others are blaming solely the board.


    Had the board not given them ludicrous contracts in the first place, or had the board not been squandering money all over the place then maybe the Club would have had enough cash to provide a severance package.


    Clearly McDowall hasn't done anything to be considered gross misconduct or they would have fired him. Which makes it the Board's responsibility to find a severance to make him redundant.


    Look at the cause, not just the effect. The cause is the ridiculous contract that he was given by the Board.


    The contract was given to him by the previous board on oldco. It was TUPE'd over in 2012. Understand?

    With the benefit of hindsight the three amigos(Ally, McDowall & Durrant) should have been served their notice long ago. They weren't up to the task but the current board wrongly stuck by them probably in case it caused a backlash and the likes of Graham & Houstoun crawled out of the woodwork arranging more protests & boycotts

  13. And you think this was an acceptable manner to do so ?


    How about in December they told the manager "Look, the team isn't performing and we really want promotion - we want you to go out and find some cheap (free) loan signings in January that will strengthen us" ??


    Now, we all may agree that Kenny McDowall is no football manager - but you will absolutely NEVER convince me that Sandy Easdale and Derek Llambias are better managers than McDowall - yet, here we are, with Easdale and Llambias selecting half the damn team.


    Yes, something needed to be done - but not this. Not in a million years.


    These players may very well help us accomplish promotion and many will say "excellent work, job done" - but there is a much bigger picture at play here - it is called the Club's reputation. This is NOT the way to run a football Club.


    Acceptable manner ? There was no choice. We can't run Rangers on the consent of a caretaker manager working his notice who doesn't want to be there.

    Believe me, these players are much better than what we've got.

    To get promotion something drastic had to be done

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