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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I'd like to think so but don't bank on it. What I don't understand is why KMcD agreed to take on the caretaker role in the first place. He's resigned for 'personal reasons'. What are these 'personal reasons' ?
  2. Are you saying he's stepped down as caretaker ? So who's in charge then? Not how I understood things.
  3. Will there be a replacement ? Or will KMcD see out his 12 months are caretaker? No one currently at the club would take the job unless someone like Jig or KM which would be too big a risk IMO
  4. It's imperative now someone is appointed who genuinely wants the job and should be brought in ASAP. That person is going to have the responsibility of recruiting virtually a whole new first team squad for next season regardless of what division we're in
  5. Those WERE his duties were they not. His duties now are as Caretaker Manager
  6. what's the chances of the board offering T3B board positions in exchange for not supporting the EGM ? A case of divide & rule ? T3B seem to be rather quiet don't they?
  7. No chance of banning McDowall also? Along with Ally He's as inept & tactically clueless as Ally
  8. The truth is DK doesn't need to sit on the Rangers board to have control. He would simply appoint others such as GIlligan ,PM and others to carry out whatever he wanted done.The SFA couldn't do anything about that. Farmer does something like that at HIVS does he not?
  9. The SFA have their own rules some of which wouldn't stand up in a court of law as McBride QC once infamously stated
  10. Surely if DK satisfies the AIM regs there would be nothing the SFA to prevent him sitting on the Rangers board? PM is another matter altogether. The SFA may not wish him to return in case he started asking them awkward questions about Whyte's tenure
  11. Hilarious to think the SFA could even consider barring anyone from holding a directorship at any club after they did sweet FA when Whyte got Rangers.And they were well warned by a number of people about Whyte at the time were they not? Acertain Paul Murray amongst them IIRC?


    I know that. The 2013 AGM.If that 30 percent supports the reqs got backs DK it's a formality at the EGM


    Surely the NOMAD will now be trying to find out how much support each side has? I still think the result is pretty much a foregone conclusion if the 10percent of RIFC shareholders who are Rangers supporters back DK.


    If everyone votes as expected then isn't the EGM result a formality? Will the incumbent directors resign before then ? If that happened would there be any need for an EGM?


    I think it is in the SFA rules that they can block an appointment if the person has been involved with a club within something like five years of an insolvencyevent. Cant honestly see that happening though regards PM. The SFA have a lot more questions to answer than PM regards Whyte


    Whilst I have past criticisms of PM in the SDM era his return would go down like a lead balloon with the SFA. I'd imagine PM knows too much for their liking during Whyte's time at Rangers. Ive always been suspicious about Regan's role throughout and if he was being advised by someone. Lets hope PM sees this as an opportunity to settle a few old scores, proving the EGM is successful
  17. What sort of access ? Financially I'd say it fairly obvious where we are. Anyone who watches the current team on the park(and what we have in the dug out) surely knows that serious funds are required. All I'm asking is do all parties have that sort of money?
  18. I've yet to hear anything from MA, T3B, DK or whoever tell us how they intend to fund a vastly improved Rangers team on the park. Too many of us have forgotten that
  19. You have raised a very valid point. FWIW I do not believe they could provide the level of finance Sarver or Ashley could provide(if they were willing to that is). Let's not kid ourselves serious finance is needed to improve what we're currently watching on the park. No one will turn up to watch a poor Rangers side just because there's 'Rangers men' on the board but haven't got the finance to improve the side
  20. Do you think Park,Letham,Taylor & King would have bought their recent shareholding if this were true?
  21. So if Worthington or whoever have a legal claim on newco assets what's stopping them?
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