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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. we cannot continue with McDOWALL who simply doesn't want to be there.
  2. McCoist hadn't 'earned his stripes' either IMO but he was given the job. Not only that but on the most ridiculous contract ever given to someone who'd never managed before. We may well need to take a gamble with someone like Gattuso for manager. At least in Serie A he should have got a tactical knowledge of the game which is sadly lacking at present. I dread to think what will happen if we go into the yahoos game with that vulnerable 4-4-2 system where teams flood the MF and dictate the game to us.
  3. Ladbrokes once again it seems. Purely coincidental Dermot Desmond is a shareholder and they share same lawyer as the yahoos & SFA
  4. He's their best and most experienced referee? LOL Very inconsistent and error prone is how I'd describe Thomson.
  5. Why wasn't he ever given a shot at RB ? He played there for Honduras didn't he? Couldnt be any worse than Foster
  6. I still think King's investment figures are on the high side. The yahoos have been downsizing we must remember. Those figures may have been required,say, three years ago.
  7. The first thing they'd need to do is appoint a team manager who has a proven record & genuinely wants the job.
  8. If King, Park or whoever took over tomorrow I think they know exactly what is in the bank - NOTHING.........
  9. They will need to somehow. One of the main reasons people have stopped going to games is because of the poor product on the park.I'm sure DK etc are fully aware of that
  10. Ever since Whyte got Rangers that's no surprise. It has been wrongly assumed 40k plus will turn up for every home game to watch any old dross
  11. Clark's contract is up at the end of the season. If he goes on loan he won't be back
  12. Not al all. I want to hear all parties explain their plans. At present I'm hearing nothing
  13. Perhaps not but Somers has yet to cause an administration followed by liquidation. And fail to preside over non payment of PAYE and NI to HMRC
  14. He has just ten days to prove otherwise. Not long. Can you be sure we wouldn't be replacing one lot who won't invest in the squad with another whose only defence is that they're 'Rangers men'
  15. Not unless he proves his intent by funding signings from somewhere before the end of the month. But I want all parties to come out and say how they'll improve the first team. The silence is deafening
  16. Regardless of who gets Rangers serious money is needed to improve the first team squad. I've yet to hear either side acknowledge that or make any sort of statement of intent as to how they'll resolve this
  17. McLeod & Peralta gone.If Law goes we have just Black & Hutton left for MF places unless we use untried teenagers. Surely (I repeat surely) the buffoons running the place won't let virtually an entire MF leave days before we play the yahoos and risk an absolute hiding. Are they that stupid or do they intend bringing in new faces(loan signings?) before the end of the month?
  18. What I still don't understand is just who would entrust them with their proxy votes?? How did these people become acquainted with the Easdales?
  19. I'd be very surprised indeed if that were the case.I think almost all would have been his choice.
  20. He doesn't tell the full story about the club being sold for £1. It was sold for £1 on the proviso that a bank debt of £18m with LBG was cleared.
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