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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Neither Kingco or T3B or Ashley have told us how they intend to improve the dross on the park at present.
  2. With the salaries being paid to the manager(on gardening leave) and over-the-hill players with no resale value thats no surprise to me.
  3. WOW do you think McDowall would understand all that????? Nothing against the guy but he's simply a cones & bibs coach to me. I cant see him going anything other than 4-4-2 as it's all he knows and we risk a hammering
  4. We've still got it. McDowall plays the rigid,inflexible 4-4-2 system both Ally and walter played. Opponents are wise to it & flood central MF so we get outnumbered. Im positively dreading sunday if we do that with Smith left MF and Aird right MF
  5. What law doesnt? Giampaolo Pozzo owns three: Udinese, Watford & Grenada I would have thought UEFA would have wanted this sort of ruling harmonised throughout. Why did the SFA introduce it anyway?
  6. Football's governing bodies aren't above the law.The Bosman ruling was the classic example of that. The 4 foreigner rule another
  7. Regardless of who anyone supports in theboardroom battle the SFA ruling about dual ownership is laughable and would never stand up in a court of law in a million years. I suspects Ashley's lawyers may well have told Rhegan's SFA just that. Thereare numerous example of dual(and more ownership) throughout Europe
  8. Call me a cynic but was the main reason the yahoos appinted Deila as manager was hoping they could get this Norwegian wonderkid and sell him on at vast profit?
  9. Either Calderwood or Gattuso would be better than what we've got at present I.e. A guy who doesn't want to be there
  10. First of all we need someone in the dugout who genuinely wants the job. McDowall doesn't. Let him work his notice as a coach.
  11. The club declined to comment. LOL. They don't usually do they unless they can twist things around making themselves out as the victim. Griffiths should in good company in that vile establishment
  12. Mainstream Celtic supporters who read the Sunday herald? LOL Most of the 'mainstream Celtic supporters' I've met would probably need to get somebody to read it to them. The are a sad, dysfunctional,inadequate group within our society whose lives revolve around Rangers. It has been told to them countless times by the individuals and organisations whose opinions matter that Rangers are the same club. Their aim is to perpetuate the lie so often in the hope it will become a truth.They must not succeed and must be dealt with regards this article. Their club too if they have any input
  13. With all due respect it was other issues which led to PLG's early departure. Fitness wasn't amongst the main ones
  14. Because this 'new club' nonsense needs nipped in the bud. If it isn't these people will perpetuate these lies for years to come. And you know what they say when you tell a lie so many times ?
  15. Magath is a fitness fanatic. That would not go down well at MP which would be no bad thing
  16. These people are social misfits suffering from inadequency at being excluded from our great club. As a result they know them & their like will never be welcome at the country's most successful football club and will do almost anything to show their frustrations at such. I've studied these people for years.They crave the limelight to try & put their points of view across which are mostly unfounded and intended to provoke and grab the attention of anyone foolish enough who is prepared to listen to them. Their sad,obsessive lives are spent in vain like this latest 'new club' nonsense clearly shows. Will a national newspaper in this country be foolish enough to print these blatant lies which have been disproved time & time again by those whose opinions matter? If they did then I'd be extremely disappointed indeed if the Rangers board took no action against them. The views of their football club should be sought too in order to clarify matters once & for all. Go after these people. They are a vindictive underclass who have no place in our society. The sooner they are eradicated by legal means the better.
  17. Nearly 27 years ago. That style of football well past its sell-by date !!!
  18. I'd tend to disagree about wages for any new manager. I believe the manager should be on a basic of say £300k and the rest made up in bonuses of say £300k for winning title and £100k each for winning LC & SC. Another bonus may be added for being in Europe beyond Christmas too. I think the days of paying a manager's salary regardless of performance needs to end immediately. I would suggest much less generous termination benefits to what McCoist got too.
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