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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. 'Project Ally' has been an abject failure. People need to realise that. Drastic action was needed if we're to get promoted. Hence these 5 loan signings
  2. Another like McCoist who has absolutely no hope of ever getting the same salary elsewhere.
  3. Formation ? LOL. He doesn't know anything except the tried & failed 4-4-2 which just about every other manager in the division knows how to play against
  4. That's a fair point. Call me a cynic but do they not seem to accept lower bids for their players from Celt*c than us ? Armstrong still had 18 months on his contract.
  5. There is no political will to challenge this vile club and its grotesque support.
  6. So do you think we'd get promoted with what we have we have? Or would you rather not get promoted?
  7. I bet DK wants us promoted to the top division just as much as anyone. We're losing too much money not being there
  8. Wonder why they didn't try to stop these 5 loan signings then? I genuinely thought they would.
  9. Alex Salmond did try to intervene regards the Rangers BTC was got told where to go as it was nothing to do with him. At the time I thought it rather strange that the top politician in Scotland got rebuffed in such a rude manner. Was there something HMRC wanted to hide?
  10. Do you seriously believe the monarchy or westminster parliament is involved in HMRC cases ? The question I ask is whether a caucus of yahoo-supporting polticians have been using influence on HMRC to financially cripple Rangers by pursueing a case so weak it has failed their own two internal appeals
  11. Ive always believe it was their intention to return a debt-free Rangers back to their client Whyte after administration but after it emerged what he'd been up to (non payment of PAYE and N.i.) that was never going to be possible But did Clark and Whitehouse never discuss a CVA with HMRC? Find that difficult to believe
  12. And I think it has to be remembered there was an assumption of guilt by almost everyone including SPL chairmen and CEO's who voted us out the SPL. HMRC seemed to think they had an open & shut case with Rangers EBT's. They didnt. We need to find out why they thought this and who it was who instigated all of this
  13. I dont think that's entirely correct is it? I seem to recall Clark & Whitehouse telling us during administration we'd get a CVA. What I find strange was that when it got refused HMRC seemed to suggest there never wasany chance of us getting one because of what Whyte had done. Clark & Whitehouse also said they were in constant contact with HMRC as I recall also. Was the possibility or not of a CVA not discussed with HMRC given they were rightly or wrongly the main creditor? All seems very strange to me
  14. Surely the EBT tax bill shouldnt have been included in allowing HMRC to be the main creditor because it was being contested?
  15. It was only because of the alleged EBT tax bill that HMRC got to veto the CVA. It meant they became the biggest creditor. Yet this clown JimHarra doesnt seem to understand this?
  16. I certainly hope you're correct Andy that people are now starting to ask questions.Not before time. I had to laugh at an article in the Daily Mail online this morning about the the tax avoidance schemes used by the likes of Gary Lineker, David Beckhametc which have now been sent 90day notices to settle. HMRC commented that these individuals tax affairs were 'private & confidential' Just a pity Rangers EBT's werent 'private & confidential' to prevent a slimeball like Mark Daly accessing them with apparent ease and making a fictitious documentary for which he won a now discrdited BAFTA.
  17. Who is Jim Harra? He is talking nonsense when he says the EBT's werent the reason oldco went into liquidation. By including the alleged EBT debt it allowed HMRC to become the main oldco creditor which allowed them to reject the CVA. HMRC subsequently lost both appeals on this and are now pursuing this thro the CoS.The main oldco creditor would then have been ticketus who would have approved the CVA. Im not kidding when I say this whole damn thing was a set up. LBG too
  18. The chairmen of those 10 clubs should be now asked why they voted Rangers out of the then SPL. A phantom EBTtax bill ? Which Rangers eventually won? Surely not. Maybe Killie did the right thing abstaining. Cant be a newco though. Celt@c did that in 1994 &2001 and didn't get thrown out
  19. LOL....Tom Boyd. Is he the latest nonce to throw his 'new club' tuppence worth into the ring ? What does he base his assessment on then? Look, if you want concrete evidence Rangers arent a new club go to UEFA club rankings on their website. You'll see Rangers total from season 2010/11 to current season. UEFA dont see Rangers as a new club. Is there real any arguement after that? Seriously?
  20. Other clubs and their supporters wanted us out of business altogether in 2012. Too many of our own supporters forget that
  21. When we got voted out the SPL and had to apply to the SFL the only place we were ever going was SFL3. Without us in the SPL it gave the yahoos a free run at tne CL every year. Liewell wasnt daft. He couldnt miss that opportunity could he?
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