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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I am going to get murdered for this but I think after the successful EGM and a more positive sense of being that even bringing back Ally until the end of the season would give the players a new surge of confidence. I don't think he would come back though as he knows most fans had turned on him. My first choice would still be Magath in a temporary role though.


    McCoist won't be back. He resigned.

  2. I still think we can beat all the teams in the play-off spots over 2 games so I have not given up hope yet. What a difference a day makes as they say. I think if we get a bit of confidence then we can beat all the teams involved.


    We will be relying on the five Newcastle loanees coming into the side and making an improvement because the squad McCoist left us won't get us promoted

  3. Robinson won't stop shots bell will it'd that simple.


    As for Kelly and youth games a shot in the bottom corner at 50mph by messi is no different to one by my mate Paterson down the park.


    Totally disagree about Bell. Never up to the standard we'll be looking for in the next few seasons.

    And when will he play again?

  4. He's about half as good as Bell at best.


    Not the Cammy Bell I've seen. Doesn't command his box for starters. Mediocre keeper never worth the £8k p.w. Contract he got from McCoist.

    BTW when will he play again? This is one helluva long injury is it not? Not another Andy Webster per chance?

  5. I don't think Robinson should get a new deal. It's been a very odd season in that we have had to use 3 goalkeepers but it is a bit of an anomoly. I'd rather Kelly sat on the bench or if need be we have an under 17 Scotland capped goalie who could warm the bench if Bell was injured. I wasn't best pleased when we signed Robinson or resigned Simmo for that matter but it turned out that both were needed. Bad situations crop up, it's inevitable but should we always plan for the worst? Maybe having to throw a kid in under circumstances could be a good thing. After some of our defeats this season, I would have been happy to have the excuse of "ah but, due to injuries we were forced to play x,y or z. They tried but obviously too early for them just yet".


    Like it or not I'd say Robinson is our best keeper at the moment.Better than a fit-again Cammy Bell too IMO.

    When you say to include youngsters like Liam Kelly have you seen him play? Is he good enough to sit on the bench? Too many of our supporters automatically seem to think every youngster on our books is a world beater just waiting for his chance

  6. I have not seen anything of Robinson yet that would give him the right of a new contract. I actually found him pretty shaky yesterday, dropping a corner ball, lucky with a kick-out and looked dodgy a few other times. I will agree he could do nothing with the goal.

    For me he is as yet a mover under observation.


    I don't think Cammy Bell is any better.

    Just why did McCoist put him on a £8k p.w. 4 year contract?

  7. This is interesting.


    I have banged on about selected interested parties in both broadcast and print media being invited to lunch with the Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland last autumn. Cosgrove was breathless with excitement, before and after the event. The word from CQN was the LA had no interest in pursuing any parties for useage of the 'H' term. The appointment of fellow big, big Sellik man, Michael Mathieson as Justice Minister appeared to reinforce the dynamic.


    Oh, to be a fly on the wall of Nicola's office, when Frank and Mike are asked to contribute. Well done for taking such action.


    Do you think they'll be asked to contribute anything ?

    We're talking serious Rangers-haters here including Sturgeon. They will do everything in their power to stop this going anywhere believe me

  8. Is his "modest 150k" inclusive of benefits, bonuses, housing allowances and all other perks ? If so I would be astounded. If that is his basic salary I would still probably do it for 50% of that. I'm not greedy.


    A damn sight less than Martin Bain was getting wouldn't you agree?

  9. I long for the day when I'm in a full Ibrox with the bears in full voice singing and bouncing.


    I long for the day when we have a board who actually care about Rangers and who have our best interets at heart.


    I long for the day when we start to actually move forward as a club again.


    I long for the day when there is more positivity and togetherness around all aspects of our club.


    Fellow Bears - that day is upon us !!


    I long for the day we get a team on the park worthy of the name Rangers again

  10. Seems inevitable we need a DOF aswell. I just wonder if Magathe has already been earmarked for this .........


    I hope we don't get a DOF. When things go wrong the manager & DOF blame each other.

    And which decides on signing players ? If it's the DOF and they don't work out he'll blame the manager.

  11. i think it will take 10 years or 100 million to undo the damage that greenco have done to us.


    patience is going to be required. that and as much financial support as we can afford individually and that includes me, you, king and park.


    I don't think it will take that amount of time or money

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