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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Sidenote, the Yahoos lost last night at home in front of "41k" to the mighty Perth Saints, when a win woud have gone a long way to underline their title aspirations.


    Beaten again this season. As I said earlier they've regressed quite a bit in the past three years.

  2. I think you are forgetting Rab that the current batch of players simply aren't good enough. We need a bunch of new players in too. It will take time but I don't prescribe to the 10 years that GS believes.


    I know they're not good enough craig but as I say get the right manager in & things can change pretty quickly.He'll need to have contacts in the game to get better players for starters and may need to get more used to having loan signings in our squad from the likes of EPL clubs.

    My main point though was doesn't anyone think the yahoos have regressed since we exired the top division? I certainly do and that game proved it. It would make a nonsense of McDowell's five year stuff if we got our act together

  3. Our first team at the start of this season with the right, coaching, training and motivation should have been more than capable of matching Celtic


    Look at Aberdeen we're probably spending a helluva lot more than them but they still have kept pace with Celtic


    The recent OF LC semi told us more about them than they learned about us. We realistically were neve going to win it with the team we've got just now.

    But how far have they fallen ? Can you imagine their current side against ours from three years ago with the likes of Jelavic, Naismith, Aluko etc ? They'd have destroyed that yahoos side we played at the end of january.

    And had Robinson or Bell been in goal that day who knows?

    I don't the gap between us & them is quite as insurmountable as McDowell suggests. Get the right manager in with the right experience, right contacts within the game, good tactical knowledge etc and I think we'll be back where we belong in no time at all. All we need now is promotion......

  4. I simply cannot believe how many of us think another season in the Championship would be a good thing. Financially it would be disasterous. We need to be in the top division for financial reasons alone.

    Next season we should be going for a euro-spot via our league postion. Given the revenue that that bring in can someone explain how we do that in the championship?

    Of course we'd need new players for the top division but get the right manager in & we'll be back where we belong in no time at all. Just get promotion !!!

  5. Ummmm, how about not allow him to gain undue influence which effectively allowed him to have mind and matter over the control of the Club ? The Board had ample opportunities to accept alternate funding in various guises instead of taking Ashley's money, which in turn allowed him to influence matters at the Club.


    oh well, just need to accept a £7.5k fine too then ? LOL

    Comedy Gold.

  6. Hopefully Dave King and his new board have a clearer view of the way forward than this thread. Bring Ally back - no bloody way, promotion is vital - staying in the Championship is best


    Jeezo not another who would prefer to stay in the championship....

    It is costing Rangers a fortune not being in the top division and not competing in Europe.

  7. That's VERY optimistic, given the quality of our playing over the past few years.....we'd be lucky to make the top 6 IMHO.


    The WHOLE setup needs completely gutted. If the result of that is another season in the Championship, then so be it. No-one wants to be here, but it may be better in the long run.....


    We would, of course, need to add to the squad in the close season to go for the European place via the league. I don't dispute that.

    Another season in the Championship would be disasterous financially for us. I'd rather we finished tenth in the top division than played another season in the Championship

  8. he's saying you could put an incompetent in the dugout and everything will be fine due to the fans flooding back and the "feel good factor".


    those that believe this are in for really rude awakening


    Even if King appoints the right man immediately this group of players aren't even physically ready to perform properly let alone have the talent to beat Hibs over 2 legs.


    I'd disagree. Get a better manager/coach in the dugout and get the NU five fit and the team will be good enough to beat hibz over two legs & get promoted by beating the second bottom team in top division

  9. Drop Jig, Foster and Hutton from that starting 11. Replace them with Streete, Mbabu and Bigirimana and that's already a MASSIVE improvement and that's without even see any of those NU lads play.


    Add Ferguson who by all accounts has some pace and a good delivery and again a huge improvement to what we have already.


    Promotion should be our No1 priority right now, anything else is a disaster IMO.


    Couldn't agree more. Need to get these players fit to replace ones like those you mention.We will not get promoted whilst they're playing.

    Also cannot believe how any of our supporters could wish to spend another season in the Championship. From a financial viewpoint that would be disasterous.Next season (if we're in top division) we could be going for a European place via the league as newco will have had three years of audited accounts won't they?

  10. A very weak man who was the perfect patsy.


    Just what qualities, talents etc was it that Somers brought for the role of Rangers chairman?

    He had no football backround AFAIK so what was it?

    Who appointed him & why? Did they not expect supporters to question this appointment?

    Somers short-lived & inauspicious reign as Rangers chairman will go down with many unanswered questions which we may never get the answers to.

  11. that group of players got him the sack and they are doing their damnedest to get rid of mcdowell just now.


    the one constant we've seen on the pitch for the last 3 and half years is workshy cowardice.


    Workshy cowardice AND a load of others such as no preparation for games, no gameplan or tactics, dubious fitness levels, players played out of postion, getting tactically out thought by part time managers and so on.........

    Bring Ally back ? Someone's havin' a laugh here

  12. Once King has the keys i think the game will sell out and the atmosphere will be incredible.


    Really looking forward to going to this game ONCE King has the keys if not for the dross on the pitch , the camaraderie in the stands - AT LONG LAST.


    You've highlighted the biggest problem King faces I.e. 'the dross on the pitch'

    The expected increase in attendances won't last unless that gets addressed along with the successful appointment of a team manager who can turn things round

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