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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. But we don't know how much that will be do we? My view is that it will take tens of millions to rebuild the team. Is DK willing to put in 50 percent of that much?
  2. Will people start to attend simply because 'King et al' are on the board? I think not. We need funding for a team now. People will return once a team worth watching is on the park
  3. I think all five will do a job for us once fit. We cannot continue with the likes of Black, McCulloch, etc any longer
  4. Choosing the next manager is a monumental decision for whoever. Simply have to get it right
  5. Wouldn't worry about it. The SH only sells something like 25k every week. Totally unimportant
  6. I'm not defending them.Their biggest mistake though was retaining McCoist & co on those preposterous contracts. You cannot under-estimate the damage the inept football management has done to the playing side
  7. Only one of the five loaners played the 90 minutes. And scored. Three were injured and didn't play. The other got injured just before the interval. Far from ideal I know. Getting injured players. A recurring theme
  8. You haven't read my posts. I've said neither side has convinced me. I only hope those 5 players can make the difference & we get promoted. I'd like to think we all want that
  9. You may support the new regime initially but will you continue to do so if the product on the park doesn't improve or even gets worse?
  10. Ashley has given us five players on loan who are better than what we've got at present which hopefully will get us promoted. No I don't have anyone in mind but as I've said earlier neither side has convinced me they can take Rangers forward. Returning from the game today I couldn't help wondering about the amount of funding which would be needed. Easily tens of millions and we don't even know who the manager will be. A shambolic situation
  11. Well there did seem to be quotes from Lilat Modi suggesting he was in talks with them
  12. I'd say theyre deeply unpopular with a large chunk of our support for a variety of reasons. They must surely realise their time is up. Also the story about selling their shares on a Friday did seem genuine
  13. FWIW I don't think the Easdales will be back. I think they'll be gone before the EGM. Does Somers attend games?
  14. I doubt it. Rangers supporters will not watch dross. The early 1980's are an example of Rangers supporters staying away
  15. I would totally disagree with that. Unless the team is sorted people will not turn up to watch and revenues will plummet.
  16. Regardless of who wins the EGM big,big decisions lie ahead. Neither side has convinced me FWIW. Unless the first team is improved big style nothing else really matters. It will take serious funding to achieve that
  17. After watching that shambles today it is going to take tens of millions to rebuild the team. Is Dave King willing to invest that sort of money?
  18. Can that include the likes of McDowall, Jig, Black etc also?
  19. What will this achieve? Seems pointless to me and not exactly a high priority. The first team should be no1 priority. Especially after today
  20. The first thing that needs addressing whoever wins this EGM is getting a team on the park that Rangers supporters will pay to watch. That will require serious funding. I've yet to hear either side acknowledge this. Supporters will not turn up to watch dross as we saw today
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