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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. So howcome Ticketus had 2 means of apparently recovering their cash i.e. from Whyte personally & as oldco creditor ?
  2. Even if Kingco dont have a majority the board must surely realise their time is up. You only need to look at the empty seats at home games.
  3. Rangers will be his first & last football management position. No one will employ him again after the shambles he left behind at ibrox. Thats why he is determined to get every last penny he is due from his ridiculous contract
  4. Replacing him with a guy who doesn't want to be there is sheer madness when you're going for promotion
  5. Throwing in a young lad whilst we're in the middle of this run of defeats isn't the best idea in my opinion.
  6. McCoist got found out big style in the championship. He had to go.
  7. Did this actually happen? My ST is in the upper SJ stand near away support end and I didnt see anything
  8. Gallagher is a striker. Law is a midfielder
  9. what you don't do in a small country like ours is throw the biggest club out of the top division and all the revenue it brought with it.
  10. And who can forget in the summer of 2012 when Rangers were stupidly voted out the SPL, the sight of Doncaster & Liewell strolling thro' the airport departure lounge as they went to sign a SKY TV deal worth peanuts just to try & prove they didn't need Rangers ? Scottish football is on its knees and skint. Similar smaller countries such as Norway, Holland etc have vastly superior TV deals. If Kingco win this EGM I realise PM & JG will have much to do at Rangers but one of their top priorities must be the removal of Doncaster, Liewell & Regan from their positions in Scottish football.
  11. We cannot go 4-4-2 against a better side like Hibz. We're not good enough.Will need to be 4-5-1 with probably Vuckic going between MF & the lone forward(probably Daly as we'll need to use him for the usual long punts). If we go 4-4-2 they'll outnumber us in MF like the last 2 games against them.
  12. Something had to be done otherwise we'd no chance of promotion
  13. Of the five Mbabu was the only one I hadnt heard of. However he is a RB and not exactly a position we're strong in at the moment. The other four should walk into our team at present but like T4C seems to be suggesting their fitness seems to be a big concern. Why sign players on loan if theyre injured?
  14. Whilst SD loans are far from ideal they are hardly 'heavy debts'
  15. Stay in the Championship or get shot off jig?
  16. Before the freekick is conceded McCulloch gets skinned on the touchline. Watch again
  17. You are correct it was Traynor. Poor wee Keech has struggled since Big Jim left the record and took all his contacts with him
  18. Or how about McCulloch getting done for pace in the lead up to the free kick at the first goal? Do you want to send him home too ? But great idea. Let's send the five loanees home. Let's stay in the Championship for at least another year.
  19. Did I read that drivel correctly from Keech Jackson ???? Second last paragraph. It's a gem where he rambles on about them not preventing us from uncovering the truth.......this from the pseudo-journo who said Whyte had wealth which was 'off the radar'.
  20. Whilst we're at it can we please ban Radio Snyde too?
  21. One of our biggest failings is giving away possession needlessly under no pressure. Very evident again yesterday. Something a new manager will need to address
  22. I do not believe supporters will attend games simply because of who is or isn't on the Rangers board. The team on the park is the most important factor IMO
  23. For a start they're not unknowns. The only one I wasn't familar with is the Swiss guy. All have come from and played in better leagues than ours.
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