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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Watching the Scotland team depart and then arrive in Germany I couldn’t help notice Shellik tops in the crowd. Have they ditched the ROI and now all support Scotland? ( or have the real Irish chased them? )

  2. 3 hours ago, compo said:

    I seen MrMulraney on television last night saying he was hoping to tie up Steve Clarke beyond the next World Cup qualifiers if I were Clarke I’d get it signed quickly.

    Surely it should be the elusive Ian Maxwell, the very much low key SFA chief executive, who’d be responsible for that. 

  3. We should do what the Greeks do for games between AEK, Olympiakos & Panathinaikos. They bring in foreign referees.

    Just think if we’d foreign refs, we might have won the league last season had it not been for Collum, Walsh, Robertson & Clancy.

    I genuinely  thought it was a wind up when I got told Collum was appointed head of referees

  4. 17 minutes ago, Scott7 said:

    It does seem that way but the media are under the control of the spalpeens. Complaints by Rangers are ridiculed. Complaints by celtic are elevated to matters of national importance and something must be done.


    On reflection, I might have got that wrong. The media aren’t controlled by the spalpeens. The media are spalpeens almost to a man or woman.

    Celtic have almost all of the media in their back pocket. More worryingly they now seem to have referees also under their control too with Collum’s recent appointment 

  5. 1 hour ago, Bluedell said:

    The CEO will take his instructions from the PLC board as to the level of confrontation.


    Also we may not know the level of confrontation. It may be that they think that doing it privately may be more effective, even if it doesn't assuage parts of our support. 

    That maybe true but in my view too often Rangers are seen as an easy target by the usual suspects who seek to damage the club & its reputation. 
    Too often there seems to be little or no response from within the club & it must never be left to the manager or players to fill that role. 
    Charles Green’s tenure now lies in the gutter but I’d argue he was the type of figure we need prepared to go after our enemies. In the 5 OF games this season we’ve witnessed horrendous refereeing which cost us and there was little or no response from the club. 

  6. 2 hours ago, yuddie said:

    Galdames has been quoted as saying he's most comfortable at CB.


    Even so, he'll be useful at LB when our new Brazilian tears his knee apart on Kilmarnocks pitch on matchday 1.

    We won’t be playing Killie away on the opening game of the new season 

    It'll likely be hertz, hibz or the sheep away. Need to see what the SPFL computer gives us 😋 ( or a yahoo on a laptop as we all know)

  7. 18 minutes ago, compo said:

    We have to let go this obsession with referees what we should be concentrating on is putting together eleven footballers with heart and skill to win matches by a margin that won’t matter if a referee gets it wrong .

    This referee stuff is becoming a standard excuse for failure on our teams part .

    We have been badly let down by referees this season, particularly in the OF games.

    I call it cheating, you might not. Unless the club call it out then it will continue. 

  8. Does anyone know if the club have asked for VAR audio for the disallowed goal last Saturday?  If not why not?


    Im told the VaR refs did not direct walsh to the monitor. If not why did he go to the monitor?

    The 2 TV broadcasters covering the game can hear communications between the officials I understand. 

  9. 6 hours ago, Scott7 said:

    Refs in the spl are biased but I think it’s unconscious bias. Refereeing a running sport requires instant decision most of the time. The celtic minded can’t help themselves. They might not make the same decisions with time to think.


    Beaton is different. He can help himself. He has tuned his brain the other way so that he can never be accused of bias in favour of Rangers.


    I also reckon that Scottish referees are average at their work. At high level they should be above average. As Uilleam has pointed out, none has been invited to the Euro circus.


    Supporters are biased too.I know I am. I follow a team in a lower league. Fellow followers were constantly moaning about one particular referee being both useless and biased in favour of another club. A visit to that club’s message board discovered exactly the same complaint about the same referee. A dud biased in favour of my team. These assessments were untrammelled by politics, religion or geography so the reality in that particular league is not bias but incompetence.


    SPFL referees work in an environment where Celtic call the shots & dare not upset them. Had the disallowed goal on Saturday been at the other end it would have stood. Only a fool would suggest otherwise. Regards Saturdays officials, Rodgers has had Beaton in his back pocket since the game at Tynecastle when he was on VAR & got iowata correctly sent off. And Walsh shat it to send off Alistair Johnston at the new year OF game for persistent fouling after he was already on a yellow. Don’t forget the last time a Celtic player was sent off at parkhead in a OF game the referee got his windows smashed…🤬

    The game is corrupt & there for all to see.


  10. 1 minute ago, Blue Moon said:

    Both things can be right.  We are shit and we've been on the receiving end of some very poor refereeing and var decisions that have impacted the result of our games against Celtic.  I don't think it is a conspiracy but the Celtic supporting refs are all at it.  Honest mistakes my ass.  It is not a level playing field.  Dermot Gallagher gets it right in his analysis. 

    But we’ve no one at Rangers to call out these referees when decisions are given against us. 

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