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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. The SPFL won't do anything to Rangers or anyone else for that matter as the yahoos have the bigger problem(with their militant Irish Republicanism) and they won't get punished as long as Liewell wields power in Scottish football
  2. The Easdales must surely know their time is up & the writing has been on the wall for them for some time now. It is no longer a question of if they go but when they go. Preferably before the EGM which is increasingly looking totally unnecessary as it will be a formality
  3. Another thing I'd point out is that I think across the city know they've now got the biggest problem in this and will use their chums in the mhedia to highlight every misdemeanour from our support to deflect the spotlight away from themselves.
  4. The nonsensical arguement I've heard in the mhedia from time to time is that we've got the biggest problem. That is not true. Celt#*c have got the biggest problem with their brand of miltant Irish Republicanism which largely seems to go unreported. And I'd like to know how their support manages to get some of their offensive banners into stadiums. Do the police turn a blind eye to this ? Whilst we should endeavour to eradicate offensive songs & chants ourselves it cannot go unchecked elsewhere
  5. FWIW I believe it's far easier for us to eradicate these songs than for across the city & we should do so. Across the city they will find it almost impossible to get rid off their miltant Irish Republicanism and actually seem to encourage it by virtue of their GB.It is evident wherever they play but seldom reported in the media as might be expected. As a result a few in our support will think if they're not prepared to ditch their songs & chants why should we ? And so-called anti-sectrarian legislation brought in by McConnell's Lhabour government was seen as targetting Rangers whilst the other side were free to do as they were. Totally counter-productive.
  6. Clark missed a barrowload of chances last Friday night against Raith but didn't seem too concerned as he waved to the Rangers support when he got subbed just before the end. Boyd was the same against Raith earlier in the season.To date he has just three league goals this season. Miller has just four. Daly has three although to be fair to him has featured a lot less than ther others Our forwards have been abysmal this season and are the main reason we have struggled so far this season.All are out of contract in the summer. I wouldnt be surprised if none got new contracts
  7. Mr Gilligan has his work cut out when he begins his Rangers directorship
  8. He can't/won't say it because he's employed by the Daily Record that's why.
  9. Fine statement from RFB but would be better had it come from director level at Rangers. Hopefully Mr GIlligan will change this
  10. Selective free speech exists in this country though. You can call Rangers and its supporters anything you like and expect no retribution. But when it's Rangers supporters then thats a different matter altogether isnt it?
  11. And when anyone comes on and suggests anything untoward about songs sungs by the yahoos the get quickly put off air. Vile,biased radio station. Switch it off. Dont listen to it
  12. I say is Collie-more that dogging chappy???? I know, I'll get my coat..........
  13. The problem is Mb our enemies you mention have no intention whatsoever of changing their unacceptable behaviour towards us. Ever since SDM caved in to them they see us as an easy target. They can do as they like whereas we cannot and if we do anything they deem unacceptable they want us punished. This cannot continue.
  14. One thing I hope to see when(not if) John Gilligan joins the board is that he takes the fight to these individuals and organisations who see fit to go after Rangers at every opportunity whilst turning a blind eye to others. At almost every Celt@c game there are banned songs but who highlights them and what is done?
  15. The problem is that oursupporters think we are singled out like this whereas other clubs ' supporters get overlooked for similar instances.FWIW I tend to agree
  16. It is a fact that many non-RC's simply do not trust the RC church as it seeks power & influence(particularly in governments) wherever it is found. I'm surprised these reports or surveys failed to realise that.
  17. I doubt very much if his EGM will go ahead. The Easdales & Somers must surely realise their time is up and hey have to go.
  18. To think taxpayers money gets wasted paying otherwise-unemployable academics to write this tosh is a bigger scandal
  19. We need to start looking outside Scotland for players. The calibre of player we want/need simply isn't there
  20. I'd say there's little point in these players returning to Newcastle to play reserve team football. Most are in their early twenties so should be looking for first team football somewhere
  21. I'm of the opinion that if King wins the EGM (as I expect he will) he will try to involve Ashley in some way if it can be seen to be beneficial to Rangers.
  22. LOL...........Does anyone take this discredited clown seriously anmore?
  23. Does anyone seriously think DK would be trying to get control of Rangers if Whyte still had involvement ?
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