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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I agree with the first part but not the second. 'Untried kids' is exactly what we need to be doing more of. This is what all decent teams across Europe do, big and small. Our policy of giving players a few appearances once they are well into their 20's then releasing them is of use to nobody, bar the bottom end Scottish teams they end up at.


    With regard to bosmans, again big and small clubs do this so I'm not sure what your issue is. If you mean we should stop signing veterans on freebies who are recommended by agents and last had a good game 5 years ago then yes I agree. I imagine you didn't object to the signings of Boumsong and Prso though. Celtic are the only team who spend money on transfer fees in Scotland and even they do it infrequently. A lot of teams in the Europa League don't have much of an outlay on transfers either. Above all else, we have no money to be wasting on transfers that might come off and might not. Any transfer fees we spend needs to be on predominantly younger players who are well scouted and can generate us significant profits in the future. Though I've been saying all this for over 10 years now and may as well bang my head off a brick wall.


    Back to the OP - regardless of the regime the support have finally got sick of the quality on the park. In truth since 03/04 onwards the style of football has been barely watchable but it has got to the point now where it is just taking the piss. You are literally paying money to make yourself miserable.


    Firstly Prso is the type of signing we're unlikely to make again because he has no resale value. Untried kids need to be good enough first of all. Too many of us forget that.

    We should be trying to bring in younger players(under25) whom we could sell on again in a few years.That will likely require transfer fees to be paid. The yahoos have been doing this in the past few years. We need to do likewise.

    We are at a very dangerous crossroads where we need to decide which direction we go. Get it wrong & we'll be out in the widerness for years to come. Many have great expectations of this new board. I hope they're not let down.

  2. Attendances will recover when there's a better product on the park.

    That will not be achieved by playing untried kids & Bosmans. Quality signings will be required this summer regardless of which league we're and that means investment from the new board

  3. Lee McCulloch has a challenger for that accolade in the form of Bilel Mohsni, but the real problem with having either or both of them in that position is that neither of them are actually centre halfs and it's really showed big time this season against better opposition than we've faced in lower leagues. In fairness, I think Ally McCoist and Kenny McDowall probably foreseen this situation (along with the rest of us!) and that's why they signed McGregor and Zaliukas as alternative options, but the bottom line is that the only defender from all four happens to be McGregor and even he isn't Rangers standard if we're really blunt about it.


    Why have a go at Moshni? He's hardly played this season.

    McCoist signed Zaliukas & Mcgregor(both CB's) but persisted with McCulloch at CB. Total madness. McCulloch is a liability in defence.He is too slow & cannot read a game. He got away with it in the part-time leagues but not this season.

    Did you see the goal we conceded yesterday? A ball into the box which should have been meat 'n' drink for any decent CB. But not oor Jig.A guy makes a run in front of him & heads the ball off our post and another nets the rebound. Any decent CB would attack the ball coming into the box but Jig is not a CB.

    Whilst we're not great at CB I still think our biggest problem is middle to front i.e. not scoring enough goals

  4. The only place I'd play McCulloch is upfront on his own in a 4-5-1 which is a formation I'd tempted to play rather than 4-4-2 as we simply cannot control the MF as we saw once again yesterday.We get outnumbered & overrun continuously in MF and we need to try to stop it happening next Sunday against Hibz or we'll get hammered again

    Things are getting quite desperate up front as one of our strikers seem to be able to score.No reason why Jig couldn't get a shot there. He surely can't do any worse than the current lot

  5. The coaching is why they're so poor. They're not great players but they have regressed massively and all have played at higher levels.


    Some such as Boyd,Miller & McCulloch are now well past their best. McCall must surely see this now for himself.

    It will be interesting to see if he perseveres with them. McCoist did and it cost him dearly.

  6. It seems strange to see you as a defender of all things Islamic all of a sudden Rab. It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that it was Chris Graham who was involved, would it?


    I think the most shocking thing about this whole episode was not the 'offensive' tweet, but the fact that there are those amongst us who would turn on one of our own and throw him under the bus for reasons of personal vendetta or dislike, rather than standing behind him in the face of a mhedia attack.


    I've nothing against Chris Graham at all. FWIW I think he'd make a good Non exec director even if I'm a bit bemused at the suddeness at which he got this position since last Friday.

    His past personal baggage is his problem but once Rangers get dragged into this then that's another thing altogether as far as I'm concerned.

  7. RAB they'll continually seek to beat us anyway , if not for this then something else . CG delivered a slap in the face to an intolerant islamo-fascist bully - more power to him I say .


    He didn't deliver a slap in the face to anyone. He offended Islam in general which is completely different. That includes Muslims who want nothing to do with Chaudry or whatever he is called.

  8. and it gave any right-thinking person following CG a bit of a laugh on what was a terrible day for right -thinking people .


    If only it were that simple...............


    The problem is that this will eventually be used as a stick to beat Rangers with by our mhedia enemies i.e. having CG as a director damaging Rangers reputation.

    His position will become untenable & he'll need to go

  9. When McCall says that they are underperforming this season and that many of them are actually really good players - who is he referring to ?


    We have no 'really good' players.


    I don't think they are 'undeperforming' as such - they are just shite players. I'm not expecting much of an upturn as I don't believe these players have it in them to be much better.


    And when he talks about some of the out of contarct players playing for a new contract - that frightens the life out of me. I suppose he has to say that. I sincerely hope he doesn't actually mean it. NONE are worthy of a new contract, unless it's for cleaning the bogs !!!


    McCall is playing mind games here to get promotion.

    He's trying to make these players think they're as good as they were when they joined Rangers but we all know they've since regressed.

    Dangling the carrot of new contracts is likewise.We all know only one or two from the dozen or so who are out of contract at the end of the season might get an offer but he's probably hoping this might improve the performances of the others. Whether it works or not is another matter

  10. John, with respect, you are either missing the point or avoiding it. The character CG sent the tweet to is not an imam; he is no more a muslim cleric than Gerry Adams was a Catholic priest. Choudary is a nasty piece of work and the vast majority of Muslims will have nothing to do with him. CG was being offensive and deliberately so towards an extremist whose version of Islam would deny us all freedom of expression, Muslim and non-Muslim alike.


    Chris responded to the ranting of this eejit by sending him a tweet. He didn't send the tweet to the Central Glasgow Mosque. He didn't send it to the British Council of Muslims - he sent it to this clown; and the message it contained was that in this country we can be offensive and that we have the right to offend - and especially when it comes to religions. It was, if you like, an exchange of cultural ideas. Our culture against a culture that murders cartoonists.


    Secondly, anyone mocking the Disaster is only ever doing so to be offensive towards Rangers. There is no attack on ideas or philosophy when they mock the dead.

    The point here is that there is a strain of Islam which would deny us all the right to speak ill of their religion or mock their prophet and kill us for doing so. People like Choudary who would force their modes of behaviour on the rest of us have no grounds for complaint or offense when people respond, like CG did, by reasserting that right to freedom of expression robustly and, if needs be, offensively. But we must not forget, his target was an islamic extremist, not an Imam or Islam itself.


    I think the problem is though it could cause offence to all muslims(not just Chaudrey) whether intentional or not.

  11. From the Scotsman


    17:59Thursday 12 March 2015

    POLICE Scotland have now launched an investigation into an offensive tweet that newly appointed Rangers director Chris Graham sent to an Islamist preacher.


    Graham, appointed as a non-executive director on Tuesday, apparently sent the tweet to Anjem Choudary on the day of the Charlie Hebdo attack.


    It is alleged that on 7 January, shortly after two gunmen had shot dead 12 people at the offices of the French satirical magazine in Paris, the radical preacher sent a message on Twitter.


    It read “freedom of expression does not extend to insulting the prophets of Allah, whatever your views on the events in Paris today!”


    Mr Graham is understood to have replied by sending a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammed engaged in a sexual act with a message reading: “You probably won’t like this one...then”


    His Twitter account is now restricted from public view.


    Mr Graham, 38, is known among fans for representing the Rangers Supporters Trust and running the Rangers Standard website.


    If Police Scotland have so much resources at their disposal to investigate this maybe they will also investigate some of what has been written online about Rangers & it's support by the likes of McGillivan and Haggerty.

  12. and probably with some encouragement from some of 'our own'


    You may be correct but after the demolition job he did on Spiers that night CG should have realised that Spiers & his mhedia chums would be looking for their revenge at some point.

  13. Ever since CG destroyed Spiers on television on the night Rangers won the FTTT those in the mhedia would have been watching him like a hawk waiting for any small slip or misdemeanour to use against him at a later date.

    Looks to me that's what's happened here

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