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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I am gutted Boyd gets near the squad. Stick Moshni up front at least he will make himself a presence. I could mark Boyd out of a game and Daly is just as immobile.


    I cannot believe Boyd is in the squad after that ridiculous performance on Tuesday.

    Is McCulloch going to play CB again ? Against Jason Cummings? Surely not

    Between now & the end of the season McCall has major decisions to take which will determine whether we get promoted or not.

    He seems to be avoiding them as far as I can see

  2. In the forth paragraph Craig I am referring to the clubs' supporters not HMRC.


    We will need to disagree about outside influence in all of this and I never mentioned the ridiculously named FARE organisation with their listening devices at Rangers European home games at the time.I would say however I have all the stories about who were involved and these haven't just come from Rangers supporters.I do wonder if the Labour party's imminent collapse in Scotland at the forthcoming General Election is linked in any way.

  3. It wasn't the EBT case which made them reach their decision. It was far worse than that. They reached their decision based on the emotional blackmail of their own fans.


    They canvassed their own fans (after Celtic fans threatened a boycott of all other clubs if they voted to retain us) and their own fans said they would return en masse if they booted us out. So they booted us out. The ONLY chairman who made the appropriate decision based on his fiduciary duty to his shareholders was Michael Johnston at Killie. The rest ignored from their legal responsibilities but will hide behind the "we thought our fans would bring in more income than Rangers fans" - that is the issue with proving breach of fiduciary duty - it is very hard to actually determine that it was done.


    Clubs were being blackmailed by their fans over our alleged debts, the bulk of which was the EBT tax bill. We were supposed to have used players we couldn't otherwise have afforded as a result of these debts.They deliberately overlooked that administration/liquidation was solely due to Whyte not paying over PAYE/NI to HMRC who sought a winding up order as a result


    But that came crashing down on the afternoon of Tuesday 20th November 2012 when the FTTT ruled in Rangers favour. Subsequently the UTTT did likewise and we now await HMRC wasting more taxpayers money when it gets embarrassed in the courts.


    The Celt@c-controlled SPL & SFA sought to have these EBT's declared illegal side contracts but LNS booted that out with his 'no sporting advantage' judgement.It was one club's crude attempt to get titles & trophies stripped from its more successful rival.


    I ask again on what basis did these club chairmen reach their decision to be allowed to remove Rangers from the SPL ? If they really did canvass their supporters (and I seriously doubt many did to any great extent) what evidence did they get to reach their decision? Were their fans all tax & debt experts? If so I'd suggest them to be pretty incompetent.


    I've long since suspected our removal from the SPL was Liewell's ultimate aim to allow Celt@c a virtual free run at the CL revenue every year. No SPL club would dare back Rangers for fear of a boycott from the green-n-grey hooped hordes when they visited.Rangers got voted out and winning the title has been like shooting fish in a barrel every year for Celt@c.


    But I've always believed there was a master plan designed to financially cripple using influences in both HMRC and LBG.We all know who it was & his links to the East End.Later this year Whyte & others will stand trial for fraud. It has to be hoped that SDM has to take the stand and 'tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.' I don't believe for one minute he was duped.I want to know just how whyte got Rangers and if SDM was forced to sell,by whom & for what reasons.


    Much later when HMRC finally admit defeat in the EBT case we may get the truth about that too.SDM for one owes us that by pursuing HMRC to establish the origins behind this so riddled with holes it cannot even win its own internal tribunals.

  4. Also said we deserved to be sent to the bottom division for sporting integrity reasons and that it was understandable the way other clubs treated us.


    He & many,many others are going to look rather stupid if/when Whyte gets done for a fraudulent takeover. A club being the victim of a crime is punished ? Is that sporting integrity?

    Now Paul Murray is a director again he should be seeking discussions with the SPL club chairmen who took the decision to chuck Rangers out the SPL. On what basis did they reach their decision? Killie abstained if you recall.

    I suspect they took their decision based on the EBT tax nonsense. PM should endeavour to find out

  5. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/video-keith-jackson-financial-wrecking-5363311?


    Worth a watch! Albeit very much a painful history lesson for us all...


    LOL Jackson an expert is he ? The man who told us Whyte had wealth 'off the radar' was it? Presume this about Whyte is it?


    Our 'financial collapse' (not the terminolgy I'd use) was due to a takeover which will be proved fraudulent later this year whereby Whyte didnt have the funds to run the business he claimed to have and as a result didnt pay over PAYE/NI contributions from employees for a number of months until HMRC sought a winding up order. Very simple Keef.

    Any journo worth his salt would investigate how Whyte managed to acquire Rangers in the first place but that's beyond our Keef I think. Why not investigate if LBG blackmailed SDM into selling to Whyte ?And why & by whom?

    Or why HMRC let Whyte acquire Rangers when he already owed them £3m or £4m?

    Or why HMRC sought a fictitious EBT tax to deter reputable buyers acquiring Rangers from SDM meaning that the only buyer Rangers would get would be the likes of Whyte?

    Doesn't know Keef the answers to these ?

  6. Not sure if it seemed I was saying Bell is our best keeper - but in the two games I watched Robinson I felt he performed well and wasn't at fault for the goals against QotS or Livvy and, in fact, probably saved us from defeat in both games with a couple of decent saves.


    So why replace him for the game vs Alloa then ?

  7. So when Bell was out you were wholeheartedly behind keeping Simonsen between the sticks as the current #1 even though he was dropping clanger after clanger ? I find that strange.


    NO player should be allowed to foster the mindset that they play regardless of performance levels. It breeds laziness, lack of drive and lack of determination for better performances. Just ask Jig....


    Robinson is easily our best keeper IMO

  8. the second goal was Jigs fault as far as I can remember. It is difficult to blame the keeper for coming out in this case as he has to make a split second decision and does not have time to work out all the scenario's. The keeper will mostly be concentrating on the player running through and the ball. It is easy to watch the highlights and see slow motion where all the players are but the keeper does not have that luxury in real time. As for the firs goal it came in at a very fast pace and was glanced on about 8 yards from goal. The keeper sees the ball late and has to react to the change of direction. At that pace there is not many keepers who would react so quick to make the save.


    Their second goal was not 100 percent Bell's fault. Neither was the first but I felt he could have done better at both their goals.

    No worries though I'm sure our £180k p.a GK coach will have pointed this out to Stu

  9. The last player I'd have a go at would be the keeper, just because Stu picked him.

    He needs game time as we approach the play-offs. So many others on the park have deservedly been highlighted.


    Given the length of time he was out injured I'd have been tempted to put him out on loan somewhere to get gametime

  10. I meant in terms of results/performances.


    where he has tinkered i.e. the GK made absolutely no sense.


    If he'd come in and dropped every first team regular and played the entire under 20 team , that would have made more sense.

    and he'd have gotten full support as would a team full of youths.


    watching the same plodders go through the same motions is beyond a joke now.


    Having seen the highlights Bell was awful last night.

    Beaten at his near post for he first and should have stayed on his line for the second as McGregor had reached the Alloa player and would only have got in a tame shot

  11. He may only have been there for two games, but Boyd up front on his own for seventy minutes at home to Alloa has to raise questions.


    On a more positive note anyone that follows my youth posts will know I have banged on about Tom Walsh and Ryan Sinnamon for some time, one is now in the team and the other almost came on last night.


    A poster on RM has said Boyd's agent has been told he is not getting a new contract next season. If that's the case he shouldnt get another game.

    Don't know why Sinnamon didnt play. McGregor uncomfortable at RB.

  12. I suppose he's got to say it - bit there is no way we are going up.


    And McCall must not be chosen to have his stay extended beyond this season whatever happens. He is not the answer. He is just more of the same of what we've had.


    Well he's got 9 games to prove you wrong...............

    And if he continues to play Boyd & McCulloch he won't

  13. McCall should arrange a meeting with Boyd this morning & advise him he is no longer being considered for the first team squad.

    He is unfit & offers nothing to the team. His performance last night was one of the most ridiculous performances I've seen from a player in a Rangers jersey. We effectively played with a man short until he went off.

  14. 35000 to watch that dross is fecking incredible.


    The best marketing in the world won't get more people to attend unless the product on the park is drastically improved.

    The squad needs improved by getting better quality players. Does the new board have the funds for this?

  15. We will now obviously see the club take a stern look at this comment by the Scotsman's editor as well, like stopping them from entering Ibrox up until they either have evidence for that statement or an apology to us.




    An early opportunity for the new board to show they won't tolerate this sort of thing. They MUST act

  16. Like Lewandowski, Pirlo, Alonso etc?


    The main reason people wanted King and Co in was because the current lot were killing us.


    LOL we're not exactly going to get that calibre of player are we?

    And whilst it was necessary to remove the previous board the new board still have to prove themselves

  17. Just sitting back and hoping the Bears will return to the fold , is financial suicide imo, This board need an aggressive recruitment drive and soon.


    Look how successful Rangers First were at getting the numbers up, in such a short space of time. It's not rocket science here, better get the Bears at RF on speed dial.


    Do you think what you're suggesting would persuade people to return & watch what is ultimately at present a dire product on the park?

  18. Prso is the type of signing we're unlikely to make again because we was starring in the Champions League and on very high wages, above all else. I only used him as an example to say bosmans should not be discounted. They'll account for a large amount of our signings and that's the way it has to be. You say untried kids need to be good enough yet often the ones that come in like Murdoch, Gallagher and Walsh appears more than good enough, certainly better than some of their veteran team mates who consistently are nowhere near good enough. Young players also need game time in order to develop.


    I agree about signing players under 25, again though there's plenty of free transfers to be had. Fact is we will have hardly any money available for transfers.


    I think it needs to be remembered that players get given free transfers for a reason i.e. they're deemed surplus to requirements at their club. Signing this type of player is always a risk. Perhaps too big a risk at times.

    I'd like to think we will have some money available to buy players this summer. Isn't that one of the reasons we all wanted King & Co into the boardroom?

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