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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Which is another reason why we need to get a new manager in ASAP
  2. And a failed manager working his notice on £14k p.w.
  3. It may have been thro necessity but certainly works a damn sight better than ours. Of course I realise a youth set up doesn't start at the reserves. It starts with the army of coaches we've got at MP
  4. Er......the number of players in their first team who have come thro' their youth system.
  5. What will happen if we don't get promotion? Financially it will mean the recovery will take much longer than most of us would like.And that's just for starters
  6. For whatever reason Hertz have a far better youth set up than us which allows them to introduce young players into their first team.
  7. Not getting promotion is unthinkable & unacceptable. DK might not say it publicly but privately he'll be as desperate as anyone to return to the top division.There's too much money at stake not being there such as two OF home games for starters.Thats less money he might need to source from elsewhere FWIW I wouldn't read too much into any of the comments attributed to DK,PM & JG today.
  8. You think failure to get promotion is acceptable? Think it's you who talks out your backside pal.
  9. What he says publicly and what he says privately may be two different things
  10. They've got 40k plus ST holders too. They just don't turn up for home games
  11. It will not survive long outside the top division the way things are going.We need promotion by whatever means
  12. Don't believe all you hear. He'll be desperate for promotion and the increased revenue that will bring. Two home OF games for starters
  13. I despair when I hear Rangers supporters saying promotion not priority. I really do
  14. It will be an even bigger mess if we're not promoted believe me. A financial mess that is.
  15. Anyone coming in has the ready-made excuse that the damage was done before they took over. We need a new manager right now. Not getting promotion is unthinkable
  16. It would be an extremely bad idea indeed if Kenny MCDowell was to remain as caretaker manager until the end of the season. He is hopelessly out of his depth & doesn't want to be there. I'm sure PM is aware of the the financial implications if we don't get promoted. I wouldn't be against bringing in someone like Stuart MCCall on a short term basis until the end of this season or next season just until we're back in the top division again.
  17. Beaten again this season. As I said earlier they've regressed quite a bit in the past three years.
  18. I know they're not good enough craig but as I say get the right manager in & things can change pretty quickly.He'll need to have contacts in the game to get better players for starters and may need to get more used to having loan signings in our squad from the likes of EPL clubs. My main point though was doesn't anyone think the yahoos have regressed since we exired the top division? I certainly do and that game proved it. It would make a nonsense of McDowell's five year stuff if we got our act together
  19. The recent OF LC semi told us more about them than they learned about us. We realistically were neve going to win it with the team we've got just now. But how far have they fallen ? Can you imagine their current side against ours from three years ago with the likes of Jelavic, Naismith, Aluko etc ? They'd have destroyed that yahoos side we played at the end of january. And had Robinson or Bell been in goal that day who knows? I don't the gap between us & them is quite as insurmountable as McDowell suggests. Get the right manager in with the right experience, right contacts within the game, good tactical knowledge etc and I think we'll be back where we belong in no time at all. All we need now is promotion......
  20. Our support won't wait anything like five years. We want to see a new manager and a vast improvement in the team immediately
  21. We have to hope the Newcastle5(when all fit) can improve the team & get us promoted. It is our only hope unfortunately
  22. We need promotion by whatever means to the top division next season for financial reasons alone.It's costing us too much money not being there. Ask King, Murray & Gilligan what division they want Rangers in next season. It's a no-brainer
  23. I simply cannot believe how many of us think another season in the Championship would be a good thing. Financially it would be disasterous. We need to be in the top division for financial reasons alone. Next season we should be going for a euro-spot via our league postion. Given the revenue that that bring in can someone explain how we do that in the championship? Of course we'd need new players for the top division but get the right manager in & we'll be back where we belong in no time at all. Just get promotion !!!
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