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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Where is Mr King anyway ? If we're about to be de-listed shouldn't he be over here instead of back in SA?

    If we're de-listed who is going to fund things going forward ? many, many more questions needing answers soon[/QUOTE]


    Didn't take you long Rab did it? Ya da ya da ya.


    YIP. Let's hope I'm wrong or this whole thing could crash'n'burn in no time at all.

  2. We know that no institutional investor is going to buy shares, whether we remain listed or not. If we were to de-list, the buyers of shares will be those with emotional links to the club i.e. supporters, not faceless corporations. I have no doubt that Rangers supporters will continue to buy shares either as a listed entity or as a private entity. If not may as well disband RF and RST now.


    Will RF & RST continue to buy shares ? at what price and from whom ?

    You are avoiding the serious issues that de-listing will entail. We were promised a NOMAD would get appointed.

  3. Where is Mr King anyway ? If we're about to be de-listed shouldn't he be over here instead of back in SA?

    If we're de-listed who is going to fund things going forward ? many, many more questions needing answers soon

  4. You honestly believe that institutional investors are going to buy shares in Rangers after everything that has happened in the past? Good luck with that.


    if de-listed do you think anyone is going to buy shares ? good luck with that.

  5. It was far better than Celtc and we were the better team.


    yet this never gets mentioned does it ?

    remember the CEO they had called Ian McLeod ? he was someone who specialised in companies carrying large debt

  6. As explained above, Greenco bought the club for 5.5 million plus whatever other fees the process required, then McColl then offered them 6 million. I'm referring to the profit he was offering.


    And why did he wait til the eleventh hour to make this 'bid' which had no chance of being accepted ? I suspect Mr MCcoll knew that too

  7. Good solid statement.....even though i had to catch my breath over the McCoist/Sports Direct comments....I suppose these things need to be said in a hard-nosed business world...


    I would have preferred something along the lines of that 'we are hoping that Llambias faces criminal charges and urge all fans to boycott Sports Direct after we have shafted them in Court.'


    What crimes have been committed? Has there been arrests? Have I missed something?

  8. 'Forced'' might be a bit strong but it's probably not too far away from the truth.


    People believed that Murray could choose the right sort to sell Rangers to, but this was extraordinarily naive. He was under extreme pressure to get rid of the club and was probably quite relieved when it was eventually let go.


    So why was he under pressure to sell Rangers?

    AJ was reducing bankdebt year on year

  9. That's the thing that has driven me mad at times about all this. There was no need for it all to happen, even the tax case would have come and went without all the flannel . Club would be in a decent position. All down to Murray selling the club to a Walter Mitty.


    Or was he forced to sell?

  10. My dad had a meeting with him and spoke very highly of him - seems to have the club at heart and explained his reasons for not being able to invest heavily in the club whilst offering support for fans and RF specifically.


    And these reasons were? Can u tell us?

  11. Vuckic has looked ok - perhaps lacks a bit of pace and decision-making can be poor but there's no doubt he's a talented footballer.


    Problem is we won't be able to afford him.


    Vuckic won't be on that high a wage at Newcatle.

    If we can't afford this type of player then we've big, big problems ahead.

    Once Jig & McCoist are off the payroll we should be better off

  12. Really? Signing an expensive player on English premiership wages is what we should be doing?


    Wrong market, totally.


    I doubt very much he'll be on the skyhigh EPL wages.

    Anyway from a club paying Jig £18k p.w. & McCoist £14k p.w to sit at home who are we to comment on wages

  13. There we murmurs last season that our TV money was less than a hundred grand, which apparently isn't even enough to pay Jig's wages for 6 weeks.


    Because we were in the SPFL third tier last season that wouldnt surprise me.

    TV money is another reason we must get back to the top division ASAP. by whatever means

  14. Promotion is absolutely imperative. An extra year to plan for the mighty challenge of competing with Ross County, Partick etc is just ridiculous.


    Yet we have had posters on here who seem to think it would be a good idea to have another season in the championship......

    Financially it would be disasterous to spend another season out of the top division.

  15. DK does not have any money, you have posted that hundreds of times yourself.


    So why even speculate?


    Because I was told he had by the likes of yourself. Let's see then.....

    If he has the money then Vuckic is the type of player we should be signing I.e. a young player with resale value

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