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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. McCoist won't be back. He resigned his position. It is now up to the board to agree severance with him(and McDowall too) and bring in a new manager. Hopefully that will happen in the next week or so. As for the replacement I'd give a short term contract to someone like MCCall until the end of this season or next. no more than that to see how he gets on.
  2. It would be a massive step in the wrong direction if Ally and/or Walter were to return & .I don't think they will. However I think the new board will need to demonstrate to our support sooner rather than later what they intend to do about the Rangers manager position. Some of our support seem surprised that having waiting so long to get into the boardroom they didnt have an immediate replacement the minute they came in.Whilst I can understand that point of view I think we have to give them the next couple of weeks at least to advise us their intention.
  3. Not a chance his club will do anything but the SFA must do something if they wish to have any credibilty. Perhaps the likes of nil-by-mouth would give us their opinion too. Or is sectarianism a one-way street to them?
  4. Our main problem this season has been a lack of goals from our forwards.
  5. 1) 3rd plays 4th in the championship over 2 legs (home & away) 2) winner of 1) plays 2nd in championship over 2 legs(home & away) 3) winner of 2) plays 11th in premiership over 2 legs (home & away) and winners plays in premiership next season. Loser plays in championship
  6. Surely the latest yahoo compliance officer at the SFA will want to charge him with bringing the game into disrepute. Same as thumb-heid Griffiths got for singing about Skacel
  7. when you refer to the 'old club' you play directly into the hands of our enemies. The club was part of the assets which were transferred from one legal entity to another(oldco to newco). If it were a new club why was it a legal requirement to TUPE contracts from oldco to newco(and employees had the legal right to refuse the transfer). You should ask yahoos that question when they start their 'newclub'nonsense.
  8. And he must not return in any capacity whatsoever. He and Kenny McDowall must be gone by the end of this month at the latest & an interim manager appointed at least until the end of this season. I'd suggest Stuart McCall but I recognise there are other candidates too.
  9. Our only hope is to get the five loan signings fit & playing because the squad McCoist left us with won't get promoted.
  10. If McCoist & McDowall aren't both gone within the next couple of weeks then questions need to be asked.
  11. We will not turn up to watch dross every second week. Patience will also wear thin unless there is a new manager appointed soon & there is improvement on the pitch. I, for one, will not be renewing my ST for next season unless postive action is taken on both
  12. which 'old club' are you referring to?
  13. I think that's a non-starter. I don't think WS would be interested
  14. It's important this week that King, Murray & GIlligan begin discussions with McCoist & McDowall to get them out the door and allow someone else to come in and assess what's there for the remainder of this season. FWIW I believe Stuart McCall should be appointed on an interim basis til the end of this season or maybe next season.He has plenty managerial & coaching experience which should be of benefit to us. What must not happen is that the status quo prevails whereby Kenny McDowall remains in a position he does not want nor is suited for.
  15. Was Lorenzo Amoruso the first catholic Rangers captain? Not so sure that's correct
  16. He doesn't need to hang around ye know ........
  17. And is it all Vuckic's fault is it? Not the likes of Miller & boyd who have just seven league goals between them this season yet continue to get selected ahead of the likes of CLark,Daly and SHiels all of whom managed to find the net regularly last season? Or Jig who continues to play hopeless at CB ?
  18. I suspect Liewell is now worried. Worried about another season without Rangers. I suspect without the CL money Celt@c aren't viable. Don't forget they've still got a wage bill of somewhere between £25 to £30million which simply isn't sustainable in the SPFL top division without Rangers.And don't forget too that two of their loans signings from Man City last summer, Denayer & Spaghetti, have more or less told them they won't be back next season.And Van DIjk will be off too but certainly not to the likes of Arsenal. Ah but they've got 40k plus ST holders I hear you say. Well do you believe that? Where do they go at every home game then Peter? Do they all hide under the green seats? And why does Liewell want to ditch the TV deal he and his buddy Dumbcaster signed in the summer of 2012 as he tried to show everyone Scottish football didn't need Rangers? Not working out too well is it Peter? I'm still laughing at having to PAY broadcasters to show our games. LOL. You & Dumbcaster didn't us that bit about the deal you signed did you? Seriously though I fully realise KIng,Murray & GIlligan have a lot on their plate at the moment but they really must prioritise sorting out the clowns who run the game in this country
  19. When Liewell says it costs them £10m you can be sure it's more than that...... Don't believe a word the man says
  20. Which is more or less just a part time role is it not? McCall would jump at the chance to become Rangers manager even on an interim basis.As I said earlier the status quo simply is not an option any longer
  21. This is not rocket science. The situation we find ourselves in is having someone as caretaker manager who doesn't want the job & needs to be replaced at the earliest opportunity as I'd suggest as he looks hopelessly out of his depth in the role Reading the comments from King & Murray they may not have decided who they want as next manager which is perfectly OK.Perhaps their preferred candidate might not be available yet who knows. But in the meantime why not get Stuart McCall to take charge of the team between now & the end of the season at least?He has got plenty of coaching & managerial experience which is ideal given our current predicament.I wouldn't think it would take an exorbitant contract to persuade him to take over as he's out of work at present. And if he does well we can extend his contract as we go on. If we aren't promoted then it would hardly be all attributable to McCall as the damage was more or less done prior to his arrival. For me it would be a win-win situation for both Rangers & McCall. The status quo is simply not an option.
  22. You know you have to hand it to Liewell don't you? His club has a very serious problem with a sizeable amount of its support(never a small minority in a million years Peter) and what does he do? He makes outrageous statements like Celt@c not having any association with irish Republicanism which is a bit like saying Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck having no association with Walt Disney. And it's not just Irish Republicanism is it? It's militant Irish Republicanism whereby a significant section of their support blatantly show their support for outlawed Irish terrorist groups in and around and during games breaking who knows how many laws? And they mostly get away with it due to spineless Scottish politicians refusing to challenge them and the police who often seem unwilling to confront this issue with both the club & it's support. But to divert attention away from this Peter uses his mhedia puppets to point fingers at other clubs, mostly Rangers and Hertz, for any misdemeanours which are usually minuscule into comparison to what goes on at his club. How long can this continue you might ask? Well for as long as UEFA fine them for their supporters behaviour(which now seems to be about every European game now) then surely they'll get a UEFA ban at which time our spineless polticians(more likely those at Westminster) will be forced into action.FWIW I believe they should be forced to play all domestic home games at an empty stadium for a period of not less than six months until they can prove beyond all doubt they have done all they can to eradicate militant Irish Republicanism from their ground. That will mean their Gr@@n Brigade all getting life bans which must be seen to be enforced. It is no longer possible for them to deny the links between their club and militant Irish Republicanism.It is there for all to see and needs dealt with. Rangers past problems with sectarianism(whilst not completely eradicated I'd admit but significantly improved) have been better dealt with than those across the city. It is they who have by far the bigger problem now. They must not be allowed to get away with their LIE-DEFLECT-DENY tactic any longer.
  23. Souness is on record as saying he doesnt want another job in football management.
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