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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. McCall is definitely the appointment which carries the least risk IMO. Cathro would need to go somewhere and prove himself as a manager as opposed to a coach before he could be considered. Not sure Warburton would want to come to Scottish football.
  2. Chris Graham was a target for the mhedia in this country. He should have known that. He handed all the ammunition they ever needed with this inane tweet.For the good name of Rangers he had to go unfortunately
  3. No surprise there then? Vile newspaper
  4. I've nothing against Chris Graham at all. FWIW I think he'd make a good Non exec director even if I'm a bit bemused at the suddeness at which he got this position since last Friday. His past personal baggage is his problem but once Rangers get dragged into this then that's another thing altogether as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Do we really want someone as a Rangers director with this sort of baggage? What other stuff has he tweeted ?
  6. He didn't deliver a slap in the face to anyone. He offended Islam in general which is completely different. That includes Muslims who want nothing to do with Chaudry or whatever he is called.
  7. If only it were that simple............... The problem is that this will eventually be used as a stick to beat Rangers with by our mhedia enemies i.e. having CG as a director damaging Rangers reputation. His position will become untenable & he'll need to go
  8. McCall is playing mind games here to get promotion. He's trying to make these players think they're as good as they were when they joined Rangers but we all know they've since regressed. Dangling the carrot of new contracts is likewise.We all know only one or two from the dozen or so who are out of contract at the end of the season might get an offer but he's probably hoping this might improve the performances of the others. Whether it works or not is another matter
  9. I don't think you can compare the two. One is a deliberate attempt to offend. The other is not.
  10. I think the problem is though it could cause offence to all muslims(not just Chaudrey) whether intentional or not.
  11. Very selective it would appear.i'm sure Scotland's top law man Mullholland QC won't put up with this will he?
  12. If Police Scotland have so much resources at their disposal to investigate this maybe they will also investigate some of what has been written online about Rangers & it's support by the likes of McGillivan and Haggerty.
  13. You may be correct but after the demolition job he did on Spiers that night CG should have realised that Spiers & his mhedia chums would be looking for their revenge at some point.
  14. Ever since CG destroyed Spiers on television on the night Rangers won the FTTT those in the mhedia would have been watching him like a hawk waiting for any small slip or misdemeanour to use against him at a later date. Looks to me that's what's happened here
  15. As someone christened in the CoS I'm going to report BBC Scotland for the Rev I.M Jolly character from some years ago....
  16. I'm no fan of CG but he must stand firm on this.No surrender to the BBC.
  17. Things could not have continued as they were. Hopefully McCall will get us promoted and he'll be around a bit longer than until the end of the season. Well done to the new board
  18. Drastic action is needed now. I'd like to think the RST stuff could wait
  19. Whilst I would not think there's anything structurally wrong with Ibrox (or MP) cosmetically both may need attention
  20. If that's the case then just watch the attendances fall. Last night was truly awful to watch. The new board must have come in & known they needed a new manager.
  21. Don't you think a new team manager would have been a greater priority ?
  22. The appointment of CG to NED was unnecessary and only likely to cause division within the support. At the very least it should have waited until a later date
  23. We already know who they are. The DR's ban got lifted pretty quickly didn't it?
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