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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Don't really want to get stuck into a forum member but I don't know how you can say that. I recall he "mostly" repeated (incredibly often) a mantra that Dave King did not have enough money to invest, would never invest and was only pretending to be interested in investing for his own gain. With what has transpired, I can't see how that's "on the button".


    Lately, I find him frustrating as his new MO goes something like, "When will DK invest more money", for which he is answered, "When the share issue is organised". He then asks, "Why hasn't DK invested more money?" Answered by, "Because there hasn't been a share issue yet." He then asks, "When is DK going to invest his money?"


    And also:

    "When will DK become a director?"

    "When he is passed the FAPP test."

    "Why isn't DK the chairman yet?"

    "Because he hasn't passed the FAPP test yet."

    "Why hasn't he passed it yet?"

    "Because the SPFL haven't done it yet."

    "Why isn't DK chair yet?"


    And so on...


    Once DK becomes chairman and eventually invests whatever amount it is he(or one of his companies probably) has said they will then fine, I shall put my hands up and say I was proved wrong.

    Your unyielding faith in this man astonishes me given his SARS convictions. Yes I know he's a Rangers man but I think there are times when I think you have to look beyond the fact that he is a Rangers supporter and see the bigger picture

  2. I would like to see King and Desmond, Rangers and Celtic, sitting down together to address the fact the the future is going to be a bleak place for both of them unless something changes.


    Currently, Scotland has two major clubs with enormous drawing power, but they are slowly dying. Competing with each other generates interest, but when the clubs enter the European stage, they do so in a bid to chase income - not glory.


    Madrid, Barcelona, Milan, Manchester, Munich and London are European cities that belong at football's top table, but Glasgow has to feed off its crumbs.


    Anyone who owns Rangers or Celtic really has to sit down and think about this.


    It is simply sheer madness that a country the size of Scotland has a top division that doesn't have its two biggest clubs in it.

    Financial reasons alone dictate that in terms of TV deals, sponsorships etc.. Yet that is what those clowns Regan & Doncaster allowed to happen in the summer of 2012.Had the SFA had chief executive been fit-for purpose he(or she) would have shown leadership at that time.Allowing Rangers to get put in SFL3 was lunacy.

    But we all know why don't we? Because Liewell pulls the strings and getting Rangers out of the way allowed his club a free crack at the CL every year. But at what price has the come to the rest? They have no money and half empty stadiums every week. The days are long gone when clubs could survive on gate money alone so sponsorships, TV money etc is crucial. And with no Rangers there's no chance of that.

    The professional game is dying in Scotland. Everyone can see that but no one wants to do what is needed to stop it's inevitable death

  3. I realise that but the post I was replying to, and quoted, was only about attendances.


    Aplogies misread. However I do think that there are additional means of revenue in the top division. I think this is something Paul Murray has alluded to

  4. On the other hand we might get more going for the Championship title that we would if we were mid table or worse in the top division


    There's more revenue in the top division through higher ticket prices, sponsorships etc.

    Its not just about attendances

  5. He already has been cleared by the Courts as a FAPP. On what grounds would the SFA reject a decision made by the courts ?? Oh, wait....


    As has been said to you MULTIPLE times before and you flatly refuse to accept it, or ignore it, they couldn't outline future plans until they knew the full extent of the carnage. I doubt they know the extent of that mismanagement even now.... but they should be working in the background to detail the plans you seek, even if it means providing the fans with less than the full story (owing to not having full knowledge).


    An important hurdle was cleared last week when the Court of Session validated him as potential Rangers director but this was King being declared “fit and proper” only so far as the insolvency act is concerned.

    You don't think his 40 odd SARS tax convictions will affect him being able to pass the FAPP ?


    Yes I will wait to hear 'the full extent of the carnage'. How long will that be then ?

  6. Maybe when the fire fighting is over and they have stabilised the club, they can spend some time formulating a more fleshed out plan, and THEN reveal it. Wallace was given 120 days to provide a back of a fag packet plan, so maybe the current board deserve a bit of time to produce a proper one - and I'm not advocating another 120 days either, more like 90.




    Before now, I'd say that was the fault of the old boards, and they will also be responsible for it being more difficult for a few years yet. But if we believe in the new board then it's up to our fans to buy the season tickets, or their previous levels of match tickets and support the club again both with their presence and with their cash. I doubt the board can predict how well that will be realised in the close season and so scenario planning will be the order of the day rather than accurate forecasts.




    I'm pretty sure he's already intimated several times the order of his future investment and pretty much the when also. I'm not really sure what you're asking as you should know the answers by now unless you're being deliberately awkward. He can't invest until there is a share issue and even then he will be restricted to how much in the first one. We need a GM before the second share issue can be opened up.


    He can't properly take up directorship until he's passed by the SFA/SPFL. I think you know that too, or should do.


    So after spending how many years trying to get onto the board now they are now actually on the board & haven't yet outlined their future plans?

    That might not worry you but it certainly is starting to worry me.

    Yes I do know King has to pass a FAPP test. He won't though will he ?

  7. If the SFA allow him to do that?


    As for the rest, I would assume that we will soon enough see a statement on the future plans, not least since the ST renewal time draws closer. we all want to know what is going to happen, but let's not get caught up in a media-installed frenzy again. Octavian, alias Emperor Augustus, once said: Something that is done well is always done fast enough. A good enough motto at this moment and time. IMHO, I do not "need" to know what their great and grand masterplan for the next 5 years or even 5 months is. For I do know that whatever they do is done in the best interest of the club and those who do it are wealthy enough to bridge any shortfalls along the way - without draining any more away from where it is needed.


    ST renewals start next month. Can't see too many renewing until there is some sort of communication from the board about funding/investment

  8. The cries of 'show us your plans' were ridiculous before King & T3Bs had even won the EGM and got themselves into the boardroom and they're still ridiculous because it's only just over 5 weeks since the EGM.


    The new board hasn't even had time to steady the ship yet never mind script a masterplan! :rolleyes:


    So when will they reveal their plans for the future ? next month? next year?

    Let's not kid ourselves, Rangers are still surviving month-to-month on loans. That cannot continue indefinitely. Is DK going to invest ? If so when & how much?

    And when will DK take up a directorship or chairmanship now he's been cleared by the CoS?

  9. We will finish 2nd simply because Hibs will drop more points than us from now until game 36.


    Our most difficult fixtures will be the play-off games with QOS as they will see off Hibs, but I think over 2 games we will beat them on aggregate.


    Second bottom of the Premiership are cannon fodder for any of the top 4 in the Championship, so yes I can see us getting promotion this season.


    But only if McCall understands he got his team selection & tactics wrong on Wednesday night against QOS and doesn't repeat those mistakes.

    Rangers are still conceding too many goals & not scoring enough.The right team selection & tactics would go a long way to rectifying that. For example, Darren McGregor looks to me our best defender this season. Is it best to play him out at RB to accommodate McCulloch in the team or put him right in the central heart of the defence? Is it really that difficult?

  10. Given the problems that still do exist in this 'wee sma' country of ours mainly through the football, it's crazy this idiot earns our well spent bbc licence money on using it to keep one side astonished and the other side mystified.


    Time to dump this vermin from our airwaves.


    Scrapping the outdated BBC licence fee would solve all these problems instantaneously.

    The BBC(including our chums at Pacific quay) would then have to live in the real world and employing Rangers-hating pondlife such as Spence,Cosgrove,Spiers etc would make no commercial sense with plummeting viewing/listening figures

  11. Whilst I'd say McCall got his team selection & tactics badly wrong last night, perhaps the biggest challenge he faces is trying to make Rangers harder to play against and harder to beat. That means, for starters, conceding a lot fewer goals, something he has to put right before play-offs. I'd suggest the 3-5-2 system QOS used last night would be better-suited for us as it allows 5 in defence when defending and five in MF going forward. Defensively we always seem likely to concede so having greater numbers at the back should help although individual errors played a big part in the QOS goals last night

    What must not be repeated is last nights 4-4-2 where we had two up front, two wide men and Law and young Murdoch in central MF. It was far too cavalier an approach to a game against a team whose tactics at home on their plastic surface are often too invite a team to attack them then hit them on a quick counter.McCall must learn from last night's shambles before the play-offs or it is another unappealing season in the championship

  12. Its the first time ive seen Boyd recently. When he tried to jog onto the pitch he looked like his profession should be on the oche throwing darts. Awful condition for a professional footballer.


    I'd have thought after his ridiculous performance recently against Alloa that would have been the last we would have seen of him in a Rangers jersey. But it wasn't to be. There was a good delivery into the box for him late on but he couldn't get to it. Quelle Surprise

  13. Agree with a lot of your ratings comments Frankie, but I wouldn't give Mohsni MotM myself.


    Between him ball watching and being partially to blame at the goals, his completely miskicked passes and crossfield balls, plus his generally unhinged antics and nonsense, he's not even worthy of wearing the jersey IMO, he's just embarrassing.


    How was he to blame at their goals? Wallace was to blame for the first two & Crawford for their third

  14. Aye, BH would suggest Llambias......


    Tin hat on..... but I personally wouldn't have a great deal of concern over reaching back out to Wallace. I still think he had something to offer if he hadn't been handcuffed by Easdale's and their motley crue.


    With all due respect I think that would be an extremely bad idea indeed. We are going to need to regain representation within Scottish football's governing bodies again and that will need someone preared to fight our corner against our enemies & detractors who have most certainly not gone away.

    Wallace always struck me as an appeaser who would always try to negotiate out of difficult situations. The kind of people we are up against in a Scottish football such as Liewell, Thompson, Milne etc we need someone prepared to give these kind of people both barrels if need be.

    My own choice would be ex-SRU chief executive Gordon McKie.He's a would take no nonsense from our enemies and he's a Rangers man too. CEO is one position at Ibrox where I genuinely believe we do need a Rangers man.

    Unless I'm mistaken McKie would have been Brian Kennedy's choice had he bought Rangers

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