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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. So why replace him for the game vs Alloa then ?
  2. Robinson is easily our best keeper IMO
  3. Nothing about the song sung by Guidetti ? Not even anything from the SFA Compliance Officer about bringing the game into disrepute? Much more offensive I'd have thought from Guidetti buqt there ye go.....
  4. No one should be a No1for any position. The player(or GK) should keep his place on merit
  5. Their second goal was not 100 percent Bell's fault. Neither was the first but I felt he could have done better at both their goals. No worries though I'm sure our £180k p.a GK coach will have pointed this out to Stu
  6. Given the length of time he was out injured I'd have been tempted to put him out on loan somewhere to get gametime
  7. Having seen the highlights Bell was awful last night. Beaten at his near post for he first and should have stayed on his line for the second as McGregor had reached the Alloa player and would only have got in a tame shot
  8. A poster on RM has said Boyd's agent has been told he is not getting a new contract next season. If that's the case he shouldnt get another game. Don't know why Sinnamon didnt play. McGregor uncomfortable at RB.
  9. Well he's got 9 games to prove you wrong............... And if he continues to play Boyd & McCulloch he won't
  10. McCall should arrange a meeting with Boyd this morning & advise him he is no longer being considered for the first team squad. He is unfit & offers nothing to the team. His performance last night was one of the most ridiculous performances I've seen from a player in a Rangers jersey. We effectively played with a man short until he went off.
  11. 28,092 according to BBC
  12. The best marketing in the world won't get more people to attend unless the product on the park is drastically improved. The squad needs improved by getting better quality players. Does the new board have the funds for this?
  13. An early opportunity for the new board to show they won't tolerate this sort of thing. They MUST act
  14. LOL we're not exactly going to get that calibre of player are we? And whilst it was necessary to remove the previous board the new board still have to prove themselves
  15. Do you think what you're suggesting would persuade people to return & watch what is ultimately at present a dire product on the park?
  16. I think it needs to be remembered that players get given free transfers for a reason i.e. they're deemed surplus to requirements at their club. Signing this type of player is always a risk. Perhaps too big a risk at times. I'd like to think we will have some money available to buy players this summer. Isn't that one of the reasons we all wanted King & Co into the boardroom?
  17. Firstly Prso is the type of signing we're unlikely to make again because he has no resale value. Untried kids need to be good enough first of all. Too many of us forget that. We should be trying to bring in younger players(under25) whom we could sell on again in a few years.That will likely require transfer fees to be paid. The yahoos have been doing this in the past few years. We need to do likewise. We are at a very dangerous crossroads where we need to decide which direction we go. Get it wrong & we'll be out in the widerness for years to come. Many have great expectations of this new board. I hope they're not let down.
  18. Attendances will recover when there's a better product on the park. That will not be achieved by playing untried kids & Bosmans. Quality signings will be required this summer regardless of which league we're and that means investment from the new board
  19. Why have a go at Moshni? He's hardly played this season. McCoist signed Zaliukas & Mcgregor(both CB's) but persisted with McCulloch at CB. Total madness. McCulloch is a liability in defence.He is too slow & cannot read a game. He got away with it in the part-time leagues but not this season. Did you see the goal we conceded yesterday? A ball into the box which should have been meat 'n' drink for any decent CB. But not oor Jig.A guy makes a run in front of him & heads the ball off our post and another nets the rebound. Any decent CB would attack the ball coming into the box but Jig is not a CB. Whilst we're not great at CB I still think our biggest problem is middle to front i.e. not scoring enough goals
  20. That's more or less what's been happening judging by the number of goals they've scored between them
  21. The only place I'd play McCulloch is upfront on his own in a 4-5-1 which is a formation I'd tempted to play rather than 4-4-2 as we simply cannot control the MF as we saw once again yesterday.We get outnumbered & overrun continuously in MF and we need to try to stop it happening next Sunday against Hibz or we'll get hammered again Things are getting quite desperate up front as one of our strikers seem to be able to score.No reason why Jig couldn't get a shot there. He surely can't do any worse than the current lot
  22. Some such as Boyd,Miller & McCulloch are now well past their best. McCall must surely see this now for himself. It will be interesting to see if he perseveres with them. McCoist did and it cost him dearly.
  23. Now looks to me Newcastle are wanting rid off these players & using Rangers as their shop window to entice buyers.
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