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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I can see what he's getting at but bringing up the UEFA Cup final is nonsense it was great to get there etc. But the simple fact is we weren't good enough we could have still have been playing today and still not have scored.


    Anyway this whole thing is lunacy on the part of the powers that be. They must have realised at the start of the season there was a chance of Rangers, Hearts or Hibs making the Scottish Cup and Play Off Finals, if they come out and say "yeah we f'ed up" then feel free to reschedule because that would be integrity. But to essentially blame the clubs then reschedule that's bullsh*t.


    ??? it was 1-0 to Zenit until they got their second in stoppage time.

    Just before their second goal we were in their penalty box and Novo was about to equalise until Jig got in his road

  2. A

    A surprsingly poor decision by Doncaster who is not usually someone who allows himself to be pushed around and a surprising victory for common sense led by the much criticised Regan and the SFA.


    Knowing what I know of the two, I would imagine that Regan is having rather more than a quiet chuckle to himself at Doncaster's self imposed embarrassment over this dramatic own goal.


    The sooner these two are gone from Scottish football the better. Today was just another example of how the game has become a laughing stock with these two running it.

  3. Indeed. An no authority checking of what King's companies do or King does as a/their director seem to have a problem with what has happened in the R of SA.


    What happens in SA has nothing to do with this. This is the SFA rules and they will try to intetpret them as they wish. That usually means to the detriment of Rangers where possible

  4. He's holding how many director-ships at this moment and time? He has asked a Court of Session to double check whether he is fit and proper to be a business' director and able to run a company (along with other directors and NOT as a sole person like Whyte or Romanov), i.e. people who know what they are doing. Can we really envisage some half-brains at the SPFL going to cast this and his status quo aside and rule him unfit? Any such reasoning will sure come under very close scrutiny ... but at the end of the day, THEY are the "custodians" of the game and running the show and go mostly be their own rules and guidelines.


    I think we can expect that he will not run away from the club if they throw stones into King's way. The question then would be what kind of grip/leverage will he have on the club? In that respect, the outcome of the SFA vs the club (i.e. Ashley, Rangers, Newcastle, Llambias) stuff will make interesting reading.


    The Court of Session verdict was to do with the oldco insolvencty. Nothing else.

  5. I think his point is spot on myself.


    Everyone expected Ally to go quietly as soon as the EGM was won, the fact that over a month later he is still sitting on his full-pay contract despite not doing any work since Christmas is an absolute disgrace.


    As one who defended him sitting on his contract during the last few months of the **** era, there is no defence for him still receiving the highest football salary in Scotland while not actually turning up for his work, and all at the club he loves. Shocking behaviour from the legend and is damaging his status still further than his tactics ever did.


    He's milking every last penny because he knows he'll never get another job in Football. And the TV career's long gone too

  6. SPFL fixture chaos: Scottish football's showpiece finale turns to farce as league bosses consider tearing up play-offs schedule and extending campaign into June.



    07:13, 16 April 2015

    By Keith Jackson


    EXTENDING the final of the play offs into June would create a logistical nightmare for the clubs as many first-team regulars will either be out of contract or out of the country on holiday.


    SCOTTISH football’s showpiece top flight play-off could be plunged into chaos at the start of next week – if rattled league bosses press the button on an explosive option to rip up the schedule.


    Record Sport has learned SPFL chief executive Neil Doncaster has drafted an emergency plan to shift the final leg of the win-or-bust showdown from Sunday May 31 to the first week of June.


    And we can reveal the controversial proposal WILL be rubber-stamped on Monday if Hibs beat Falkirk on Saturday to secure a spot in the Scottish Cup Final on May 30.


    But the move will create a logistical nightmare for the clubs likely to be involved as many first-team regulars will either be out of contract and unable to play or out of the country on holiday.


    Relegation battlers Ross County, Motherwell and Partick Thistle are bracing themselves for the impact of an extension. Among them, they have almost 40 players out of contract on May 31. They may now be forced to plead with them to sign week-long deals and postpone family breaks.


    Thistle’s general manager Ian Maxwell said: “We’ve got about a dozen players in the first-team squad whose deals end on May 31. If we have any games after that then we’d need to sign them on short-term deals.


    “You’d have a problem if a player has another club lined up. They’re unlikely to extend their contract or could demand £10,000.”


    Rangers - who will lose 12 regulars this summer - are also believed to be furious.


    Kenny Miller, Kris Boyd, Ian Black, Lee McCulloch, Darren McGregor, Steve Smith, Bilel Mohsni, Richard Foster, Kyle Hutton, Seb Faure, Steve Simonsen and Lee Robinson are out of contract at the end of the season.


    Ironically, it’s understood the five loan players from Newcastle – with three yet to play – are among those who’d be available as their deals run until later in June.


    It could cost Rangers upwards of £100,000 just to have a squad to pick from.


    Rangers believe there is no reason to change the play-off dates unless they are eliminated from the promotion process by Hibs.


    An Ibrox insider said: “It would be absurd to extend the season if Hibs are not in the play-off final. In 2008, after the UEFA Cup Final, Rangers were forced to play four games in eight days all in the name of sporting integrity. Sporting integrity should be applied here.”


    Record Sport understands that Doncaster and SPFL secretary Iain Blair believe it’s better to make a decision soon rather than be forced into a switch with days to spare should Hibs or even Falkirk make it through to the Cup Final and play-off.


    They could stick with the original schedule but only if Falkirk beat Hibs in the semi AND are knocked out of the promotion race later in the day by a Queen of the South win at Alloa.


    An SPFL source said: “Right now we have a Plan A and a Plan B. The first option is to continue as scheduled but if Hibs win the semi-final then Plan B will require an extension to the season. The situation will be reviewed on Monday.”


    As things stand, the first leg of the play-off final will be on Thursday May 28, with the decider on May 31.


    The alternative would see the first leg on Tuesday May 26 and return on Tuesday June 2 – but that could still be shifted to June 3 or 4.




    Is this it ? Is this Keech's big story?

    LOL. Something most of us probably had guessed anyway

  7. One of the biggest farces of all is the fact that the SFA, SPL & SFL supposedly 'reconstructed' the Scottish football leagues and somehow managed to retain almost exactly the same structure including this ridiculous end of season split system in the top tier.


    The whole thinking and mindset behind the so-called reconstruction should've been called into question in a big way because not only does none of it make any sense, but it clearly went against what they knew the fans wanted and that was a remarkable thing to do after they had just handed the decision making process on the SPL membership of Rangers to the fans of our opposition SPL clubs.


    Neil Doncaster and Stewart Regan shouldn't even still be in their jobs after the numerous farces (and overall farce) they've coordinated and overseen these past few seasons.


    They never reconstructed anything really. They started with 12-10-10-10 & finished with the same except for play-offs.

    Reconstruction? LOL !!!!

    You do know the background to RHegan's appointment don't you? Kevin Reid , Nolan partners, working with Liewell at Coors etc. Yup he was well qualified was he not?

  8. Surely they can't extend the league season?


    No no they can't. Sporting integrity rules come into effect do they not? Anyway some teams go on Japanese tours IIRC.

    Seriously though I hope Hibz get to the SC final and end up playing on the Thursday night(less than 48 hrs before the saturday) just like we did in 2008.See how they like that & whatever play-off games they get which must not be moved to accommodate the SC.If they get a fixture pile-up then GOOD.

    I presume our interim chairman is watching this with interest

  9. You cannot possibly judge a young player on the basis of U20 games. It's only when they step up to the first team it becomes apparent how good they are or likely to be. Sadly the vast majority won't be of the standard we require

  10. What are his SARS convictions to do with trusting him to invest in Rangers ?


    What is this bigger picture Rab ? Was he in cahoots with LBG to run us into ruin too ? :P


    Why was Easdale having a criminal record unacceptable but King having a criminal record acceptable?

    Under the SA Statute of Limitations the State can resurrect the 300 + criminal charges he faced within the next 20 years and lets not forget some of these charges were fraud, money laundering, racketeering and many more offences.

    Think this guy will pass the SFA FAPP ?

    Also can you tell me why did King want the CVA rejected in 2012 during administration?

  11. That the squad's pretty fucking ordinary. Murdoch aside (and maybe Wallace if he's back on song), if we were offered any sort of money for pretty much any of them we'd be daft not to take it.


    not much chance of that though is there?

  12. That's fair enough but you seem to be asking about why it hasn't happened yet, when the answers are obvious - there are certain events which have to happen first and they will take time that DK has not much control over.




    I don't have unyielding faith in him and although he has those convictions, to me it doesn't make him stand out any differently in the slightest from any very wealthy businessman. I believe that those as successful as him that haven't such convictions have just been luckier.


    However, the thing I have a fair bit of confidence in is that he is the best solution for Rangers at this moment in time, and without him we were in a much, much darker place with the previous puppet masters. The situation seems to me like we've been rescued by a police unit from evil kidnappers, and then some are going on about some of their less than perfect service records...




    There really isn't much of a bigger picture beyond the carnage of those previously in charge of the club. We really didn't have any other options at this time. Even the other candidates that have stepped in and supported King, and those on the sidelines that possibly had the power to do something but didn't - have backed him verbally.


    Our choice was DK or Ashley; DK wins by a million light years. And we've also rid ourselves from a guy who actually did time.


    But at the moment it's like the dice are in the middle of rolling and you're repeatedly asking why they haven't stopped and shown a certain number combination. The current answer has nothing to do with the outcome but instead having to explain Newton mechanics of collisions of two moving bodies in a gravitational field. Or in plain English: the dice are still rolling and we can't know the answer until they stop.


    As DB says, DK has had criticism on here about his timing - although for me we have to be careful about that as he is much more adept at this than us. It could be like an armchair viewer (a long time ago) criticising Steve Ovette for staying in third place for a long time before making his move - or maybe about the timing of the likes of Cavendish for something more current.


    Although business is more like a poker game, and it's folly to tell a top player how to play his cards, even if he loses a big pot.


    Playing the game to win is not that easy. I've just experienced buying a used car and that's hard enough. Now I'm beating myself up as to whether getting £500 off the (reduced) sticker price is ok or pretty useless. I found that very stressful, but the stakes here for DK have been much higher, as has been the personal investment of time and effort.


    So DK might not be the best guy in the world to take us on, but he's definitely the best guy in the world we have right now. But even if you disagree, criticising and questioning him for not doing things before it's even possible still seems a bit of a waste of time.


    you say we rid ourselves of a guy who did time.

    DK was an extremely lucky man not to be doing time in SA for 40 odd tax convictions unless I'm mistaken.

    Or is that different ?

    Anyway I'll leave this debate now. It's clear people such as yourself are unable to see beyond this man & his promises(50million, 30million or whatever)but don't say you've not been warned...............

  13. Who's going to replace the goals Law has scored then? Goal-scoring midfielders are much-sought after as they ease the burden on the strikers.IMO he should be kept(if he wants to stay) because of the goals he gets

    Rangers biggest issue is who plays up front next season as all the forwards are out of contract and unlikely to get new contracts. Their contribution this season hasn't been great although Clarke has been better in the past few games

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