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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. keith jackson @tedermeatballs · 24m 24 minutes ago


    Something stinks about the SFA's mishandling of Meekingsgate. Questions must not go unanswered.


    Wow has Keech just realised that the SFA are rotten to the core and run by the yahoos?

  2. Grant Russell @STVGrant · 30m 30 minutes ago


    .@celticfc chief executive Peter Lawwell speaks on the Josh Meekings situation: "Probably everyone preferred this not to happen."



    Grant Russell @STVGrant · 30m 30 minutes ago


    Lawwell: "The unfortunate consequence is we are now going through this process." Declined to comment further given SFA board position.


    Heads must roll at the SFA over this.

  3. This should be the end of many at the sfa.


    It is corrupt and run for the benefit of one club. The circumstances behind the appointments of Rhegan, Lunny & the latest yahoo Compliance Officer need investigated.

    The vindictive punishment handed out to Josh Meekings is testimony to the way it is being run. Are they stupid enough to go against what FIFA are saying?

  4. FIFA Boss Says SFA Wrong to Act in Handball Case


    22 Apr 2015 — http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/04/22/uk-soccer-scotland-inverness-idUKKBN0ND1FP20150422


    Jim Boyce, Britain's FIFA vice-president and the head of FIFA's refereeing committee, said he was totally opposed to the intervention by the compliance officer.


    "This sets a very dangerous precedent, I am absolutely, 100 percent against the compliance officer becoming involved because the referee's decision is final.


    "It is a totally different matter if someone has gone over the top, or committed a serious foul, or head-butted someone and the referee has missed it.


    "Those are disciplinary issues. But what happened here is that the referee has made a mistake regarding a handball and that's the end of it. There is no way the player should now be disciplined for that.


    "Whose to say it was even intentional? If the Scottish FA or their referees committee decide that they feel a serious mistake was made then they could take action in the future against that referee.


    "I can understand why Celtic are annoyed because they felt they should have had a penalty kick, but these things happen at all levels of football every week.


    "The only punishment, if any punishment at all is due, should be made if the Scottish FA feel the officials in charge of this game acted improperly and made the wrong decision."





    Surely this FIFA intervention makes the position of the SFA Compliance Officer untenable?

    He must go of his own accord or be sacked

  5. Though I suppose I should expect this sort of thing from them, this is genuinely fucking mental. It should surely result in a disrepute charge for Lawell, though I'll not be holding my breath. Is it too late to get Darren O'Dea hauled up for his handball on the line against us?

    On the plus side, without us around, everyone else is now beginning to realise what a bunch of fucking fruitloops they are.


    Nine of them along with the yahoos voted us out the then SPL in 2012. I wondeif some of them are beginning to regret that as surely they can see what it has led to i.e. the yahoos calling all the shots.

    I say again: would Meekings still have been served this notice of complaint(missing the final) if the yahoos had won ?

  6. This whole saga would be funny if it wasn't for the fact that we have a rogue club and it's delusional supporters running Scottish Football. With every passing incident the integrity of our entire set up is chipped away and eroded by the yahoo's and their compliant media plants.


    And they wonder why no one will sponsor the SPFL ?

  7. it was an accident, they need to get a grip.


    I can think of a number of famous incidents like this. Is it not why we love football?


    It was a mistake by the officials because they missed it. Nothing more. Now they're going out to question the officials integrity which must be stopped.

    We even get the likes of Andy Walker commenting on this. Walker played in their team in the 1989 SC final which stopped a Rangers treble. Their goal came from a throw-in the yahoos took which had been awarded to Rangers. Don't hear the wee hypocrite bemoaning that do you?

  8. This is all becoming a witch hunt by the yahoos. They're doing this because they know they can get away with it in Scottish football as the SFA are weak and won't do anything. They are now questioning the integrity of the officials which is totally unacceptable.

    Had this been a EL or CL game & they got put out of Europe (again )would they be behaving towards UEFA in such a manner? Of course they wouldn't

  9. Are the Laws of the Game specific about the actions of a goalkeeper when he deliberately punches the back of an opponent's head within said goalkeeper's 18-yard box, whether his eyes are closed or not?

    Should the Compliance Officer issue the C1888c goalkeeper with a notice of complaint?

    My God what is happening to the game of football?


    There is nothing wrong with the game of football.

    The problem we have is the SFA compliance officer who selects some offences to punish the individuals concerned and ignores others. He is inconsistent and not fit for purpose.He is behaving like an aggrieved yahoo who is seeking vengeance.

  10. This whole thing now smacks of vindictiveness from the SFA does it not?

    Had the yahoos still gone on and won the game(without the said penalty & redcard)would Meekings have been issued with this?

    I think not

    We all know who are running the SFA and it is so apparent where their allegiances are

  11. What are the bets on some Yahoo-minded journo whipping up an article saying that it is time for the Hooped Horrors to leave these shores ... obviously for sporting and sporting integrity reasons? You see, this country is too small and far to biased for a team with that great a potential in the game of association football.


    FWIW I wish they would leave these shores. England won't want them though. Their baggage will see to that. They could always try the League of Ireland I suppose

  12. Yes, they should be charged with bringing the game into disrepute.


    I genuinely wonder what response we'll get from Rhegan's SFA over this. They surely can't do nothing can they?

    The inference that they were somehow cheated needs to be addressed by the SFA. Cheated by whom? We've already been down this road with them & had a referees strike. It's imperative action is taken by the SFA to prevent that happening again.

  13. It was a clear penalty kick and the Inverness player should have been sent off but to say




    is absolute nonsense and just shit stirring.


    It's obvious what happened; the referee didn't see it and the linesman (I refuse to call them assistant referees) thought it hit the player's head, which from his angle is quite understandable. Since the referee conferred with the linesman, the fourth official doesn't come into it.


    It was a mistake, or even two mistakes, but mistakes happen, that's football.


    It was a genuine mistake. The referee couldn't see it & took the decision from the official behind the goal who didn't see it either because Griffiths obscured his view.

    Now all hell has broken loose. Celt@c are complaining to the SFA. What do they want the SFA to do? Sack the referee ? Come out & tell us he'll ever referee again ?

    But we've been here before haven't we? Just ask Dougie McDonald.

    But the biggest problem of all is the SFA themselves and the fact Rhegan is there. They think they can get their own way and have done so previously. Is it just me or have they got worse since Liewell's pal Rhegan arrived?

  14. There's no doubt the referee missed a blatant penalty & redcard yesterday.

    But what the yahoos forget is that in the previous round against Dundee Utd at Tannadice the referee should have sent Brown off early doors for a scandalous challenge but didn't.Would have totally changed the rst of the game.

    What goes & around comes around as they say..................as we saw yesterday

  15. Queen of the South have ripped us apart a few times with their pressing and energy. I came across the above on the BBC Sport website. I don't pay much attention to player transfers from other Scottish sides, or players in general from this level, but their age stood out: 21, 22, and 24; young players with a lot of energy.


    Could they be targets for us? They've been quite good this year, could they add something to our squad? Don't know about cost, but could it be worth a punt?


    With all due respect I think we need to be looking at a better calibre of player than them

  16. I don't think reconstruction is a great idea. It will just drag the quality of Scottish football down further. We have seen what has happened to Celtic while we have been out of the league and we have seen players like Wallce get dragged down playing against inferior opposition. Let's keep it as it is.


    Yet many Celt@c supporters will not accept that their team has deteriorated every season we've been out of the top division.

    Theyve sold their best players & tried to replace them with inferior ones.

  17. I do not believe that Regan has any anti-Rangers agenda but some of his employers are another matter.


    Which is why it is imperative we get representation on the governing bodies again.

    When SDM abandoned ship all those years ago the yahoos moved in and appointed their people in the key positions in Scottish football. Such as Dumbcaster & Rhegan.

    Mr GIlligan arrived onboard last month with a reputation as someone who would not be afraid to seek out & go after our enemies.

    I don't think it will be too long before he has to justify that reputation. Either of these two useless clowns will do for starters.

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