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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Hypocritical doesn't even come close when you consider they pumped Killie that day too. So Celtic had a wonderful performance to thump Killie but there is no way Rangers could have played well to get such a result, it just HAD to be that Dunfermline lay down to us... Up yer arse Sutton. I hope you take your bitterness to the grave.


    Was Sutton ever disciplined for this ?

  2. Corporate Tax avoidance/evasion is a grey area as shown by the big tax case, which was not clear cut and can be extremely complicated. These things can often come down to interpretation and one tax inspector can look on things differently from another.


    I don't see that tax authorities disagreeing with a complicated tax scheme should preclude directors of that company from holding office elsewhere.


    You really don't get it or don't want to. King entered a plea of guilty in terms of Section 75 but he was sentenced in terms of section 105a of the Criminal Procedures Act. Tax avoidance isn't an offence in South Africa so how could he be convicted if he was not guilty of committing a crime. And these charges were not dropped. This is just another piece of spin put on the judgement by the King fan club. If you read the NPA statement it says "the State decided not to pursue" which is a very different situation. Under the Statute of Limitations the State can resurrect the 300 + criminal charges he faced within the next 20 years and lets not forget some of these charges were fraud, money laundering, racketeering and many more offences.

  3. I disagree, this is an easy decision. King has proved in the past he is fit and proper for Rangers as he has pumped money into Rangers.That is what the SFA must judge on. The fact he has had a fight with the tax man has nothing to do with his Rangers role


    An easy decision ? We're talking about someone with 40 odd tax convictions with SARS. It is that alone which will decide his fate.

    I do not think he has a prayer of being allowed to become Rangers chairman unfortunately

  4. It's the fact he is taking a wage that really frustrates me; the fact he was a failure as manager is neither here nor there. If he is a Rangers man, he wouldn't take a wage.


    Both as a player & manager McCoist must have earned millions from Rangers. He even got a testimonial against Newcastle in 1993 IIRC.

    If McCoist was the great Rangers man some would have you believe then he would waive his contractual entitlement to help Rangers in our current predicament. That fact he doesnt appear to be doing so tells you all you need to know about him.

  5. When we had a huge budget (compared to now) he was signing Capucho, Maniero, Mladenovic, Ostenstad, Emerson, Eggen etc so Christ knows what we would end up with. You would hope after taking us to 3rd in the league he will never have any involvement again. The later years under him were just absolutely brutal.


    How many games was it he went without a win?

  6. It is beggars belief that anyone would even begin to defend McCoist given his record on the park never mind off it. I wont go through the list again as we all know how dreadfully poor his performance as manager was. I will though mention the constant humiliation through the seasons and his excuses after each game that let us know how out of touch with reality he a actually was.


    McCoist in the end was a sad and pathetic figure in the dugout and his lack of character was there for all to see.


    Mr McCoist do not disgrace our club anymore by your presence. Your actions on and off the pitch have left us in such a state that it will take years and millions of pounds to repair.


    Hang your head in shame.


    As he continues to pick up his £14k p.w. sitting at home doing nothing. I think that's the part most of us find difficult to accept knowing that much-needed money could be getting put to much better use.

  7. I am quietly seething that Jig remains in the team, the heavy emphasis is on quietly. There is an added frustration in that Jig had been suspended, deservedly for two matches. An opportunity to quietly side line the club skipper for the remainder of the season; subsequently, a missed opportunity.


    Older Bears will be aware of George McLean, Roger Hynd, Jim Denny, Ally Scott, ......... etc. I did NOT boo any of those guys and I will NOT start with Jig. However, I will continue to quietly seethe.


    None of those guys were picking up a wage of allegedly £18k p.w. though were they?

    Nor was there a determination to have them in the team regardless of performance which seems to be the case with McCulloch.

    McCall's team selection & tactics over these play-offs will be crucial if we're to get promoted. Both McCulloch & Miller should not be involved in any way if we're to have any chance whatsoever

  8. What else can he do?


    It's pretty short notice for McCall to suddenly make us better, he's taken on a responsibility no other Rangers manager has had to do.


    In days gone by a new Rangers manager has had the luxury of signing players immediately on appointment, not nowadays. the players he inherited he has improved to an extent, maybe not turned them into world class but he has improved them.


    It's rather unfair to judge McCall's quality as manager where he has had to work with the same dross left by the previous manager. If Alex Ferguson had come in he'd have had the same grief with our squad of players, particularly the more experienced ones, just like McCall is finding.


    What the hell can McCall do more?


    In the short term can I suggest McCall stops playing McCulloch at CB and stops playing the ineffective Kenny Miller up front

  9. McCall is making the same mistakes McCoist did i.e.

    - continuing to play McCulloch at CB

    - continuing to play the ineffective Kenny Miller

    - continuing to play just anout anyone at RB except someone who is a RB

    - continuing to be unable to get more out of the strikers


    He seems afraid of taking bold decisions to try & changes things which does not augur well for him staying on next season

  10. Do we know for sure that since kings arrival he is still a paid employee?


    Why wouldnt he be? He is determined to get every last penny from Rangers because he knows there is absolutely no chance of getting another jobas a manager let alone one daft enough to pay him £14k p.w.

    I also think the relatively quick appointment of McCall showed what the new board thought of McCoist & his assistants and that they never even considered bringing him back.

  11. Apologies I will expand on this. Ashely has not invested one penny in Newcastle. They are 180 million pounds to him in debt. Just like they sold our best player for peanuts he does that with Newcastle too. The reason they are not hitting the top is because Ashely keeps selling their best players. I don't want to be in debt to Ashely and can't believe you still see the positives in him. Just look at all his business adventures. He fucks everyone to make a buck. Not for me .


    You need to remember Ashley wants out of Newcastle & will do so when he gets a buyer(if he hasnt done so already).

    For that reason alone he's hardly going to throw tens of millions at Newcastle is he?

  12. Of course if the new board can work with him they will,for the benefit of Rangers,Cashley will not invest money he will loan money for the benifit of him!.


    As I said earlier if Murray and Gilligan believe Ashley can be beneficial to Rangers they'll work with him.

    But to go back to the OP I'm deeply suspicious as to why the SFA ruled against dual ownership of club whilst it seems to be commonplace elsewhere in Europe.To me the SFA is controlled by one club nowadays and their dual club ownership ruling reflects that.As well as Rangers it could mean the likes of the St Mirrens & Motherwells could become feeder clubs for EPL & championship clubs and become better sides with better calibre players in the form of loanees from parent clubs

  13. The sooner we get this parasite out of our club totally the better I will feel.


    Following last week's 'amicable' talks that might not be happening any time soon.

    Make no mistake if Paul Murray & John Gilligan think Ashley's involvement can be beneficial to Rangers they'll work with him.

    And Rangers need serious money from somewhere. Doesnt look like Mr King is too keen to provide loans so where else do they go? I'd doubt T3B can provide much more loans

  14. A bad week for the SFA just about to get worse....

    First there was the Josh Meekings fiasco.Now this.

    Whether people are pro-Ashley or Anti-Ashley is besides the point here. There are examples of dual ownership of clubs throughout Europe.Giampaolo Pozza being the prime example who owns Udinese, Watford & Grenada.Why are the SFA opposed to it if UEFA arent?

    Shouldnt all UEFA countries have similar legislation? If not what's the point of UEFA?

    The cynic in me tells me this SFA legislation is to protect ra hoops to prevent meaningful competition from other clubs in this country.

    The SFA will not beat Ashley and they know it

  15. Don't think so


    I think we had to wait for 3 years and deliver 3 years of audited accounts after becoming a Newco but that's it as far as I'm aware.


    By the end of next season we'll have satisfied all the newco criteria to allow the club to play in Europe.

    We'll have had three years audited accounts by then which is what's required.

    However if God forbid) we're still in the Championship next season our only route to Europe will be the SC

  16. I think that he has another year left on his contract, so there would be a fee involved. However, I do think it would be worth it, Allen ticks all the right boxes.


    No point paying Hibz any money if his contract expires one year from now.

    Get him on a pre-contract next January

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