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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. This is the calibre of player we should be looking at IMO
  2. Shirdel never got into the first team at Hamburg did he?
  3. As I understand we need theee years of audited accounts before we get back into European competition. Since the newco was set up we've had two sets of accounts so presumably by the end of next season we'll have had the third set and would be going for a Euro spot either via league position(providing we're in the top division) or via SC. Thats how I understand it but maybe either Bd or FS could clarify
  4. Would the SFA apply the same set of rules to King that they applied to Whyte? Or did they sit back,do nothing and allow Whyte to cause the expected carnage to Rangers as it helped Liewell's club get a free run at the CL every year? I'm not King's greatest fan but it would be interesting to see if the SFA tried to prevent him joining the Rangers board. DD over in the East End has a very colourful past over in his native Ireland, especially in his dealings with disgraced former Irish PM's. Was that ever taken into account?
  5. So when will DK be considered F&P by the SFA and be able to sit on the RIFC plc board?
  6. This will be what makes or breaks the board which was elected at the start of last month. As a business Rangers are trading at a loss which is unsustainable longterm without funding from somewhere. If that funding is not to come from institutions or Ashley loans where will it come from? T3b ? King? Do these people have the funds we require? Can their self-appointed spokespersons vouch for this?
  7. who will be investing then? do tell us
  8. Not the point. Which shareholders is the statement referring to ?
  9. Unless DK has the funding we really are in the brown stuff now................
  10. I doubt very much if T3B have the funds The stage is very much Mr King's..................
  11. Here's the bit which worries me from the club statement: it is the Board's view that the Company's future capital requirements can be met by shareholders
  12. We were led to believe a NOMAD would get appointed. The old board managed to get a NOMAD
  13. when we had SDM & MIH. Who have we got now?
  14. Well what are they worth then?
  15. I wonder what Ashley & the remaining Institutional investors course of action might be now ??
  16. NOPE the fact there was no NOMAD
  17. Looks like Llambias got it right then didn't he?
  18. YIP. Let's hope I'm wrong or this whole thing could crash'n'burn in no time at all.
  19. Will RF & RST continue to buy shares ? at what price and from whom ? You are avoiding the serious issues that de-listing will entail. We were promised a NOMAD would get appointed.
  20. Where is Mr King anyway ? If we're about to be de-listed shouldn't he be over here instead of back in SA? If we're de-listed who is going to fund things going forward ? many, many more questions needing answers soon
  21. We are certainly about to. No NOMAD will touch us with a bargepole. Grim days ahead
  22. if de-listed do you think anyone is going to buy shares ? good luck with that.
  23. And Amoruso, Albertz, Porrini,Niemi etc
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