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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I’ve got two issues signing Jack Butland as our first choice GK for next season:-


    1) what happens if we sign him on a 3 year contract at £30-40k p.w. & he starts making too many mistakes like Jon McLaughlin did start last season?

    2) if he’s so good why has he hardly played these past 2 seasons? Surely someone down south would have signed him by now?


    I think we need to give McCrorie his chance & we need to sign another young keeper to challenge him for the jersey.
    I don’t think he looked great at times yesterday but he’s only 25 and we have to be a bit more patient.All GK’s make mistakes. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Uilleam said:

    Basically, it is pretty simple, and it applies, really, to any position: play your best man, until you can lay hand on someone better. 



    That doesn't answer the OP's question, I know. The answer to that is Peter Shilton. 




    Souness once said something like that when he was Rangers manager.

    Problem is you can’t always guarantee the player you’re signing is better 

  3. 3 hours ago, CammyF said:

    He's been offered a contract at Man U - reported to have turned it down as wants 1st team football. The reported offer from Man U was at least 3 times more than he'll get paid at Rangers. 


    McCrorie may okay not be good enough to be our No1 but we need at least 2 keepers, may be even 3.

    McGregor is retiring & McLaughlin doesn’t seem to have a future at Rangers .

    That only leaves McCrorie so we’ll need at least one new GK for next season

  4. 1 hour ago, craig said:

    But you are just scare-mongering.  There is absolutely zero evidence that this is the case

    Many players nowadays have such clauses in their contracts. A good agent will always ensure that is the case.

    You are correct here is no evidence Cantwell has such a clause. But also no evidence he hasn’t.

    My faith in our former DoF wasnt great 

  5. 1 hour ago, Graeme Ro55 said:

    Could you expand on this a little please Rab ?

    In the clause there could be a set figure at which once a club bids the clause is activated & player gets allowed to speak to the club and signs if they agree terms.


  6. Cantwell’s influence & importance is growing at Rangers since he signed. It’s just a pity we didn’t get him at the beginning of January instead of at the end of January.

    My big concern is that our ex-DoF has put some sort of release clause into his contract making it easy for someone to sign him from us

  7. Shouldn’t be too long b4 the yahoos come out & state that they’ve sold over 50k ST’s following us saying we’ve sold over 40k.

    Ive always wondered about their ST figures since we were in the lower leagues & they seemed to be playing in a half empty stadium at home but claimed their ST sales weren’t affected without us in the top division 

  8. 16 minutes ago, alexscottislegend said:

    We seem to be assembling a squad to play in a league that we don't play in - the EFL Championship. And your Dowells and Karlan Grants are not playing for promotion-chasing teams. Don't like where this is going; I want to qualify for the Champions League.

     Neither did Aribo. Neither did Bassey.

    The EFL championship is vastly superior to the SPFL

    Players who are established in that league should have no problem in the SPFL.

    We have to spend our money better.

    That means getting signings which are less risky.

    Getting to the CL group stages will be very difficult to do via CLQs regardless of who we sign given our budget 


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