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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. OK, this is the most up to date PGB info (from the SFA's own 2014/15 handbook).




    (Chairman) Rod Petrie


    (Members) Neil Doncaster, Peter Lawwell, Duncan Fraser, Mike Mulraney, Ralph Topping,

    Sandy Stables, Andrew Waddell, Stewart Regan, Campbell Ogilvie, Alan McRae


    Sandy Stables is the Keith chairman so Highland League rep

    Andrew Waddell is a former ref and the Lowland League rep

    Duncan Fraser is a director at Aberdeen

    Alan McRae is president of Cove Rangers and SFA vice-president


    Jings that is a kangaroo court if ever there was one......

  2. Agree to take 50% before costs are taken off is robbery. I hope Motherwell Hibs and Rangers refuse to accept this. Let Queens go up if necessary. What I don't understand is what did these teams vote for at the acceptance meeting.


    They probably had no idea what they were voting for.

  3. "The day has passed for patching up the capitalist system; it must go. And in the work of abolishing it the Catholic and the Protestant, the Catholic and the Jew, the Catholic and the Freethinker, the Catholic and the Buddhist, the Catholic and the Mahometan will co-operate together, knowing no rivalry but the rivalry of endeavour toward an end beneficial to all. For, as we have said elsewhere, socialism is neither Protestant nor Catholic, Christian nor Freethinker, Buddhist, Mahometan, nor Jew; it is only Human. We of the socialist working class realise that as we suffer together we must work together that we may enjoy together. We reject the firebrand of capitalist warfare and offer you the olive leaf of brotherhood and justice to and for all."


    James Connolly was a socialist and would not have supported what became of the south of Ireland dominated by a religious sect. I haven't got a problem with that banner in the photograph.


    What I find amusing about Irish Independence is how many then sought to live & work in the country they sought Independence from i.e. the UK

  4. examples please? I'll pass them on to my local SNP councillor.


    Lovely lassie. From Derbyshire.


    Any time the English national football team, rugby team, cricket team etc are playing the petty little jacobites are out in their droves vocally supporting the opposition. All SNP'ers I'd bet.

    And the total lack of respect for the UK national anthem at recent games at Hampden was another example of the hatred shown by these people

  5. The Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland has let it be known to PFs, that he is NOT interested in pursuing anyone for usage of the 'H' term. The Justice Minister, Michael Mathieson agrees. The Police have been informed. Soon, the accrued stats will show the desired results, namely that Rangers supporters are the problem. Recently, we have young Rangers supporters convicted and jailed for singing songs with sectarian references; where as Paul McGowan has NOT received a custodial sentence for his third conviction for Police assault.


    This is politically motivated and executed. The Scottish Government Minister tasked with tackling sectarianism is Roseanna Cunningham. Thus, in Frank, Michael, and Roseanna we trust!


    Can you seriously imagine what life would be like as a Rangers Supporter living in an independent Scotland with this lot in charge ?????

    We'd be second class citizens at best. Never understood how any Rangers supporter could vote SNP

  6. Very quiet across the online community at the moment.


    Suspect that may change today with Guidetti charge due to be heard and KIng F&P stuff still to be decided.


    What's the odds on not proven for Guidetti and an approval for King pretty much at the same time?


    Guidetti not proven !!! LOL

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