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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Is it only Rangers that have to go through the FAPP test?


    In theory NO but as I said it does open up a whole can of worms IMO.

    For example does every current director at each Scottish football club meet the FAPP requirements?

    And was it not ludicrous that Paul Murray had to go thro' this process when he'd absolutely nothing to do with what happened to Rangers under Whyte?

  2. The problem the SFA would have in rejecting DK as not FAPP is that it would open up a whole can of worms as to others past & present who'd fail this supposed-test.

    Dermot Desmond for one. Just google his links with the former Irish prime minister CHarles Haughey & you'll see what I mean

  3. Findlay resigned, or was forced to resign, because the use of the F word was never acceptable and was always sectarian - unlike the word Hun which has only become so recently. Nothing retrospective here.


    The 'F Word' as you call it is neither a religion nor a race.

    It is deemed sectarian is by Rangers-haters who think nothing of using similar words & phrases against Rangers & its supporters & expect no retribution in the SNP Scotland

  4. no because, for the 100th time, what he said was not an offense when he said it. Others have dodged the question, so I'll try my luck with you. Should you be criminalised for drink driving because you have driven with an alcohol blood level higher than that which was intoduced a couple of months ago?


    If not, why should O'Hara be punished for his comments which, while stupid, were legal?


    He should have been removed on a point of principle. That is why.

    Had a candidate(of any party) referred to f@nians I can just imagine the furore

  5. The party is being linked with anti-Rangers sentiments by a section of the Rangers support; by nobody else. I doubt whether these stories will cost any votes, since people stupid enough to vote politically based on their footballing allegience wouldn't have been voting SNP anyway.


    What is certainly true is that the wider SNP membership, indeed wider Scottish society, of all clubs and none, are becoming increasingly put off by the behaviour of those moronic Rangers fans who align themselves with British nationalism, Unionism and in some cases Fascist causes, drape themselves in union flags, behave like thugs and drag the name of the club through the mud with their obnoxious behaviour.


    But of course it's OK to support Scottish nationalism, separatism, and in some cases militant Irish republicanism, drape themselves in Saltires & behave like thugs

  6. Sky Sports News HQ ‏@SkySportsNewsHQ 49m49 minutes ago

    BREAKING: Sports Direct confirm their offices were visited by police as part of ongoing investigation into ownership of Rangers #SSNHQ


    ownership? Ashley doesn't even own 10% of RIFC

  7. You think the Record have the ability to dictate and orchestrate the timing of a Police raid?


    This inquiry has been going on for years and there have been lots of raids/swoops and there will be lots more yet.


    Maybe at LBG? Dont forget they accepted Whyte's £18m as part of his takeover which we now know was fraudulently obtained.

    Why were they so keen to force this takeover(without it would appear doing any sort of due diligence ad to where this money came from) and in whose interests would it have been?

    Not sure about this Ashley stuff though.What evidence is there to suggest he has been acting improperly?

  8. I think the play offs are a good thing and should be kept.


    I think certain people in the SPFL are genuinely beginning to panic at the prospect of no Rangers in the top division next season....

  9. Thanks for your help, Bilel. Happy retirement Jig. Viso gero, Marius.

    Now, do McGregor and Gasparotto have enough skill an experience to do the job?


    Maybe they do but more importantly wherever we are next season we simply must get strikers who can get 20 or more goals per season. That is just as important.

  10. League construction decided!??!


    Maybe they cant risk Rangers not going up so they will bring in a 16 team league after all with no relegation, Rangers Hibs and QotS being promoted with Hearts.


    I'd guess it's more likely to be three leagues of fourteen with a split halfway through. Keeps to 38 games & everyone plays each other equally H & A

  11. You don't do irony do you? The only bigotry and racism on show has been from the English MSM and the unionist parties (Greens excepted). How any Scot can read and listen to the anti-Scottish bile that is coming out of London and still vote for any of these public school muppets is beyond me. But then, masochism and self-loathing isn't my thing.


    And, by the way, the SNP has been in power in Scotland for the past 8 years, the result of which is the most popular government in history and an election in a couple of days in which the unionist parties look like they'll be wiped out and an actual majority of Scots may vote for them, so don't worry too much about the people up here; we're doing fine, thanks.


    LOL. They've been running a toytown parliament for the past eight years full of self-important ex-councillors.

    The big decisions such as the the economy still lie with Westminster. The SNP would get found out big style had they got independence. The currency issue at the referendum being the classic example.

  12. If found guilty, Sporting Integrity demands the yahoos hand back this money with interest & the SPFL set up a commision chaired by LNS to determine whether they gained any sporting advantage from this and whether the payments made to the yahoos could be considered undeclared side payments.

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