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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. They're not saying NO to King though are they? And insolvency was due to Whyte & Whyte alone. PM was well gone by the time administration happened
  2. Is this it ? Is this Keech's big story? LOL. Something most of us probably had guessed anyway
  3. It'll be another non-story from Keech
  4. I don't think it is. Apparently there's an SPFL meeting a week tomorrow & this will get brought up
  5. They never reconstructed anything really. They started with 12-10-10-10 & finished with the same except for play-offs. Reconstruction? LOL !!!! You do know the background to RHegan's appointment don't you? Kevin Reid , Nolan partners, working with Liewell at Coors etc. Yup he was well qualified was he not?
  6. No one will dare do anything. Dumbcaster is Liewell's man in the SPFL. Rhegan is Liewell's man in the SFA. Until we get representation again in Scottish football that won't change
  7. They're so useless they haven't taken into account teams in the SC could be in play-offs
  8. No no they can't. Sporting integrity rules come into effect do they not? Anyway some teams go on Japanese tours IIRC. Seriously though I hope Hibz get to the SC final and end up playing on the Thursday night(less than 48 hrs before the saturday) just like we did in 2008.See how they like that & whatever play-off games they get which must not be moved to accommodate the SC.If they get a fixture pile-up then GOOD. I presume our interim chairman is watching this with interest
  9. You cannot possibly judge a young player on the basis of U20 games. It's only when they step up to the first team it becomes apparent how good they are or likely to be. Sadly the vast majority won't be of the standard we require
  10. Been to Murray Park or Ibrox lately or read the forthcoming UEFA regulations? Millions are needed for repairs and upgrades and that's what I'd use the raising of finance against the assets for not spunking on a couple of players. . Can someone explain exactly what these repairs & upgrades are? What are the forthcoming UEFA regulations?
  11. Why was Easdale having a criminal record unacceptable but King having a criminal record acceptable? Under the SA Statute of Limitations the State can resurrect the 300 + criminal charges he faced within the next 20 years and lets not forget some of these charges were fraud, money laundering, racketeering and many more offences. Think this guy will pass the SFA FAPP ? Also can you tell me why did King want the CVA rejected in 2012 during administration?
  12. not much chance of that though is there?
  13. you say we rid ourselves of a guy who did time. DK was an extremely lucky man not to be doing time in SA for 40 odd tax convictions unless I'm mistaken. Or is that different ? Anyway I'll leave this debate now. It's clear people such as yourself are unable to see beyond this man & his promises(50million, 30million or whatever)but don't say you've not been warned...............
  14. But is our top scorer. What does that tell you about our strikers?
  15. Never seen this guy play.Is he pacy at all ? We need pace in the wide areas up front
  16. Who's going to replace the goals Law has scored then? Goal-scoring midfielders are much-sought after as they ease the burden on the strikers.IMO he should be kept(if he wants to stay) because of the goals he gets Rangers biggest issue is who plays up front next season as all the forwards are out of contract and unlikely to get new contracts. Their contribution this season hasn't been great although Clarke has been better in the past few games
  17. Once DK becomes chairman and eventually invests whatever amount it is he(or one of his companies probably) has said they will then fine, I shall put my hands up and say I was proved wrong. Your unyielding faith in this man astonishes me given his SARS convictions. Yes I know he's a Rangers man but I think there are times when I think you have to look beyond the fact that he is a Rangers supporter and see the bigger picture
  18. It is simply sheer madness that a country the size of Scotland has a top division that doesn't have its two biggest clubs in it. Financial reasons alone dictate that in terms of TV deals, sponsorships etc.. Yet that is what those clowns Regan & Doncaster allowed to happen in the summer of 2012.Had the SFA had chief executive been fit-for purpose he(or she) would have shown leadership at that time.Allowing Rangers to get put in SFL3 was lunacy. But we all know why don't we? Because Liewell pulls the strings and getting Rangers out of the way allowed his club a free crack at the CL every year. But at what price has the come to the rest? They have no money and half empty stadiums every week. The days are long gone when clubs could survive on gate money alone so sponsorships, TV money etc is crucial. And with no Rangers there's no chance of that. The professional game is dying in Scotland. Everyone can see that but no one wants to do what is needed to stop it's inevitable death
  19. Aplogies misread. However I do think that there are additional means of revenue in the top division. I think this is something Paul Murray has alluded to
  20. There's more revenue in the top division through higher ticket prices, sponsorships etc. Its not just about attendances
  21. An important hurdle was cleared last week when the Court of Session validated him as potential Rangers director but this was King being declared “fit and proper” only so far as the insolvency act is concerned. You don't think his 40 odd SARS tax convictions will affect him being able to pass the FAPP ? Yes I will wait to hear 'the full extent of the carnage'. How long will that be then ?
  22. So after spending how many years trying to get onto the board now they are now actually on the board & haven't yet outlined their future plans? That might not worry you but it certainly is starting to worry me. Yes I do know King has to pass a FAPP test. He won't though will he ?
  23. ST renewals start next month. Can't see too many renewing until there is some sort of communication from the board about funding/investment
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