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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Now, now Rab; only a cynical person would believe that his loans to politicians who were in a position to help him amounted to bribery and corruption.

    They were loans, you hear? Loans, to dear and close friends.


    Long term loans: very long term.


    A form of EBT, if you will.


    And of course he never got anything in return from a serving ROI PM did he? Nothing at all

    Someone also told me there's a club being investigated by Audit Scotland at the moment? Surely not! Something about a training ground

  2. The SFA could not prevent King sitting on the Rangers board because had they refused him he'd have pursued them in a court of law and almost certainly he'd have won.I congratulate him on his appointment.

    I hope we can now move on and rebuild Rangers as he says. Big decisions lie ahead for sure. The team manager's position needs sorted out and the quality of the first team squad needs drastically improved from what we've currently got. That will take serious money to do so. I hope Mr King honours his promises and can provide that funding because Rangers need to start getting things right both on and off the park if we're to have any chance of returning to where we ought to be which is not outside the top tier of Scottish football

  3. His team selections are awful


    His tactics are also awful at times. When we play teams going 3-5-2 we need to match their 5 in MF otherwise we can get outnumbered & over run in MF. Yesterday we were back to the old tried & failed 4-4-2 with two strikers up front who were both absolutely dreadful and should both have been subbed long before the end.

    hibz will probably play 3-5-2 on wednesday. McCall must be prepared for that and set out his tactics accordingly

  4. Astonishing we're discussing Vuckic.

    Just how bad were Clark & Miller today? Both truly awful. Clark's control is non existent & constantly loses possession. Miller is player well past his best who should be nowhere the first team.

    Both of them must be ditched for wednesday.

  5. Right ,we sold out for £15 million per year till 2020 the last rugby league tv deal was worth £40 million per year , their highest ever tv ratings were for a hull kr v hull fc which was watched by 150000 approx , the average being just under 100,000 , the average tv view on Scotland us approx 220,000 per game , the recent rugby union aviva deal was worth £38 million per year , their highest ever tv audience was 276,000 , it's pathetic


    You need to get the right people running the game in this country for starters.People who can get better TV deals and sponsorship deals and not like that pathetic ladbrokes one last week paying peanuts.

    That means no Dumbcaster, Rhegan, Topping plus Liewell and his chums.

    Since Rangers left the top division the yahoos have all but taken over appointing their own people in to run things with the aim of keeping the yahoos at the top. The recent yahoo-supporting SFA director was a prime example. Never heard of the guy and he'll achieve the square root of hee-haw at the SFA.

  6. Another wee fact , scottish Sky viewers spend more proportionally than in England , up here 1 in every 14 sky customers paid for sky sports , in England it was 1 in 118 but they get billions spent on the EPL , we get 0.01% of the equivalent spend per year


    Well let's get shot off SKY and get someone else.

    Oh wait wee Roger Mitchell(remember him?) tried that when he was head honcho at the SPL. How did that work out again?

    He even made Dumbcaster & Rhegan look semi-competent

  7. I hate to agree with Topping but this has been a major bug bear of mine for years , the BBC is a publicly funded body and should be accountable , but time after time Englush sport gets massive payout from the Beeb . The Bbc recently shelled out £60 million a year for the tv rights to match of the day , we get less than £2million yet contribute just over 10% of the Beebs funding , English rugby get a very similar disproportionate deal !


    Face facts - Scottish football only has one fixture which can be sold to an audience out side Scotland. And the halfwits who decided to remove Rangers from the top division three years ago need to accept their responsibility for the continuing demise of Scottish football. Topping, Dumbcaster & Rhegan for starters.Then Liewell and his cronies.

    Not long after Rangers got sent to SFL3 the president of La Liga was asked what would happen if either Barcelona or Real Madrid got kicked out the top Division & he said it would never happen purely for commercial reasons alone. Yet we have buffoons who spout their 'sporting integrity' nonsense while the game disintegrates into oblivion.

    FWIW i am no supporter of the BBC but they are absolutely spot on with this to pay what they believe to be the correct market rate for the flawed Scottish football product. If Topping doesnt like their valuation he can always get someone else to replace the BBC. He'll have a long wait

  8. Much ado has been made of this, even though King and Murray actually spelled it out as clearly as they could when they came in. They stated they would rebuild damaged relations with the SFA. He was never going to do anything else but go through the F&P test. Talk of 'storming the palace' with no consideration for the SFA is just plain bonkers.


    Rebuild damaged relations with the SFA ? Did they(along with the SPL) not cause this by instigating the title-stripping & all the rest of the nonsense? And did they assume guilt over the EBT's? And the transfrer embargo ? And what did they do about Whyte?

    Until Rhegan & Liewell are removed from office there can be no rebuilding of relations with this organisation

  9. Is that your response. Dear dear.


    Would you be happy if he didn't get passed?


    He has a lot to live up to would you not agree?

    The unyielding faith a large section of our support seem to have in him amazes me

  10. Why today Rab? Why today when there is a rumour he has passed? You've had shed loads of time to make this point. Answer the question (Yes or No only please) - will you be happy if he is passed?


    I'll be happy if he keeps to his promises.

  11. Is there a particular reason you are taking this view on the day that it looks like he possibly may be passed (if rumours are true)? You wouldn't be preparing to attack King from a different angle by any chance i.e. because he worked with the SFA? After all this is a man whose credentials you have rubbished as long as I can remember, yet you are now saying you would have liked him to ride roughshod over all SFA authority and stormed Ibrox in 'coute de ta' fashion. Strange inconsistency. Are you saying you wanted him in there then?


    Nothing to do with it. I just do not see why he is subject to such SFA scrutiny.I am extremely sceptical of the SFA run by Rhegan.

    And, yes, now you mention it if he passes this FAPP it is time to deliver. Serious investment is needed in the summer.Can he provide it & how much?

  12. FWIW I'm extremely disappointed Murray & King even agreed to this FAPP test by that great upstanding body of honesty & integrity called the SFA(stop laughing) run by the likes of RHegan, Liewell, Petrie etc.

    They should just have taken their places on the board & if the SFA wanted to do anything about it they should have taken them to court.

    Why was Murray subject to this anyway? He had absolutely nothing to do with the administration/liquidation which were the the actions of Whyte alone. Everyone knows that. Even Rhegan who was well aware what Whyte was up to but did nothing whatsoever

  13. Assuming the info is correct, then as der Berliner pointed out, the old Clydesdale Bank deal was worth £2m per year purely for the SPL/Premier League because the old SFL had their own sponsorship deals (latterly Irn-Bru & Bell's before that).


    So, it would look as though the new Ladbrokes SPFL deal is considerably worse than the old SPL & SFL deals combined.


    No Rangers in top division = very poor Sponsorship & TV deals


    Very simples

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