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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. No big news. Would have been a farce if he'd been rejected. Don't forget it was PM who was one of the most vocal in opposing Whyte. Fell on deaf ears unfortunately
  2. If McCulloch is put up front my biggest fear would be he'd get sent off for a flying elbow. He's too slow & immobile to play up front or at the back now.
  3. Here's a couple of wee tIps Stuart: stop playing Lee McCulloch at CB because he can't play there and stop playing Kenny Miller as he isn't scoring enough goals & is well past his best anyway.
  4. What I find amusing about Irish Independence is how many then sought to live & work in the country they sought Independence from i.e. the UK
  5. Any time the English national football team, rugby team, cricket team etc are playing the petty little jacobites are out in their droves vocally supporting the opposition. All SNP'ers I'd bet. And the total lack of respect for the UK national anthem at recent games at Hampden was another example of the hatred shown by these people
  6. Can you seriously imagine what life would be like as a Rangers Supporter living in an independent Scotland with this lot in charge ????? We'd be second class citizens at best. Never understood how any Rangers supporter could vote SNP
  7. No doubt the exact details of any SPFL sponsorship will be top secret just like the TV deal Dumbcaster & Liewell signed in 2012 which we now know was worth peanuts
  8. That's a good point. Never thought of that. I've heard too that SKY are none too happy at the prospect of a top division without Rangers again next season.
  9. Aird needs to be put out on loan next season. He has lost his way at Rangers & needs to get his career back on track. Whether that'll be at Rangers remains to be seen
  10. The same ones that got interviewed when Rhegan got his job.
  11. On the day Whyte acquired Rangers (fraudulently) both PM & AJ highlighted Whyte's business past. So too did Jeff Randall the Telegraph business editor. Why did the SFA do nothing?
  12. Another yahoo at the SFA. Quelle Surprise. Was he recruited by Kevin Reid of Nolan Partners do we know?
  13. And does anyone seriously now believe the SFA didn't know anything about Whyte's business background? Why did they stand back & allow Whyte to take over Rangers whereas King faces something totally different and much harder now?
  14. Not just Fraser Aird, what's happened to Barrie McKay?
  15. Was Sutton ever disciplined for this ?
  16. Because the SFA will take into consideration his 41 tax convictions he pled guilty to. Look if King passes the SFA FAPP test and invests that would be great but I've never been convinced King is the messiah he's been made out to be
  17. I presume you mean pursued. Yes but they still can be pursued within the next 20 years
  18. You really don't get it or don't want to. King entered a plea of guilty in terms of Section 75 but he was sentenced in terms of section 105a of the Criminal Procedures Act. Tax avoidance isn't an offence in South Africa so how could he be convicted if he was not guilty of committing a crime. And these charges were not dropped. This is just another piece of spin put on the judgement by the King fan club. If you read the NPA statement it says "the State decided not to pursue" which is a very different situation. Under the Statute of Limitations the State can resurrect the 300 + criminal charges he faced within the next 20 years and lets not forget some of these charges were fraud, money laundering, racketeering and many more offences.
  19. An easy decision ? We're talking about someone with 40 odd tax convictions with SARS. It is that alone which will decide his fate. I do not think he has a prayer of being allowed to become Rangers chairman unfortunately
  20. Both as a player & manager McCoist must have earned millions from Rangers. He even got a testimonial against Newcastle in 1993 IIRC. If McCoist was the great Rangers man some would have you believe then he would waive his contractual entitlement to help Rangers in our current predicament. That fact he doesnt appear to be doing so tells you all you need to know about him.
  21. How many games was it he went without a win?
  22. He once picked a Rangers team without one recognised midfielder in it. Away to Inverness as I recall. We won 3-2
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