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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. Bit like the African migrant knocking on the captain of HMS Bulwark's door demanding a council flat in Westminster without having the courtesy to thank the captain for saving his/her life......


    What would you rather have Ashley control with onerous contracts and promotion or the current situation ?


    What is the current situation?


    No FD or CEO and delisted from the stock market. Is that good?

    Not to mention we dont yet know who the manager will be for the new season and who will be playing for us.

    Not a lot there to convince everyone everything is ok and we should all renew ST's no questions asked.

    I genuinely hope this current regime can turns things around but so far I have been far from impressed

  2. You,and others, can do as you please as I've already said. I can't remember Rangers fans waiting to see who the manager is before buying a season ticket?,or what players are signed as well?. Right now if Rangers fans don't buy season tickets then maybe you won't get the standard of players you want before buying a season ticket?.

    I believe we have in Kingco Rangers men in charge and that they will do their best for the club,aye!.

    Out of interest when did you last buy a season ticket?


    LOL i am an ST holder.

  3. You could build a decent team on Football Manager with that list! :laugh2:


    Until we know who the manager will be next season and what budgets he will have there is not a lot we can do.

    Will we be paying transfer fees for example? The last player we bought was Templeton. I dont think we can continue with Bosmans

  4. We should buy the maximum season tickets we can for a start


    Without knowing who the manager will be AND who we will be signing there is absolutely no chance of that happening.

    You might have total faith in KingCo others like myself want them to prove themselves first and today did hothing whatsoever in that respect unfortunately for me

  5. Renewal deadline is over 3 weeks away, so your first point would only be an issue if the board make an unpopular manager appointment.


    I would say 2) is every bit as important as 1) if not more important.

    I dont think I could suffer another season watching Kenny Miller & Nicky Clark toiling up front

  6. I feel quite sorry for Stuart McCall because he inherited a team half full of duds and walking mistakes that Ally, Kenny & the magic clipboard had built.


    But why sid he continue to pick the same players who had let McCoist & McDowall down? His team selections and tactics were similar to McCoist's too. They failed for him why were they suddenly going to work for McCall?

    He needed to make radical changes. He didn't and met the same fate as his two predecessors this season.

  7. Once upon a time Guidetti was the calibre of player who would jump at the chance to play for celtic. No longer.

    Now they are being reduced to signing second rate Scottish players and third rate foreigners, because nobody else will want to go there.


    Missing us much, lhads?


    This is a very valid point RPB.

    Who will sign for them and run the risk of not being successful in a third rate league without Rangers in it?

    Look at their recent flop signings & flop loanees such as Boerrigter, Tonev and the Ghanian winger whose name I can't remember.

    Where do they go now? They're all out their way out. Not exactly going to be getting EPL offers are they?

  8. I'd imagine taking into account Stu's ability to turn around the 'feel good factor' along with the feeling when the new board took control that there is no need for change in the managerial department.


    We all want a different approach, a different route for Rangers, a different philosophy, but we don't really need that in Scotland because the game up here is stagnant it's been like that for years. The only difference is Celtic will win it and we wont because of where we are.


    McCoist was a bad manager in our predicament, in hindsight probably the last bloke any club in the world would want in charge of team duties and going for it. A lot of bull served up to us since Walter and co done the same with us though furnished with bucket loads of success.


    I'm trying not to repeat myself here, just cementing my word. Stuart McCall should be given a chance like everyone else has.


    Changing the manager I'm all for, but not for the reasons suggested above. Instant success has never been afforded to McCall like his predecessors. So, IF the board decide to stick with McCall for next season we should all get behind him. That's all.


    McCall was given a chance. He failed miserably with just seven wins out of seventeen.

    His team selections & tactics were infuriating too. Too often when I got to Ibrox towards the end of last season to discover McCulloch was still getting a game at CB & Miller was still up front I genuinely felt like turning round and going home.

    And I'll say it again - had McCall not previously played for Rangers he'd never have got considered. There is nothing I can see in his managerial record that stands out to suggest he will be what we require. He should be thanked for his services for these past three months and wished all the best for the future. No more than that

  9. A "no brainer"? Really? That reads to me that any other considerations\candidates need not apply. I'd rather we weighed up all candidates and made the best choice given the information at the time. No managerial appointment is ever a "no brainer", even at Real Madrid. It's a hunch and a hope given the information before you. Even then it often goes horribly wrong. Paul Le Guen was the nearest thing to a 'no brainer' I can ever remember at our Club, and the rest is history.


    Any managerial appointment will not be without risk.

    When you consider all of the names that have been mentioned I believe Warburton should be the clear favourite.

  10. Warburton certainly ticks more boxes than most IMO. His contacts in the game down south are one of the main reasons I'd like to see him & Davie Weir get the job.

    If they got the job I'd imagine we'd have a number of EPL loan signings who'd be a vast improvement on the SPL dross we've been watching these past few years. We'd stroll the Championship with them & would be ready to mount a challenge to the yahoos with these better calibre players when we went up.

  11. I'm afraid that in the short term this board has more to worry them than pulling up each yahoo tooting his own form of bile.

    It will be left to the D'Arts of this world for the short term, to push out the barge and defend our club.

    Maybe next season, eh?


    Yes probably next season. I hope we've a high profile CEO and a first team manager who has significantly improved things on the park.Let's hope that's not too much to ask.

  12. Rangers blundered into an elephant trap and now all the pygmies are dancing round the pit with poisoned arrows. They're loving it.


    After this EGM one thing this board must do is appoint a high profile CEO who will not be afraid to confront the constant stream of lies and deliberate inaccuracies from our enemies whose aim is as always to besmirch Rangers in whatever way possible.

  13. Wotte brought into the club in what capacity? How would Wotte restructure the club?


    I'm sorry but we need to get to specifics. He would need to have a specific job and the effectiveness of how he did that job would need to be measured. We cannot simply be seen to be handing out jobs to anyone passing. FWIW I'm not entirely convinced he did that great a job at the SFA

  14. What has he achieved in management that makes him worthy of even getting a second glance? Who were these best players that left last summer by the way?


    I'll ask the question again - would McCall even get considered for the job had he not played for Rangers?

    His managerial record speaks for itself. It is mediocre at best. We need to aim for better than that.

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