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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. You just need to look at attendances at games in the bottom two divisions to see these clubs are senior clubs in name only. They should join the juniors and amateurs
  2. And is 42 SPFL teams not far too many for a country the size of Scotland? Would it not be better to have about half that figure in two divisions?
  3. Bigger countries have more bigger clubs hence they can have 18 or 20 club leagues. However smaller countries like ours do not have many big clubs hence smaller league sizes.Back in 1975 when the old 10 club premier division started the main reason for this was to get rid off the number of meaningless games we had in the old 18 club first division.I'm not convinced going back to an 18 club top flight would be a good idea for that reason alone
  4. Would anyone be in the least bit interested in the middle section?
  5. After 2012 when the SFA were imposing illegal transfer embargos on Rangers, trying to strip titles to help Rangers greatest rivals until LNS booted that into touch and assuming guilt over the BTC do we really consider the SFA to be 'fit and proper' ? And after standing back & allowing Whyte to get Rangers did the SFA genuinely think they could say no to King?
  6. Wasnt this 2 leagues of 12 going to 3 leagues of 8 nonsense ditched in either Switzerland or Austria because it created too many meaningless games? Let's face it, the only thing which will improve Scottish football is the return of a strong Rangers to its top division.
  7. One does wonder if the anti-Rangers pond-life which inhabits the scottish mhedia will ever drop their 'liquidated club' nonsense.
  8. All contracts were TUPE'd over from oldco to newco. Contracts werent terminated
  9. Decorating a bedroom in the house. I checked both games on teletext after about 60 minutes and both us & the yahoos were winning 1-0. I thought that was it more or less and went back to the painting thinking they'd become champions & our result didnt matter. However I decided to look at the results again half an hour later on teletext. Ours was still 1-0 and just at that very moment theirs changed to Motherwell 2 celt@c 1 with 'scorer to follow' . It was unbelievable. I ran downstairs and put on Radio Scotland which went straight to Easter Road and you could hardly hear a word being said due to the noise from the jubilant bears in the background. I went out that night and had the most beautiful hangover ever the next day. The sheer look on the yahoos faces that day will stay with me forever. And the decorating had to wait til the following weekend to get finished....
  10. 'In our darkest hour Ally McCoist showed loyalty'. LOL Where else could he have gone & got the exorbitant salary Rangers were paying him? Who else would be so daft? He was useless as a manager & got found out.
  11. It's called 'Jobs for the Boys'. Rangers is & always has been rife with this. If you're a 'Rangers man' then you get the job regardless of whether there's someone better. Classic example was McCoist becoming Rangers manager. No one would seriously suggest he was best candidate would they?
  12. And we get people on here saying put these youngsters in our first team............................
  13. McCoist now showing his true colours.All that talk about not walking away in 2012 was only ever about one thing - MONEY. He got found out big style as a manager and is now determined to get every last penny out of Rangers from an exorbitant contract he should never have got in the first place.He will never get another manager's job anywhere and he knows it.And the TV career's over too probably. Great Rangers man ? No longer in my book he's not unless he does as King not unreasonably requests him to do in respect of the money he's earned from Rangers over the years.
  14. The biggest decision which lies ahead for King, Murray, Gilligan & Park is the first team manager's appointment. They simply must not get it wrong. Whoever gets it will have the responsibility or bringing in half a dozen or so new players in the summer. They must all be of a standard which can drastically improve the team. No easy feat.
  15. PM & AJ were certainly definitive at the time IIRC
  16. Whether it was in place or not their inaction is something I will never be able to comprehend. They were well warned about Whyte & did nothing
  17. Pity they didn't use it before Whyte got Rangers then. Or did they deliberately not apply it to Whyte? After all the SFA were well-warned about Whyte were they not?
  18. And of course he never got anything in return from a serving ROI PM did he? Nothing at all Someone also told me there's a club being investigated by Audit Scotland at the moment? Surely not! Something about a training ground
  19. The SFA could not prevent King sitting on the Rangers board because had they refused him he'd have pursued them in a court of law and almost certainly he'd have won.I congratulate him on his appointment. I hope we can now move on and rebuild Rangers as he says. Big decisions lie ahead for sure. The team manager's position needs sorted out and the quality of the first team squad needs drastically improved from what we've currently got. That will take serious money to do so. I hope Mr King honours his promises and can provide that funding because Rangers need to start getting things right both on and off the park if we're to have any chance of returning to where we ought to be which is not outside the top tier of Scottish football
  20. His tactics are also awful at times. When we play teams going 3-5-2 we need to match their 5 in MF otherwise we can get outnumbered & over run in MF. Yesterday we were back to the old tried & failed 4-4-2 with two strikers up front who were both absolutely dreadful and should both have been subbed long before the end. hibz will probably play 3-5-2 on wednesday. McCall must be prepared for that and set out his tactics accordingly
  21. Astonishing we're discussing Vuckic. Just how bad were Clark & Miller today? Both truly awful. Clark's control is non existent & constantly loses possession. Miller is player well past his best who should be nowhere the first team. Both of them must be ditched for wednesday.
  22. The idea that the BBC are under-paying for its SPFL coverage is just laughable
  23. We need to build bridges with all the major clubs in this country & convince them to ditch Liewell and his appointed placemen such as Rhegan, Dumbcaster, Topping etc.
  24. You need to get the right people running the game in this country for starters.People who can get better TV deals and sponsorship deals and not like that pathetic ladbrokes one last week paying peanuts. That means no Dumbcaster, Rhegan, Topping plus Liewell and his chums. Since Rangers left the top division the yahoos have all but taken over appointing their own people in to run things with the aim of keeping the yahoos at the top. The recent yahoo-supporting SFA director was a prime example. Never heard of the guy and he'll achieve the square root of hee-haw at the SFA.
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