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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. I don't mean to dampen today's good vibes, but that is scandalous. Whoever gave that lad a contract till 2018 needs their baws toed.


    When Aird came into the first team in SFL3 I thought he looked a decent prospect but he's totally gone backwards and should be nowhere near the first team now. He now needs to go out on loan somewhere to get gametime.

  2. I suppose it is how you look at it. For me it says clearly they were liquidating Rangers because it was the only way they could investigate the person responsible for our financial affairs, At that moment that was Whyte. It could be that he also meant Murray but the fact remains we were Liquidated so as an investigation could be made and that was my point. It is crazy to me that you can't allow a company a CVA and investigate it at the same time.


    The only person guilty of wrongdoing was Whyte by with holding employees PAYE/NI deductions. Yet HMRC allowed this to go on for the best part of six months. Why?

    HMRC's actions have always looked deliberate to me. They deliberately allowed Whyte to get control of Rangers(despite the fact he already owed them millions) then deliberately allowed him to run up even more tax arrears.

    Throw in the fictitious EBT tax bill and you have an organisation which clearly had an agenda. Whose agenda may I ask? I think we know the answer

  3. No, the intent of HMRC was to recover the monies which they were owed by RFC, not Craig Whyte. If prior to February 2012 Whyte had sent them the total that you claimed he owed, Rangers would still have suffered the same fate.


    HMRC's guidelines on CVAs are quite clear. They will not support proposals put forward by companies with a history of poor compliance and late payments. The ongoing disputes from the time of SDM helped lead to the failure of the Voluntary Arrangement.


    HMRC should never have been allowed to reject the CVA. Without the BTC they were not the main creditor and they subsequently lost the BTC

  4. I strongly believe we need to accept an element of risk in this appointment.

    It would be very easy to appoint the likes of McCall or McInnes and stay in our comfort zone but I don't think that would take us much further forward from where we are now.

    Warburton has successfully managed & coached in the lower leagues in England which are far tougher than anything we have in this country of ours. It is that record which I believe should get him appointed and hopefully he'll be given full backing to make the sweeping changes we so badly need in throughout the antiquated football set-up we currently have.

  5. Snakes squirm and slither away, and Whyte was good at that.

    Read the Record article - " HMRC had instructed debt enforcers to chase Whyte with a bill for almost £4million and threaten him with bankruptcy in May 2011 - the same month that he bought Rangers."

    I guess not paying taxes on your own income is one thing, but to not pay the deductions taken from staff is probably worse in the crime stakes.


    The part I simply cannot believe was when HMRC implied that they didnt know Whyte was back in the country when he emerged six months before he got Rangers. Do they expect us to believe that? It seems to me they deliberately did nothing. Were they told to do so? If so by whom?

  6. Its official. Septic are the most bigoted clyb in scotland.


    And there is no political will to tackle this problem. Just lie, deflect & deny as has always been the case.


    What concerns me is that I do not think the current situation is sustainable longterm. Our lot will wake up & come to their senses and belatedly realise they're getting truly shafted by people who genuinely hate them.

  7. It would be great if one Bluenose SMP would use his rights and look into the stuff ...


    Unfortunately in this vile country bluenose MSP's are about as rare as hobby horse sh@t......

    Any bluenose MSP probably keeps it low key in fear of any backlash from the you-know-whos.

    Same for MPs,MEPs & councillors too

  8. Whoever the new manager is, one of his first tasks, as well as recruiting players, will be to tell a number of the first team squad he will have inherited that they are not part of his plans & they should find a new club.

    Of course that won't be easy mainly due to the ridiculous salaries McCoist gave them but we can only hope.

  9. If you read the articles the intent of HMRC was to nail Whyte. The total money owed on the WTC and by Whyte's non-payment of tax and NI premiums, is almost superfluous to their intent of chasing down Whyte. Apparently if they force liquidation they can have a better chance of prosecuting Whyte than they do if they accepted the CVA.

    Rangers operated a tax avoidance scheme for two former players, Tore Andre Flo and Ronald De Boer, between 2000-01 and 2002-03 known as a 'Discounted Options Scheme' - commonly referred to as the "Wee Tax Case". HMRC issued Rangers with a bill of about £4m for outstanding amounts owed from the discounted options tax scheme, which was settled, but was not paid.

    As you know the BTC was against Murray/MIH and they were waiting for a verdict from the FTT when the liquidation occurred. A complete non-influence on the rejection of the CVA and subsequent liquidation.


    If HMRC wanted to nail Whyte they could have done so before he got Rangers. They didnt. Why not?

  10. I am not a Mcall fan but your post is a bit unfair. He had the same crap players but did manage to lift them a level. The negative for me was his crazy full defensive substitutes. I didn't want him coming in and that hasn't changed.


    And speaking to a Motherwell supporter at work this seemed to be something McCall often tried to do i.e. Defending a lead with defensive substitutions

  11. HMRC never really wanted Rangers. They were purely after Whyte. They looked upon Rangers as just another club who would survive and come back debt-free.

    They were always after Whyte. Read the Telegraph first, then read the trail in the Record. They wanted to nail Whyte and we were just so much colateral damage.


    "The tax authority forced Rangers into administration in February over millions of pounds of unpaid tax under Craig Whyte and could also pursue former owner Sir David Murray over a tax case, which could result in a £75million bill.

    A statement from the tax authority read: "A liquidation provides the best opportunity to protect taxpayers, by allowing the potential investigation and pursuit of possible claims against those responsible for the company's financial affairs in recent years."




    Unfortunately I do not believe a word of what HMRC say. Whyte took over in May 2011 but emerged as a potential buyer about six months previously IIRC. He was allegedly looking thro the books(aye right)

    We have since learned that Whyte already owed HMRC about 3million in taxes prior to him getting Rangers.So why did HMRC just sit back & allow him to take over Rangers ? If they were so concerned why let him run up even more tax than he already owed HMRC? HMRC then laughably claimed they didnt know Whyte was back in the country when he emerged six months before he got Rangers. Who's kidding who here? Dont they talk to UKborder control? Or are they not as competent as the Mexican authorities who arrested Whyte last year as he tried to sneak back to Costa Rica?

    Nope IMO HMRC were manipulated by poltical influence to try & financially destroy Rangers by firstly inventing a BTC to deter reputable buyers and secondly allowing Whyte to take over and cause even more carnage. A certain gentleman who presided as east end chairman now sitting in the lords is my main suspect. Ibelieve in the fullness of time this will all come out.

  12. Could be some party on the 12th July!


    Regards HMRC losing at the Court of Session ?

    Is the next stage not then the Court of Appeal?

    Assuming they go that far with this nonsense. They've lost. Just can't accept it in case the whole story then comes out

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