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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. If Lee McCulloch wants to become a coach let him prove himself elsewhere before he comes back to Rangers in such a role.

    He is widely perceived to have over-stayed his playing career at Rangers and earned himself millions he'd be unlikely to have got anywhere else.

    It would be an act of utter folly were this to happen. Or is this perhaps some yahoo-journos attempting to put out a negative story about Rangers?

  2. Why would any decent person buy or read the Sun


    Sensible people don't buy these rhags but I'd imagine the type of person who'd buy the Sun would need to get someone to read it to them

  3. These people thrive on reaction. If they don't get reaction then they will give up. A CEO has better things to do than write letters everyday to every deluded tim.Yes we have to react sometimes but they will continue to spout there pish no matter how many letters anyone writes. As long as they are only getting through to the rabid converted then then the best action is no reaction.


    As I've said previously the 'dignified silence' approach has been tried & failed.

  4. You want the Rangers CEO to trawl Twitter and Facebook so that he can call people names? That idea makes your Reid / Kane / Fullerton / CIA / Boy Scouts conspiracy seem reasonable.


    Is that not better than a dignified silence ?

  5. Next time some rabid yahoo starts spouting off about Rangers being a new club, wouldnt it be good if we had a robust CEO calling these people an 'uneducated social underclass' or something ? Can you imagine the furore that would cause amongst them ????

  6. You'd think by now most of us would realise that the 'dignified silence' simply doesnt work.

    And the likes of McGillivan, Haggerty,Brennan etc take full advantage of this

  7. But indirectly you would feel his effect, he would be shaping things said about our club. He feeds Radio Snydede, BBCeltland and Spiers and co, he gives them ammo that they can hardly wait to use; he spreads lies about or club far and wide so that our fans are thought of as he depicts them. you may not see his name but you would feel the influence


    Exactly. Lies & false accusations must not be left unchallenged.

    That is where a strong, robust CEO earns his corn. Use litigation if necessary. A lie told often enough can become a truth. Many yahoos still think we cheated using EBT's despite the LTTT & UTTT victories & LNS ruling.

  8. They were/are just one very small cog in a much longer chain of events.


    Of course Phil and the RTC blogger think they brought down Rangers. But, actually, it was the banking crisis of 2007 onwards, the tax scheme hubris of SDM and the lack of SFA club ownership fail-safes that really caused the club's near demise.


    Not to mention the inability of Rangers supporters and their club to work together to tackle the various problems we did (and still) have. A lesson some are still clearly unwilling to learn from now.


    Useful idiots but dangerous ones nevertheless IMO.


    Just who was the RTC blogger? Was his/her identity ever revealed?

  9. Honestly, if I didn't hear about Phil's activities from bears, I wouldn't know about them. Yes, he gets a bit of mainstream publicity now and again but it's easily dismissed by any sensible observer. The rest you won't change their mind anyway.


    I'm not saying he's harmless or that we should ignore him all of the time - just that, occasionally and for the most part, we are the ones increasing his notoriety by highlighting and discussing his nonsense.


    The same goes for Bill McMurdo. He has absolutely nothing to offer - his writing is poor, his fan group only has a few dozen interested people and he has absolutely no inside info on the club other than the obvious spin he's paid to release.


    You only put a fire out by starving it of oxygen. Instead, with these two of late, we're the ones chucking in fuel.


    To our enemies & detractors who were trying to shut us down for good in 2012 the likes of McGillivan were invaluable.

  10. I appreciate the time taken to provide some background to this individual called Phil. At first, I thought that I might be naive not to know of him but now I feel glad that I had no knowledge of the guy. He is obviously a despicable individual. I must confess to still being puzzled at devoting time and space to someone like him. Does he really carry much influence outside of people who are as unpleasant as he seems to be?


    His absolute hatred of everything to do with Rangers is clearly evident. To me he clearly crosses a line so often I simply cannot comprehend how he evades the long arm of the law without some sort of assistance from somewhere.

    His tactics are often to put out a lie often enough that people will start to believe it. The 'new club' nonsense is one such example whereby despite all the rulings from people and organisations whose opinions matter stating we're not a new club he will continue to state the opposite.

    My own view to deal with the likes of McGillivan is that we should have got ourselves a high profile CEO not afraid to pick fights with these types of individuals & organisations when they overstep the mark & make these accusations. I'm sorry but the recent MD appointment of Stewart Robertson doesnt seem to me to be the type to do that. I'd have gone for someone like Gordon McKie

  11. All I want to know is how McGillivan (and his chum haggerty too for that matter) seem to be able to write all sorts of offensive articles about Rangers and its support without, it would appear, any fear of prosecution.

    Had some of these articles been written about racial or ethnic groups they'd have been up in front of a court long ago.

    Are they being shielded by someone high up in the Scottish judiciary?

  12. I would keep Clark....


    How can a player go from banging in goals for fun @ QoS, to struggling to even get on the bench in the space of a season. Was he simply bought to eliminate/reduce the threat of QoS???

    I think with the right player & structure around him, he could flourish into a decent player.


    you'd keep him based on what he did three seasons ago before he joined us ???

    Seriously Clark is truly awful & has never looked like repeating the number of goals he got for QOS in that one season

  13. Still a long way to go until the squad can be deemed sufficient never mind good.


    Still weaker than last year and that takes some doing! Hopefully see a lot of movement over the next two weeks or the tough start we have will be hard to watch.


    Agree with Warburton when he says we cannot rush into buys but its also his job to ensure we are ready for the start of the season. Ready seems a long way away still.


    Who we get to play up front will go a long way to determining how well we do next season.

    Boyd & Daly have gone and I'd like to see Miller & Clark join them. They should play no part next season and must be replaced before the start

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