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Posts posted by RANGERRAB

  1. It is quite clear the verdict will be in Rangers favour again but the real issue in all of this is who initiated all of this and why. It is these individuals who need to be exposed and why they did this.

  2. Yes both were.


    Was this phil's main source of income? Mediahouse were paying him to put out the anti-rangers stuff in his blog?

    He purported to be a journalist didnt he but had never been employed by anyone as such had he?

  3. You've really contradicted yourself there on the subject of qualification for Europe Rab. More importantly (for now) though, signing 11 players on loan would be pretty daft. One, two, three players on loan is absolutely fine, but signing XI players on loan in this transfer window wouldn't be a balanced or prudent approach to building the squad or achieving the Club's goals.


    But as I said promotion is top priority by whatever means. Whatever needs to be done for the season after next is for next summer.

    However all of this may be irrelevent if(as I expect) reconstruction rears its head again next season.

  4. Promotion is our number one priority next season followed by the SC for EL entry.

    Quite honestly I dont think it matters if we have eleven loan signings so long as these are achieved. The season after next will be taken care of next summer when we plan/rebuild for the top flight and hopefully our return to Europe

  5. Building the squad is going to be an ongoing process anyway, especially when you consider that as things currently stand we've got at least 10 players who'll be out of contract next June. It remains to be seen how many of those players Mark Warburton decides are worth keeping.


    I doubt if anyone out of contract at the end of next season will be kept. If anything I think they'll be encouraged to find new clubs now

  6. You do realize that the inclusion, or omission, from items in a company's accounts does not necessarily make them legal, right ?


    Well they weren't exactly under-the-counter payments being given to Rangers employees as yahoos would have you believe. They were above board and a perfectly legal form of tax avoidance via a loophole later closed by George Osborne

  7. It wasn't perfectly legal. The non-disclosure to the SFA broke the rules, hence the £250k fine. The possible stripping of titles wasn't centred around unpaid taxes, it could have occurred had it been shown that the use of EBTs had resulted in an unfair advantage on the field of play. Lord Nimmo Smith's ruling put paid to that. Two distinct cases.


    I fail to see what the inane ramblings of the morally bankrupt Michael Kelly (and it was on STV's Scotland Tonight, by the way) have to do with anything other than your need to introduce a Celtic link into nearly every one of your posts.


    The EBT's were included in Rangers audited accounts every year. In that sense they were legal. Did either the SFA or SPL not look at these accounts & think to question who or what these EBT's were for?

    And if ur looking for payments not included in registered contracts are the SFA saying this was the only one of its kind? How about the six figure sum paid to McNamara following the two players sold to the yahoos at the start of this year. Is that included in his contract registered with the SFA? Just one such example of course.

    And the 'celtic link' in this case is obvious is it not?

  8. Did you forget that it's merely a liquidated company which is in court? Remember all that angst about club and company being separate entities?


    It is a company which is in a liquidation process. It hasnt been liquidated yet and won't be for ten years or more probably.


    I don't share the view the BTC is meaningless because it's oldco. We were supposed to have cheated by using EBT's to get players we couldnt otherwise have afforded.

    Who can forget the vile Michael Kelly on BBC2 Newsnight demanding titles should be stripped because of alleged taxes due ?

    Now it's been proved to have been perfectly legal it is a pure joy watching people like Kelly getting proved wrong. Sadly it doesn't look like we'll ever get an apology from them though. Their bitterness and bigotry will see to that unfortunately.

  9. If they win then they have a precedent and can then chase the likes of Arsenal and all the other clubs that used them. That is what this is about.


    Haven't they already settled with Arsenal?

    Why were Arsenal allowed a settlement and we weren't? That's what this is all about too.

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