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Everything posted by RANGERRAB

  1. He hasn't exceeded his allowed percentage Rangers ownership has he? This fine was for installing Llambias & Leach
  2. Yes I'd agree. We must improve the quality of the squad for starters. Up front is where the real problems were last season with none of the strikers able to get a decent amount of goals
  3. I dont think that is correct. We can qualify for the EL next season by winning the SC (or at least getting to the final). Newco will have produced three sets of audited accounts by then
  4. Whyte was effectively running Rangers on his own so he was responsible
  5. Why did HMRC allow Whyte to go on as long as he did without paying?
  6. Other than the £72m for EBT's where does the rest of HMRC's claim come from ? that's £22.4m. Whyte only owed around £9m in unpaid PAYE/NI did he not?
  7. We need a much higher profile CEO/MD. Someone prepared to fight our corner against the incessant barrage of deliberate lies and misleading information about Rangers. I hope I'm wrong but I dont see Stewart Robertson doing that.
  8. Let him explain himself then. He must be asked the question
  9. LOL. Law didn't have any influence on their vote. Robertson might have. Needs to explain himself
  10. If Stewart Robertson was with Motherwell when they voted us out the SPL then he should never have got this appointment.
  11. Of course they did. All ten of them no doubt. Just like the other nine clubs (Killie abstained) Motherwell voted us out the SPL on presumption of guilt on the BTC but probably won't admit it. And Stewart Robertson was with Motherwell at that time was he? And no doubt fell for Rhegan's nonsense about going to SFL1 for one season. Not going to be a great start for this guy if this is true
  12. Surely he wasn't with Motherwell when they chose to vote us out the SPL?
  13. That was due to the appointments of Llambias & Leach was it not? Ashley is not above his allowed percentage shareholding in RIFC plc
  14. Ashley isn't breaching the SFA's dual ownership rules is he? He is below the stipulated 10%
  15. As I said earlier SDoW will improve him. No brainer for me if he signs but understand no done deal yet only talks scheduled
  16. Seemingly talks scheduled but far from done deal
  17. Wilson's a no brainer for me. He's only 23 and better than anyone we've already got. We conceded far too many goals last season so something had to be done SDoW will make him an even better player I'm sure.
  18. So what happens now following Friday's EGM? Surely the biggest non-event ever
  19. When Aird came into the first team in SFL3 I thought he looked a decent prospect but he's totally gone backwards and should be nowhere near the first team now. He now needs to go out on loan somewhere to get gametime.
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